
Yggdrasil the Game

作者: Charles0101
Video Games
連載中 · 370 ビュー
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What is Yggdrasil the Game

WebNovel で公開されている、Charles0101 の作者が書いた Yggdrasil the Game の小説を読んでください。...


6 タグ

ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Two Hearts: My Heart Is Within Yours, Angela

What have I done? Why is this happening?" All she wanted to know was the reason why he was staring at her dangerously and nothing more. He moved closer to her until she could feel his breath hard on her skin. She tried moving away but his hand became tighter to hers. She couldn't breathe well either. Unknowingly, his lips were on hers. He began to kiss her slowly but hostilely. At first, she was shocked at his action and leaned to him to accept the kiss but she didn't reciprocate. On second thought, she becomes stunned and starts to struggle with him. This time, the kiss became rough. He kissed her aggressively and hungrily like he would swallow her up whereas she struggled with him. Seeing that he wasn't going to stop, she used her fingers to pinch the nape of his neck which made him groan before retreating. She pushed him away landing a hot slap on his cheek. "You brat!" She sneered. "Are you insane?! What's wrong with you?" She asked hastily but no response came from him. He just stood like a lad who could not understand what she was saying. At the age of 8, Mathias witnessed his mother's suicide. He grew up with the guilt of not being able to save her and accused his father of her death. Ever since that day, he became brutal and arrogant as the incidents kept appearing back as nightmares. His life drastically changed when he had to save Angela from the same event that happened 12 years ago. Angela made a promise to his friends to make him a better person and forced him into a relationship accusing him of taking advantage of her which Mathias agreed only for a month. Although he made life horrible for Angela she never gave up until she melted his heart. What arose when Mathias called Angela and declared the end of their relationship? How will they put an end to the dilemma against their family that will affect their relationship?

90 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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General Audiencesmature rating