
Chapter Four

I awaken to the first day of no school, Foldy in my arms, the peaceful sway of the trees outside. I smile and bury my face in his soft, red fur on his neck. He protectively nuzzled the tip of his nose on my shoulder. I pat behind his ear, then shuddered at the sudden temperature drop. I forgot it was getting colder, I slowly got out of bed, tempted to pull the covers with me. Even Foldy was shivering and nuzzling his body into the warm spot I left on my pillow. I step into my small walk-in closet to pull out some Stitch pajama pants, yes, as a kid I did enjoy Stitch. I take off my Panda Shorts and neatly tuck them off on a shelf. Stuck on the pants, also wearing some soft robe. Foldy sniffed my clothes, before playing with the dangling piece of the robe's string. I chuckle, stepping downstairs to get the mail. I open the door to get hit with a Strawberry and Honeydew scent. I was face-to-face with a man slightly taller than me, I saw his eyes flash a sudden pitch black. Was I dreaming?


??'s POV

I step from door to door, giving people packages or their mail. I got a phone call from my best friend, and answered, pulling out a wireless earpiece to settle it on my ear as I walk around the corner with more trees blanketed behind the houses, brown and red leaves twirl around to land gently.

"You know you should've tried being an Uber." His voice rang, I chuckle "I'd rather be a mailman. This'll be easier, going from place to place to find her." There was silence before he huffed "But that might take months, maybe even ye-"

"Shush!" I quickly said, my nose twitched at an abnormal smell, rather than the fresh air. I stand still, lowering my scarf to smell the crispy air. A strong vanilla and mint scent hit me hard. She was close. I start my way to a blue house that looked old. Slowly, I went up the steps as if I might disturb the person inside. "I'll be right back,"I whisper to the mic and he responded with a hum, hanging up. I reach up to knock, but they already answer wearing a robe with a hoodie. My hand dropped and I take in all the sweet-smelling scent. She was beautiful. Having dark cinnamon eyes, and light chocolate skin while her hair was a jet black, and she loosely let it hand parted which gave her a sleepyhead expression. I stare at her pink lips, hypnotized. Before she shifted, which made me snap out of my daze.

I meet her eyes again, she was surprised. She seemed to be amazed by the immediate pull of the bond. "Mine." My voice said, not moving by my body but by instinct. She stepped back, slightly closing the door "What?- I-I think you have the wrong per-" I stopped her by stepping closer into her doorway. "Pack your stuff, you're coming with me."


Rory's POV

I frown, confused at the person standing in front of me, he wanted me to go with him? What type of kidnapping is this? "N-no! What do you want? I think you have the wrong person-" I refused to step back more so he wouldn't walk in completely. Foldy came running down, before sniffing the person, then growling with protection and possessiveness. The man looked down at Foldy, disrespecting him by kicking him in the underbelly. Foldy yelped and nipped at the person's pants. I glare and pick Foldy up, hugging him close while he buried his face in the closest thing that could hide him which was my robe.

"I'm definitely not going with you! And that's final! I don't even know you, or know your name." I tried closing the door again, he visibly panicked and clasped the door, prying it back open "Wait- wait! I'm sorry! But i'm not from a-around here, could I at least stay the night? It's gonna rain — but i'll be gone when you wake up-" he quickly said. I soften and frown, looking back outside then my house. I grip the door, I wasn't mean like that, but he is a complete stranger that threatened me to go with him and kicked Foldy. That isn't a good first impression, then ask for care. I was frustrated, but leaving him in the rain is a horrible thing to do.

"Fine." I say, and open the door hesitantly, he slowly took a step in, whispering a soft "Thank you," then walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. I quietly close the door, locking it. Behind it, the rain had come pouring endlessly. I take a quick glance to the man adjusting himself to lay there, sitting up. Somehow.

I hoist Foldy back up and hug him close to my chest, I make my way up my steps, glancing back at him as the random person sitting on my couch slowly had fallen asleep. Soon after I gotten to the last step Foldy had whimpered, I nodded. "I know, I know. I don't like him either."

But deep down, somehow, in someway, I didn't understand a feeling. A feeling that I try to ignore, that I did enjoy his presence.

Tell me if there's grammar errors or misspelling, I'm excited about going to see Frozen II with my aunt, so I'm happy. Are you going?

Also, happy early Thanksgiving!



PastrySnakecreators' thoughts