
Chapter Five

I read The Silver Eyes quietly, with Foldy at my feet, grooming my ankles kindly. I close my eyes for a brief second, after the man downstairs came inside i've been all squeamish. I seem to just couldn't sit down, or fight the urge to go see what he's doing. I didn't like whatever he brung with him, because it's making me very uncomfortable how he can have me worry so much about him, yet I didn't even know him. I decide to calm my nerves, closing my eyes again and taking in my surroundings outside.




Pine flicks again window.

Water against window.


Scurrying of animals.

Pitter-patter of rain.


Peace. . .



I open my eyes. "What?" I almost say out loud. Foldy had stopped grooming me all of a sudden, his ears perked, aiming towards the door. I stood slowly, walking to the door so quietly for a second I thought I wasn't touching the ground. I reach for the dull, brown doorknob, yanking it open.

There I stood, face-to-face with him. We were so close, I could feel his breathing hitch in his throat, caught red-handed, I was absolutely pissed he was watching me from the other side of my door. I knew he saw a fire light in my eyes because he took a step back, slightly paling. "What are you doing listening to me on the other side of my room!? I thought you wanted to sleep!?" I hiss, venom mixed with my words that already seeped poison. "I..I um..I wanted to a-ask if I c-c-could have some tea—" I frown, glaring. "Fine.." I mutter, spontaneously trusting him. I go to close the door, but he caught it again, having a habit of that, I just noticed "I could make you some tea, a-as a sorry—" he quickly said. "Fine." I said again automatically. I left the door cracked a bit.

I sat down, visibly irritated. Foldy carefully sneaked to me, like any sudden jerk or movement could cause me to snap. I look at him, he stared back. I registered my tense figure. Sighing slowly, I set my palm down, beckoning him over "C'mere." In which he responded immediately with him scurrying over to me, then he tucked his frontal legs under his chest, settling his jaw on my stomach. His ears lowered awkwardly, I coo "Aw, I love you." Which made him wiggle in his spot, pleased. Not even a few minutes later, my spying guest gingerly knocked on my door. "Come in.." My grumpy voice echoed off the walls, I heard. He opened the door, then settled the tea on my nightstand. He smiled painfully at me, then left closing the door behind him.

He actually made me tea.