
Chapter 4

The sunset was beautiful with us kissing, a beautiful moment but the darkness is looming and is coming, the night will be upon us, I clapped two times having Caitlas appear within a car starting the engenes.

We sat together at the backseat, he seemed reluctant, he looked down, is he sad? Does he want to stay in the house? If I could I will let him stay there although your parents might get worried, and you look like you wanna cry so bad.

"Can I see you again tomorrow?" He asks sadly.

"Sure we can see each other again no need to be frightened, we'll be together playing everyday until you don't want to"

He's kind of relieved to hear that, he let his head rest to my shoulder, he was on the left seat while I'm in the other. Hmmm does he want another plushie?

"Do you want another plushie?" He shook his head slightly.

"No, the one you gave is enough it's my favorite, it's just home"

"I'm sure your father won't hurt you" I reassured.

"He won't?"

I nodded.


Caitlas already knew his home in the town and so we stopped in front of his house, his mom opened the door, Caitlas opened the car door for Aizen's seat and carried him as Aizen's mom saw him.

"Mama?"He says as I continue to observe him through the car window.

"Oh dear there you are! Where have you been? Have you found yourself there in the mansion again? Did you say thank you?"

He turned around to us and with a smile he says "Thank you Keith!"

His mom bowed then go home, I felt so tired on our way to the mansion. A sigh of relief came out of Caitlas seeing me sleeping in the backseat.

"You had a good time didn't you Master?"

He laughs briefly and when we got there he carried me into his arms,Mayla opened the door from Caitlas knocking the door.

"Awe he fell asleep, did the kids had a great time together?"she asks.

"Yes they did"

My name is Aizen Katakura Devons, the son of Jason Devons and Kaguya Katakura who's my mother, she was full of bruises. I couldn't look right at her face, my tears fell as I knew the taste of freedom into that house, I could feel like I could fly freely where there are no constraints to my wings, flying to make adventures meaningful, that's what I felt with him by my side as if the empty world of violence has been graced by his presence. I too am a six years old seeing his mother's trembling hands, her frail body that could break at any moment, I cried to this view of my mother, I pity her of her state how could she pick him, how dare he hurt my mother, she hugged me tightly as if comforting me, how can you be so strong mom.


"Can't we leave?" I asked.

"How could we? We have no money to leave for, we can't feed ourselves with an empty purse, I can't even process anything right now my Aizen, it's so stressful and you shouldn't worry, just play you don't need to learn the hardships if you're still young you're my son and a child should be free, you don't need to work your mind on this"

"B-but"I stuttered

"No but's okay mom can do this"

There's no way you can do this even as a child of six years old I can understand, there's no way a child can't understand if their own mother is painted in pain and sorrow. Only a dumb child will abandon their mom in a state like this, one more push and you'll be dead. Your endurance may have taken you this hard, yes it's been a long way since you started yet it's still far.

I've observed the world when I was five, always being bullied by other kids, the things that I want to do quitely as a kid can't be done because all of this shouting and violence so I did what I could, I thought that if I go up the mountains maybe I could find peace and rest forever.

Maybe I could find what lies beyond death because I can't keep up on this life given to me for to live is to be cursed and to die is to be at peace.

"There's no way you can keep up this act!" I shouted and she was startled then started to tremble.

"T-then how can I?! You don't understand at all! you're a child that should be protected! I did what I can do at least not cover your body with scars"

She cried again on her knees this time, this horrible scene I kept on seeing it, this cry of guilt, this cry of pain and misery. It shows how she had suffered throughout the years. You can cry all you want yet can't go forward even all this tears shed falling from your own even if it turns blood there's no way for the path of your life to go straight forward in this life unless you make a choice.

"Let's go inside okay mom"

She nodded I would do this to her sometimes although I don't know to spell the words out of my mouth that's why my pronunciation is wrong sometimes, my time with Keith were genuine for me, his lips touching mine, his hands that are covered in warmth that heals me entirely. I want to go there in that place again with him, with mom and everyone else that supposed to be there. But there's no way cause it's not permanent.

He opened the door and slams it therefore closing the door, the smell of his breath can be smelled, his walk is that of a drunk man, he goes in and was greeted by his wife tending to the kitchen to cook, he grabbed her hair. This man here has his dragon tattoo in his back with the tail going to his bicep, his face isn't old, you could even regard his face handsome but that personality is wretched to the ends of hell.

"Tokito I-"

She grunts as she was licked to her neck in front of me, his eyes found my stare to be an abomination he sternly looked at me as he grabbed his wife's chest exchanged with a moan.

"Tokito not in front of the child!"

I was stunned that he kept on kissing her as he undressed her quickly and savagely, he slid his finger in her genital and she moaned, her tears fell from her eyes, this was beyond humility of how a human can experience, an act of force with no consent. He undressed himself fully, I saw it all every nook and cranny of both the body of my own mother and father doing it in front of me, she couldn't fight back cause she knows she'll be hit. For me I can't fight back all this wounds healed by my friend can't go to waste, all his work would be in vain along my mother's she didn't fought back cause of me. I saw it put it in her, she moaned to his fast pace. I quitely observed them both doing it, I can't speak up to my mom I know she's full of guilt. The pain she feels, the pleasure she feels it makes her disgusted by every touch of this devil.

"Ugh!"he finished.

Then he glared at me scornfully.

"What ya staring at?you want fun too?"

He comes close to me and I was still stunned, his naked body that reeks of alcohol it made me flinch, I fear that my future self might not carry on.

"Why don't you lick this?"

"D-don't Tokito he's a child"

"So you're talking back now huh?"

"Go into your room Aizen!"

I followed her instructions, she kept on moaning doing it again, I couldn't eat, I was too stunned to speak up as a child, I cried. I'm too weak to protect her my mind has trembled to his presence it made him superior to my mind why? The reason was of his dominance of violence that's why, I don't want to hurt myself anymore. Is it selfish of me? To not be hurt ? What if I fight back? Will he do it to me even if I were his son? Will do it to his own child? If so he's so messed up, I can't keep up. My tears flowed down to my cheeks. Sniffles.

I heard her screams, I heard her cries for help, I heard her moans which indicates of pain, I could only hear and not close my eyes, I tucked in myself to my blanket. Peace I want peace for me and her, I want freedom for me and her, I want her to be happy and not be stressed. I'm sad and I hate myself, I hate my life. If only I could wish that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Please help us" I said to myself alone in my room.

The morning has come, father had gone somewhere, I see her lying body in their bedroom, in worry I cooked a meal for her, sunny side up eggs,bacon and rice in the rice cooker and washed the plates, father saw me doing my thing, cleaning off the stains on the floor, cleaning table with a towel so that it could look decent. His blank stare while standing at the door didn't bother but why did he get home early than I thought? He then left after, I wasn't worried about myself but to mother who's in her bed sleeping, I woke her up and she did. This misery on her face was changed, a bit of smile was on her face as she lit up her head seeing me.

"Thank you dear for making this, had you ate as well?"

I took a plate and ate with her, she sniffled with tears flowing down to her cheeks I took the medicine on the cabinet of my room, I treated her carefully, she grunts in pain then put bandages on her wounds.

The birds chirps, the yawn of a boy is heard thoroughly cleaned his room neatly, then goes to the halls watching his auntie clean.

"Good morning Master" she bowed.

"Good morning can I eat now?"

"Of course!"

I look at the chandelier, my food being prepared on this wide table, it's so quite here. I sighed. it's so lonely without you Zen, will you come? I hope his father didn't hurt him or anything. Really if I wanted to I could get him out of there by force if needed but still that would be kidnapping if not abrupt, plus I respect it. Although if the situation is dire then I'll get him.

"Here Master!"

I ate my food quickly and ran go to the shade of the garden, these white lilies bloom,the jasmines beautiful color, the towering white rose bushes, the sound of the water from the fountain it's so peaceful to be in here while I wait for him.

"Will you come today?" I said to myself.

The feeling of danger was felt to my spine making me flinch, what was that eerie feeling? Is it a signal? Perhaps it's a sign for me, I suddenly thought of Aizen, the look in his eyes with horror made me feel fear imagining something bad would happen, is he doing alright? Did he ate? I ran to the mansion searching for Caitlas, screaming for his name.

"Caitlas! Caitlas! Where are you!"

I shouted gasping for air, this clenching ache in my heart I don't know what it is, it's making me feel unsure what will happen I reassured him that he wouldn't be hurt by his father. Then I thought wrong, if he gets beaten this day I wouldn't forgive myself for saying that to him, reassurance was not the option, the feelings being to make time and do things for him made me complacent to the errors that might happen due to my ignorance of the future prediction or probability.

"Yes Master?"

He suddenly showed up behind and it startled me.

"Calm your breathing Master"

I calmed myself trying to be composed yet my mind is not at ease.

"Let's call mother"

I dialed my mom's phone number on my phone calling her, the call rang and it beeped once, it seems she picked it up.

"Yes darling?"

"Can you help me?"

"With what? it's so early this morning and you're asking for a favour?"

"Just help me!" I shouted.

"Okay sweety calm down what's the problem?"

"I need you to do something, I feel uneasy of my friend, please keep an eye on him. He was abused by his father and he was covered in scars. I reassured him that he's not going to be hurt by his father...yet I feel compelled, I can't quell to protect him right now and you're the only one I can count on right this moment, please I beg of you mom save him"clenching my teeth after saying my words of begging.

This is the first time my son asked for help, begging to save his only friend, if not his friend his lover in the future, they just met and I feel reluctant to give trust but it is what it is he's pushy, as a child he should be doing school work but he does while thinks of his friend are you worried that much my dear? If it calms your passionate heart and feel peace I'll do whatever I can as your mother.

"I understand"

I called the agency of the people in the village then someone picked it up.

"Hello? Is this you My Lady?"

"Yes it's me, assemble the men we're going on a rescue mission"