
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · その他
121 Chs

Chapter 114

"Finally. Fresh air…" Ray mumbled under his breath as he stepped out of the Elevator that became unresponsive.

From the look of it, he will need to once again find and conquer the 4 key dungeons before he can use the Elevator from the Zeroth layer.

Turning his gaze away from the Elevator terminal to Lilith, Ray about to ask her where Raynare and Ravel are but something pounced on him to the floor and hugged him tightly. Too tight that his bones start to creak.

Thankfully his recent upgrade with the Job Classes had increased his overall strength. Although not much has increased on the raw stats, there are plenty of passive skills added and for example the Knight Job Class have plenty of passive that reduce the percentage of damage he received or the Warrior Job Class that increased his VIT stats.

The activities aren't worth taking since as stated before, his main mode of combat is via firearms. Taking melee skills is quite redundant and a waste.

"Ray! You returned. Where have you been? I am worried when you suddenly vanished."

The Dragon God, despite her imposing title, is a cute little girl that latched on to him as if he is going to disappear again if she turns her eyes away for a moment.

Ray free his right hand and gently caresses her head and silky smooth, long black hair to comfort her while letting her hug him as long as she wants to ease her worried mind.

Thinking about it, the first time they met. Ophis is emotionless like a doll. It is very difficult for her to express her emotions when the concept of emotions is foreign to her. But now, she can express sadness and worry then joy and relief. This gives Ray a sense of accomplishment he can be proud of.

"I'm sorry I made you worry." Ray said with an unconcealable smile on his face as he gave Ophis the familiar and comforting skinship they both engaged on a regular basis.

Finally free from the 'Death Hug', Ray carries Ophis on his arm and repeats his previous action that was interrupted by Ophis' sudden appearance.

"So, where are my wives, Raynare and Ravel that your creator promised to be sent to this layer?" Ray questioned with a serious tone to show he is being serious when talking about this matter considering how Lilith has been acting playful since both of them established the contract.

Lilith, who was curiously looking at Ophis, suddenly stopped and turned her face toward Ray to answer him.

"They should be on their way here as soon as the agents sensed my presence. Give them a few minutes." Lilith replied truthfully before returning her gaze to Ophis. Ophis who sensed the gaze also took at the Demon. Both pairs of eyes crossed paths and an invisible tension was building up.

Lancelot, being the smart one that predicted this situation, already excuse himself way earlier to check on the others that aren't affected by the forceful summoning through the warp magic Ophis used to sneak on Ray. He isn't needed to keep Lilith in check since Ophis can fill that role for him instead.

"You look strong for a child. Appearance truly can be deceiving for a small child like you to be this strong. It made my blood boil in excitement." She praised with euphoric sensation that send shivers all over her body.

Lilith's skin turns flush red as her blood pumps harder in response to her excitement of finding yet another strong opponent to duke out. Though, before she could begin her battle with Ophis. The magical choker materializes itself to remind Lilith of her contract. Her excitement died down almost immediately as Lilith could only afford to put on a dissatisfied look on her face before showing her obvious annoyance to the contract and by extension, Ray himself.

"Who would know you have such strong playmates hiding here. I would have changed the term of the contract if I knew about this." Lilith grumbled before her eyes wandered elsewhere and fell on the silhouette at the distance that was coming in their direction.

Unmistakable those people heading toward them are the agents that Lilith mentioned. Ray can already see the multi winged pair that he had never seen yet outside of the DxD world. Couldn't wait any longer, the one with black feathered wings accelerated and took less than a dozen seconds to land herself on Ray and hug him. Yet another 'death hug' but Ray is in joy that he doesn't care even if they dislocate his arms.

"Are you alright? They said the Mammon forced you to fight in strong dungeons to liberate their territory from the monsters in exchange for both of our freedom." Raynare worrily touches and feels Ray's body for any injury despite Ray wearing armor above his skin except his head.

Raynare's action warmed Ray's heart even if he might not show his worry and anxiety over his kidnapped wives. He is very used to hiding and burying his emotions far away in the depth of his mind when he is away from the comfort of his home and fighting. Basically the same reason a Magus hypnotizes themselves in order to put away their emotions and put their mind in the state of absolute focus to control and cast spells. While Ray put himself into a constant battle ready state without much of his stronger emotions interfering his state of mind when he needed to fight.

"Injury is the last thing you need to worry about me. Though I could say that… I missed you and the others, greatly. Too much that I couldn't even close my eyes to have a brief rest." Ray confessed before burying his face on Raynare's bosom that Raynare immediately hugged to comfort his weary mind. After all there is so much he can bear before he collapses from them.

Ravel also joined the two which Ray brought into the group hug while expressing his relief that both of them are safe and sound.


(I apologize for my zero sanity moment . I need my nonexistent emotional support.)

"So, while both Ravel and I were summoned to the Demon's side, the other sisters were summoned by the so-called Righteous God's council because they need to use you for something?"

"Yeah, that's about it." Ray nodded his head but enviously eyeing the kitten on Raynare's arm.

"Without knowing their goal and purpose to attempt a costly ritual to forcefully summon us, we can't really find a way to thwart their plan. So, subterfuge isn't an option available for us." Raynare scratched her hair while hugging Cheshire like a real cat and played with Cheshire's hair. The said kitten melted and purred under the affectionate touches of her adoptive mother.

"Can I have my turn yet?" Ray interrupted the serious talk they are having and demanded his turn to cuddle with Cheshire after a few painful days of abstaining. Yet the God of Cuddles isn't on his side as Cheshire for some reason didn't want to leave Raynare's arms.

Deprived of his 'sole' emotional support, each second that passed felt more painful without Cheshire in his arms as he was forced to watch as his very own wife cucked him in front of his very own eyes. Smugly smiling victoriously over him as she mock Ray that Cheshire chose her over him.

Though the last part is merely the product of Ray's own imagination caused by his poor mental state and severe lack of Cheshire-nium in his system.

"...me too."

"Huh? Did you say something?" Ray asks because he thought someone talked to him.

Without warning, a small fist punched to his side ribs and Ophis worm into Ray's embrace with a pout plastered on her face. Only after Ophis wormed to Ray's lap and rested her head below his chin then he felt two furry appendages that Ophis shouldn't have were tickling his chin. Ray quickly looked down at Ophis to find not just two shiny black feline ears on her head, but also a similar shiny black cat's tail that poke out from her back and coiled on her left thigh. Ray was stunned speechless as his shaky hand immediately accelerated toward his forehead.

He gained an Insight, an enlightenment that revealed all the truth hidden behind the veil over his eyesight. Ophis is a shapeshifter. She never had a true form as her true form is a little girl, a human. Believe it or not. However, she can shapeshift to another form or in this case alter her appearance. The ultimate form of waifu!

Why get one woman for every fetish and desire when you can get one who can fulfill all! The ultimate truth. His enlightenment on the truth of the world. The truth of the universe, life and everything. The answer for all weebs from his past life. The ultimate answer that many spend a lifetime seeking and including him. The answer was hidden literally under his nose all this time. The answer that others spend a lifetime seeking was right in front of his eyes all this time!

"Say Ophis… can you do this…" Ray describes and molding the appearance that he is trying to achieve.

"And this… This too…" Just a little more tweaking.

"Ah, perfect. Just slightly more thiccer." A little bit more tweaking.

"Fluffier too." Then the finishing touch just like the cherry on top of the beautifully made cake.

"Perfect! Finally, a perfect fluffing waifu." Ray declared over the perfect masterpiece created from his imagination.

A pair of fluffy ears of a fox and a pair of eastern dragon horns to preserve her draconic nature. Nine extra thicc and fluffy tails that captivatingly danced in the air as if having sentience of itself and as if calling to Ray to touch it, to feel the softness and fluffiness of its thick fur. Like a temptress trying to seduce a man that has been blue-balled for days behind bars while forced to see others doing the act without a chance to participate at all.

Wild Nine Tailed Ophis appeared!

Ophis used Charm on Ray!

It's super effective!

Ray was Charmed and turned berserk because Charm is fatally effective!

Not even able to produce a word from his mouth, Ray jumped and pounced on Ophis. With thicc and fluffy tails surrounding his body. Truly a heaven on earth. Ray thought before he sank and drowned in the sea of fluffy silky soft and fluffy furs. Truly a privilege he could only taste after his second life because now he is free of the accursed fur allergy and does not die after breathing in literally just a strand of fur.

"I declare from today onward, this shall be my bed and I will sleep on nothing else but this." Ray declared his intent to the high heaven while his body snuggled on the bed of furs… No, this literally feels like laying on a bed of the softest clouds as he smothered his face on it, refusing to let go of it even to his last breath.

Though, Ray is the only one enjoying this instead of Ophis. Ophis wanted to be the receiving end, not the opposite.


(Sorry, not the most coherent compared to other chapters. But, in the next chapter Ray will gather allies to fight gods. Notably the neutral race and factions I mentioned in chapter 108.

Again, sorry. My state of mind isn't good lately. A lot of sickness and work. Can't even get a sick leave… and I am also considering the Saga of Tanya the Evil for the next path after this disaster of an original arc with lots of hype from myself but turns out… shitty.)

About Ray's Job Class. Again I wanna clarify if I forgot. It will give mainly passive. Even if active those skill gonna be like

(Artificer- Create Magic Item)

or something or another example

(Commander- Command Howl / Inspire / Morale Boost)

something like that.

There will be no combat skill because that will restrict the writing on my side. Support or utility kind of active skill is still ok.)