
Yggdrasil the Game

Charles0101 · ゲーム
1 Chs


Yggdrasil, if you ask everything, they will know what it is, it is the most famous total immersion video game since its release 2 years ago, today in the year 2045, total immersion games are something common to see and something that everyone knows.

And I am the number 1 ranked player in the world Carl Andrei better known by my game id Jack the Emperor.

I started playing the day the game was released and since then there hasn't been a single day that I haven't played, unlike other people I consider that in my life I'm not doing well just normal, I have a good job, I have my own home and at the age of 20 I am independent I started working when I was young because my family was not the best so I had to go through some hardships but I am not complaining anyway, today is a special day since it is the anniversary of yggdrasil and they will be launched Some updates, among them, the one that interests me the most is to increase the level limit because since I became the top ranking I reached the maximum level and although no one else has achieved it, I want to continue leveling up.

After a day of work I leave in a hurry for my house because I have to start playing the new update and level up, I arrived at my house, I entered my room, I put on the vr helmet and I lay on my bed and started

- log in -

I clearly remember that when I said those words I heard the sound of lightning strike but it was very different from what I had heard before then I felt like a current of electricity ran through my body for luck 🍀 mine the lightning had struck right on top of my room,

- oh if I had known that I would die today I would have started playing early hahaha -

After those thoughts I felt how my consciousness gradually faded until I was unconscious.

[Wake up, young master Jack

wake up breakfast is ready]

who's talking and what happened I'm supposed to be dead, I gently open my eyes and see a ceiling that I don't know but with just one look I can see that it's from a luxurious place I see the bed and it's also luxurious like those that are there nobility, my thoughts are interrupted by a beautiful voice like an angel's voice, it will be soft and warm

[good morning young master are you well]

I look at the place from which the voice comes and my surprise is great to see a young woman with very beautiful crimson red hair, her skin white as the clouds in the sky and her beautiful eyes the same color as her hair.

[good morning Raichael you are beautiful as always]

Surprised by my words, I remained silent because I knew the girl's name even without ever having seen her when trying to remember a great pain runs through my brain and a rain of memories floods my mind after a few seconds everything is clear I am Jack but at At the same time I have my memories of when I was Carl and now I am inside the game I was playing, again I am taken out of my thoughts by the girl who timidly responds to the compliment I made earlier

[b-but what are you saying, young master, it's impossible for me to be beautiful because you know that I have horrible colored hair]

[umm I don't know why you say that but I think your hair is beautiful]

[means it]

she asks timidly It seems that here they despise the color of red hair, to calm Raichael I give him one last compliment

[if it's serious, and if I say it, it has to be ok]

I don't know where he gets the confidence to say those pills but I saw how Raichael relaxed his expression and made a relieved face.

[If you are right young master].