
Chapter 3

I ran towards the gate since Hazel shouted, she's a good sensor for a human and she's very helpful for finding things. So yes the kid might be here already or it's someone else if it's someone else the maids are ready unnoticed anyways.

When I came to the gate something felt like heart racing, something that I long and it's you, I've been waiting for too long, I can't be at ease. Really I can't resist this feeling of pulsating in me, it's very uncomfortable yet also exciting. So be calm!

Someone peeking from the gate showed himself to the other side.

"UHM hi"

"Huh? Why do you have those bandages in your face?"

Who made those wounds inflicted to you? who hurt you? my heart sank to how awful to experience the whip of violence in such a young age, I maybe a kid who acts like one but that personality is only for mom but for him, I can't help to worry and be a more mature since I met him yesterday burying in those books learning new things.

I quickly opened the gate and came to him hugging him then brought him to my playground of course not being a pushy it might hurt his wounds that is swelling, just what happened to his body?covered in bandages ,some are even color violet it's disgusting to look at his tiny body how could somebody do this to you?

"Come sit"

He nodded and sat with me on the bench, I pushed a hidden button in the bushes giving me a medicine kit and brought it to his side.

"What's that?"

"A medicine kit"

"Does it have acohol?"he tilted in concern, is he scared of alcohol?

"Don't worry this kit has different one so that it won't hurt, you haven't even introduced yourself then you come here in full bandages? And who was that man who took you and your mom away?"

Actually in the previous chapter I know him cause I remember his name on some files in the town registered here, you could say we're like the hall of records for both the town and village.


I applied this jelly substance which cleans up germs in the wounds it's a different one from alcohol which is invented for kids so that they wouldn't moan or grunt in pain by cleaning their wounds or injuries.

"That thing?"

"Thing?"he tilted his head again as I continue tending to his injuries.

"I meant your dad" huh I don't even regret saying ("that thing") to his so called father, who in the hell as a parent would do this to their child causing injuries and such, Is his father in a state of confusion and stress? If so that could be one of the reasons.

"Yeah he took us to the house near here just down here the mountains"

Hmmm so then did he go here up the mountains well it's a mid level mountain since there is a higher mountain here which locates the village and our main house. He must've escaped from his abusive father. Sigh. The town was below of this mansion, so he walked in full of bandages in order to escape the madness of his own father he needed to endure walking alone.What about his mother? the only scenery I can think is that she stopped her husband from abusing this kid so he could come here?

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself"

He pouted looking down. I pat to his head caressing his hair gently.

"It's okay so say it now"

"My name?"

"Hmmmh" I nodded.

He raised his head as our eyes laid sight on each other, this heart wrenching moment I can't ever process how his eyes shine like emeralds, the way he looked at me perhaps begging or demanding, he was just cute to my eyes that mesmerized my eyes along with my heart that dances like a leaf in the wind swaying left and right. Can I kiss you again like before? Can I protect you even if I'm still a kid to your eyes?can I kiss your hands as I conquer you to myself? I've never wanted anything than you nor wish for anything. I felt embarrassed about the words that flung to my head over you, I can't control it should I hit my head on the wall to delete this words that describes you?this feelings?

"My name is Aizen UHM n-nice to meat you"

"Pfft are you going to mince me then?"

"?"he tilts his head.


There I finished placing bandages to all of the wounded parts of his body. Then put the medicine kit on the bushes back, the house has a system management by the way and only the maids and butlers know it lastly me. And so we play together doing lots of it.

"How about you what's your name?"he asks.

"It's Keith"


"Yes it's Keith"

"Keith!" He cheerfully says.

"So how's the plushie?"

"I hid it! So that father çan't see it! Cutie will be with me forever and ever!"

"Alright then promise to take care of Cutie forever then"

He named it Cutie?that plushie? it's cheap though.

maybe I should buy you a teddy bear that's human size made out of black diamond strands.

"How about I give you a new one?" he shook his head well I guess he really liked that plushie huh but I should be number one than that plushie.

"No! plushie Cutie is enough!"

We made a pinky promise together for it should remind him of me because of that plushie and it's a score for me heeh. It made my heart flutter, he seems so happy. Should I adopt him? Should I spoil him? Dad wouldn't mind having another kid on his shoes it's not like the whole mansion will be full right? Should I give him chocolates? Should I give him cakes? How about a bicycle?or maybe a car? Wait kids likes cars don't they? Specially boys hmmm but kids can't drive a car maybe an adjustable kicks inside the car? That's possible. Or maybe a jet plane! I can buy him a private airport if he wants, hmmm the problem is the registration for it and license.

"Hey what do you want?" I ask.

"You!" He answered loudly.

I flushed in red fully, my heart seems to melt like crazy so that's what Caitlas meant this nervousness only happens when there is someone that the heart likes or choose to. My head is going to spin if I don't control myself.

"Cause you care a-and we just met! Then you gave me a plushie too! Then took care of my pain!"

"You mean wounds" he nodded twice.

Argh my heart, I can't do it anymore then he comes close to me. I closed my eyes taking a step back.

"Your eyes open it!"

I slowly opened my eyes to his demand, his face with a smile and full of curiosity.


"My eyes?"

"Yup they're red!"

"Is it scary?"


"Then what?"

"Beautiful! Can I have them?"

Well the lab has different kinds of stuff if you want red eyes that bad I could replace your eyes but that would be painful or in a surgery where it's forced to change but it could lead to being fatal is tested many times but failed leading the eyes to become blind. The eyes we use aren't people though it's a clone eye lab where it produces eyes so that we could give our customers a great service with no fatal backlash as a result of the surgery or else the feedback we'd get will be astronomical.

"Well we can but it's dangerous plus you're beautiful with those green eyes"

"I'm beautiful? My eyes are green? Me really? You mean it?"

"Yes I mean it"

"Then give me what you did yesterday!At the Lake!"

"Huh give him what exactly?"

This woman with blonde hair carefully watching the kids sitting on the trees reading the lips of the children carefully in a steady manner being unnoticed it's Crisvilya with a smirk on her face.

"Y-you mean kiss?"

"Yeah! Mom does it to me! Cause she loves me hmmm don't you?" Taking a step forward while he tilts his head. His head might literally tilt in the wrong way if he keeps doing that but this question made me flinch.

Gasps "They kissed?! And here I thought we're at the first stage! what happened to hi,hello, and how are you?!" Says the shocked blonde maiden.

"Interesting kids these days have some moves that even adults don't have and what's that? Straightforwardness! Although being abruptly so quickly and frequently might have some opposite reaction or outcome so don't do it everytime kids! Unless it's a Gemini sign ya need some straightforwardness with a bit of alcohol in the mix!"

"I do love you"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH screams inside of Crisvilya

"I might have some panic issues after this"

"Hey Crisvilya what are you doing"

"Spying on the young Master anyways want some tea?"

Astonishingly like out of nowhere Hansel had a cup of tea ready for them both.

"Ready and prepared so spill"

"Buckle up so I was doing some chores in the mansion after some cleaning in the library as we did earlier and Hazel shouted to the young Master and saw this kid and opened gates for him and then they played together while Master tends to this kid treating his injuries cause his father abused him"Saying it like she was doing a rap batlle.

"Awe that's horrible and that's some rap yo" Just Hansel doing side comments in a sad voice.

"Then master and him played together to the point they didn't had to eat this 12:00AM"

"Maybe they forgot?"

"Then what happened? I was reading their lip a-and" gasping for air.

"Calm down bitch"

"Young Master and the kid behind the mansion which is in the Lake area kissed together! Then h-he said he also gave his favorite plushie to that kid which costs more than a thousand dollars since it's thread is made out of emerald like literally"

Gasps Hansel "he gave his favorite plushie on the first day?! That's Ridiculous!"

"Right? Then here we are "

Both sips tea while having their telescopes pointed at the children with their eyes eyeing through.

"I meant it I love you" I said in a serious tone.

"Then I love Keith too!"

I widened my eyes by his words I fall down like a kid who lost a fight but In truth I felt relief at some point, my heart being crushed by an arm in a good way like even though it's crushed it's about to explode like a burst of flames in it's prime.

"Y-you do?"




"Cross my heart?"

"Uh huh!"

"Let's love each other with our moms! Forever and ever"

A drone was flying the above the mansion, a woman sitting on her chair in her own office crying almost endlessly if not infinitely, sobbing as she goes then with every tears rolling down there is a tissue to be used.


"So do we kiss?"

Aizen is so desperate, well is he? I don't know but I'd have to do it rather than later or else I'll loose my grasp on him, when I'll grow up I'll protect you, I'll take care of you as you do the same, I'll teach you how to love as I love you with my whole heart, give me courage so that we both can stand the future together, I'll be with you starting from today to the end even if it's a path of darkness to the point that I'll kiss your feet and bow to your whims, I'll respect you for who you are in future then if we are still together in the future I'll cherish everything from this point on.

"Close your eyes"

As he did that I closed mine too, our lips touched the sunset being a beautiful view to this very scene that happens now, I know that I've meet you just yesterday but for the first time just let me have my childish wish to this very world I live that I will love you again and again.

"THERE'S MORE?!Oh my gosh! Ahhh!" Screams with no noise of the maidens hidden in the trees.

Click "Gotcha. I got 120 total of pictures took today and it shall be in my picture library mwua Ha-Ha-Ha"

A smirk on her face was made, her hair waves from the breeze of the wind as she stands on the roof of the mansion taking pictures of the kids after the cleaning in the library. This was Hazel.

"With these pictures I should be able to have a double or triple payment this month" she held it high proudly with sparkles in her eyes.

In Mrs. Helvetwel's office she slams her table out of excitement and amusement.

"Now this is love! I lobe kid romance! Now the only thing that it needs is marriage! Should I order a black diamond on the laboratory?perhaps red diamond?or maybe a pink one!"

"Honey I'm still calling you know" He grumpily says.

"Oh dear sorry for being lost in thought cause our child kissed a boy out in the open in front of the house"

"What?!he did?!well congratulations to our future son-in-law!"

"Right?! Of course if it works well, it's the first time he had a friend over to our house and kissed him? Before that he even said I love you"

Gasps"he did? isn't he just like"


He laughs briefly "I guess"

"He's your son so why not? It's in his blood"

"He moves faster than me though"

"Haha your correct"

"So about the cloning process honey"

Her expression changed quickly into seriousness.

"The cloning process has already been done but the thing it's only for emergency like if anyone in the family or in the village has a sickness then request for their heart and brain transplant to a healthy body we could do that, another problem is that other countries are wanting to have that knowledge which we keep under the mountains. The three mansions are filled with maids and butlers that are professionals in dealing outsiders, besides the scientists are careful with the research if it's harmful then we stop it, plus they're are hidden villages between the mansions so it's a tight security another point is that our research data cannot since we're not connected to the network of the world and built our own for our own privacy and can't bb hacked with all those security each wall has passwords the first wall consists of 3000 walls making a total of 3000 passwords and two more walls added. I don't think hackers can crack that"

"Wow that many?"

"The 9000 passwords is in a plastic sheet in the storage room hidden there so if they want the passwords after having a crack on our network they can't get it anyway cause it's in the storage room. Another security added is that the ID of our scientists has those 9000 passwords in it granting them passage in the laboratory, the ID has sensors in them that when touched by those that aren't unemployed it will explode well not literally but burn into crisp that doesn't hurt the one who has it"

"Eh?!it upgraded up to that point??"

If I was the infiltrator I'd give up in a heartbeat he thought.

"That's it so for now we'll wish good luck for the kids"

"As you wish honey"

I walked 2 kilometers from my grandfather to my House just to upload this y'all. I'm so tired today even my legs are about to give up! but no we gotta upload today! thanks for reading!

Levielbubcreators' thoughts