

"oh you just drove past my apartment" Emma voiced out receiving no reply she repeated the comment the second and third time and she still got no reply... that was when adrenaline rushed through her she thought of many bad possibilities which made her so scared 'what's going on... What if he is an imposter.... am I being kidnapped ' Emma screamed in her mind...she could feel cold sweat dripping from her forehead As if Alex could read her mind "Calm down I'm not an imposter" he said with his eyes closed Hearing what he said Emma felt a bit calm " where are you taking me to" she asked "the court house" Alex stated simply "and if I may ask, why do we need to go to the court house," she asked After a few seconds, Alex opened his eyes and leaned towards her Their faces were only inches apart "let's get married" Alex said with a smirk making Emma's eyes widen in shock

Pink_Pop_6174 · Fantasy
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38 Chs


I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow. When there's that moment of "Wow, I'm not sure I can do this," and you push through those moments, that's when you have a breakthrough. — Marissa Mayer


"before your dad disappeared we both worked at a big company and we were paid so well ... So we decided to save up for your future so that you can live a comfortable life and as a result of your father's continuous savings he was able to buy two houses and we didn't just hey the money by working in that company we also did many part-time jobs and online jobs so we were able to raise that sum " Elizabeth looked at Emma's surprised expression and continued

"and this house is one of the houses he bought under my name, and I saved my money because I knew that you are gonna need it one day, I have been saving it for a day like this and now I want to give the other house to you, although it's not close to where you work, I'll give you 250 thousand dollars so that you can buy a car" Elizabeth said

"thank you mum" Emma said and hugged her mum

"I can accept the house but I can't accept 250 thousand dollars, I just need one hundred thousand dollars and as for the car it can be purchased with only forty-five thousand dollars, so mum you can keep the remaining money," Emma said releasing Elizabeth from her grasp

"no dear, okay why don't we do it like this, you'll take two hundred thousand dollars

And I'll keep the remaining money" Elizabeth said

"no Mum that's not right I'm gonna start working and I'll make more money and you need money for food and other things Mom so I will take only 100 dollars and you keep the remaining money you have done so much for me Mum You have to accept this or I won't work," Emma said with hesitation

"you silly child how dare you say that you won't work after all the hard work you want to give up your dreams ?" Elizabeth said and was about to hit Emma

"ok ok you win I'll keep the money but don't you dare say that you will give up your dreams child" Elizabeth added cupping Emma's cheeks

"I won't mum I still have a goal and that is to make you the richest woman in the world," Emma said

"silly girl " Elizabeth laughed with tears in her eyes looking at her dear daughter

"Mum you're the best" Emma added

"I know I'm the best and you are the best daughter ever" Elizabeth smiled

"OK I have to get prepared," Elizabeth said standing up from the couch

"where are you going to mum" Emma asked

"Are we not going to buy your new car, register the house under your name, and clean the house? oh my gosh I had no idea that we have so many things to do" Elizabeth said and ran into the bedroom to get prepared

"Mum calm down, it's still 10:15 am so we can finish on time, there is no need to rush" Emma chuckled


A few minutes later, Emma and Elizabeth left the house together.

They went to the car company to purchase a car first and since Emma already had her driver's license, she could drive

So they made the necessary documents for the car and left in it.

Afterwards, they went to Elizabeth's lawyer to collect the house documents, Elizabeth already called the lawyer beforehand so the documents were ready when they arrived. So Emma and Elizabeth just needed to sign the documents, which they did.

After leaving the lawyer's office they headed to the grocery store and they bought foodstuffs before going to Emma's new apartment.

They cleaned up the house, packed groceries into the freezer, and when they were sure that everything was ready they left.


When they got back home, it was already 4:00 in the evening

"so Emma since we still have some time why don't we pack your bags and take them to the apartment," Elizabeth said

"Mum it seems like you're in a hurry to send me away" Emma said jokingly

"no dear, I'm letting you go with a heavy heart, but what can I do, it's for your good sweetie" Elizabeth said and hugged Emma

"don't worry mum I'll be visiting you every day after work" Emma said in Elizabeth's embrace

"no sweetie don't worry about me and just focus on your work, you can visit me on weekends" Elizabeth coaxed

"Okay mum, if you say so," Emma said

"Now let's go and pack your bags," Elizabeth said

Packing Emma's bags took up to an hour, and since they still had time they took it to the apartment.

It took thirty minutes for the duo to get to Emma's apartment so by the time they got there it was already 5:30 pm so they began to put her clothes inside the wardrobe. After doing everything they needed to do, they went home

"what would I do without you mum?" Emma said looking at her mum with teary eyes

"I'll always be here for you sweetie"

Elizabeth said and they went home together

"Mum since it took thirty minutes for us to get here, it will take thirty minutes for me to get to sparkling beauty from my apartment"

Emma said receiving a nod from Elizabeth

"so I won't be coming back home tomorrow, I'll go to my apartment from work" Emma said

Hearing that Elizabeth became emotional and hugged Emma

"I'm starting to feel that I shouldn't let you go you know?" Elizabeth said hugging Emma

"You're not letting me go Mum and I'll never let you go..... I love you Mom" Emma said reciprocating the hug

"I love you more my sweet sweet daughter"

Elizabeth said cuddling Emma tightly

"I love you most" Emma retorted

"hmm... I know I know my dear daughter loves me the most" Elizabeth supported and Emma gave her a satisfied smile

Elizabeth and Emma went to the room afterwards so they were ready to sleep by 8:00 that night

"It's been a busy day" Emma sighed climbing onto the bed

"Remember what I always say Emma, early to bed, early to rise" Elizabeth said cuddling Emma

"yes Mum, that has been your slogan ever since I was in grade one" Emma replied with sleepy eyes

"I love you, Mum," Emma said

"I love you too sweetie, now go to sleep" Elizabeth said and cuddled Emma more

and after a few minutes, the mother and daughter went into deep sleep.

You may not find the story as captivating now but I assure you that the story has been planned out and very soon the story will be out of your expectations so please don't leave and stick with me....XOXO

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