

On the other side of the stand, Temari, who also has a strong political intuition, whispered suspiciously. Although she is also a shinobi, her capital and experience are obviously much better than the current Konoha Xiaoqiang. After all, she has long since become a Genin, and as the daughter of the fourth Kazekage, she has been exposed to a lot of political situations.

In addition, because Gaara and Kankuro are not orthodox wind ninjas, it can be said that Temari is currently the best descendant of the four generations of Kazekage. Assuming that Gaara is not changed by Naruto in the Chunin Exam, then the candidate for the fifth Kazekage is likely to be her.

"It's up to him, we don't care about that. However, being able to see how capable that arrogant woman really is, this is a rare opportunity to gather intelligence."

Kankuro is obviously not interested in factionalism, he is more focused on the opportunity to gather intelligence.

And in the camp of the third shift.

"Not good... I've thought about this bad situation for a long time, but I didn't expect it to happen..."

Tian Tian is undoubtedly quite worried. As a teammate, she naturally supports Neji, but as a Konoha shinobi, she instinctively leans towards Hinata, leaving the other party to take care of her big business of one million taels In addition, Hinata's powerful ruling power undoubtedly makes Tian Tian, ​​who is eager for power, extremely admire it. Between teammates and idols, who really wants to win, this is undoubtedly very confusing for Tian Tian.

"Hmm~! It looks like it will be a very exciting battle!! Neji is very strong, but the rumors about the white-eyed lady are also quite powerful."

Xiao Li only has passion for this battle. For him, Neji is always eager to surpass, but even if he is not from the Hinata group, he also knows a lot of things about the white-eyed young lady from many rumors.

After all, there are not a few tasks related to the Hinata group that the third class performs. The C-level tasks of the light-emitting flyer have been done no less than a dozen times. This is the only one who has the ability to entrust other Konoha ninjas during the period of the ninja. There is only one person in the entire Konoha Village, Hinata.

It can be said that apart from these gentes from the Hinata group, the other gentes in Konoha Village have basically done errands or handing out flyers for this organization. Now I feel like I have seen someone who has been working for them. Like the boss behind the scenes, there is naturally a pressure.

"She is Kakashi's most proud disciple!! Of course she cannot be taken lightly!! But! My disciple will never show weakness! So, let's enjoy your youth!!"

The iconic white tooth flashed, and Kai was naturally happy to see the battle succeed. Although the battle with Kakashi had to come in person, this kind of decisive victory between the two disciples was also a win or lose.

"Then, the two of you, please come forward."

As the examiner, Moonlight Gale looked at the two sides slightly, and then raised his hand to signal for the two to prepare: "Then~! The battle begins!"

Unexpectedly, the two people standing in the same place did not intend to fight directly, but looked at each other with similar white eyes, as if they were brewing their own communication.

"I didn't expect to meet you in this battle. What's the matter? Don't you plan to abstain? In this way, in front of your followers, you might be able to keep your ridiculous dignity of the eldest lady."

Neji spoke first, no doubt in a sharp and contemptuous tone, mixed with a hint of hatred that could not be concealed.

"Damn! What does that guy mean?!"

Naruto in the stands spoke angrily, but Kakashi on one side had to stretch out his hand to hold his disciple's shoulder to prevent the other party from running out: "Calm down, Naruto, this is Hinata's battle."

"It's really the same as before, a mouth is a tone that you want to let others kill you. Is the elegance and tradition of the Hinata clan all you have left is boxing? If you want to die, you only need to cut it yourself. The throat is fine, you don't need to disgust others like this."

Hinata was already mentally prepared for this battle. Originally, when she was watching the anime, she didn't think this exam was really so-called 'random', but now it seems that this should be an apparently random black-box operation.

After all, it was an exam held inside Konoha Village. If it was really random, it would be a little too honest.

"I'm different from you. I've foreseen this battle for a long time. Also, I don't think words can enlighten your mind, so use ninja methods to solve it."

Tightening the gloves on her arms, Hinata was obviously not interested in continuing to talk to Neji in front of her. This guy is still in the second grade, and the object of his resentment is her, so his words are obviously useless. As for saving him... eh? ? It doesn't seem necessary at all.

Plus, he died in the original book anyway, right?

Thinking of this, Hinata's mouth suddenly curved into a cruel arc, she knew what she should do.


Neji obviously couldn't keep that calm any longer, the white-eyed boy roared, the blue veins on both sides of his forehead suddenly burst out, and the whole person also assumed a standard soft fist stance and rushed towards Hinata, the kind of fluctuating because of rage. The chakra is full of killing intent.

"That's right, we don't need to keep hands between us."

With a wicked laugh, the flames on Hinata's arms suddenly ignited, and as her right arm swung forward, a scorching dark whistle sounded, rushing towards Neji!

This is! A physical technique that characterizes chakra and then casts it? !

The people in the surrounding stands undoubtedly widened their eyes subconsciously. Sure enough, this battle did not disappoint them, and they were able to see this completely different physique from the very beginning!

Neji was also a little surprised by this sudden long-range attack. The white-eyed boy did not choose to avoid it. Instead, he stood on the spot and crossed his arms. He gathered Chakra on his arms and waved it suddenly, like a sword wind that would strike the darkness. Fu Shengsheng break up! For this figurative chakra attack, the best defense naturally requires chakra.

But even if the dark brush was scattered, Neji subconsciously gritted his teeth. Although the flame of the dark brush was scattered, the heat contained in it still made his arms feel a clear burning pain, and even his arms The bandage wrapped around it also burned a bit. Obviously, his chakra was not enough to completely defend against such an attack.


At this moment, Hinata's figure had already risen into the air, and a heavy blow of Du Le Tu Gai towards Neji's head, if the blow was real, the result of the battle would be known immediately.

Feeling the vicious wind in the air, Neji, who was stunned, resolutely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to test Hinata, and then rolled to the side to avoid it, followed by a muffled boom, a hard stone. On the brick floor, Hinata's foot was forcibly stepped out of a pothole. This force made Ningci's eyes widen. Obviously, this kind of power has exceeded his previous estimate of Hinata's strength!

But before Neji could get up completely, he saw Hinata, who had landed, waved his right arm again, and another fierce dark brush came towards Neji, and the chakra contained in this dark brush was extremely unstable. , At the same time that Neji tried to avoid it, it suddenly exploded in front of him!


The shock wave of the explosion of the dark brush directly knocked Neji away a few meters away. Even if he noticed the abnormality of the second dark brush in advance and jumped back, he still felt that his chest was severely hammered. As if he smashed it hard, a feeling of nausea and nausea also poured into his brain, which was obviously the damage to the body caused by the shock.

But Neji was obviously flawless and then took into account the abnormality of his body, because Hinata's Chakra had been bullied again, and the white-eyed girl had once again jumped over Neji by the restraint of the dark brush, and her clenched right fist was even more An incomparably blazing orange flame was burning, and it smashed down toward Neji like a shooting star! !

not good! !

Neji, with his white eyes, immediately saw the abnormal gathering of chakras in Hinata's right hand. It stands to reason that the best way to deal with such a powerful physical attack is not to defend or dodge, but to deceive the enemy. His body resisted it, but obviously, this move couldn't work on Hinata.

Ningji stepped back again, and when he stepped back and avoided, Hinata's punch also hit the ground firmly, and the white-eyed girl's voice was also cruelly high: "Take the move! Divine Flame!!"

Hinata's punch unexpectedly didn't vibrate too much after touching the ground, but the flame on her right hand rolled towards her more than ten meters in front of her like a flaming tide under this blow. Distance, obviously, her physical attack is just an auxiliary, the real lethality comes from the flames spewing out of her fist!

In other words, even if you can block this punch, you will still suffer severe fire damage!

Neji's body performed a difficult backflip in mid-air, using his arms on the ground to make an effort to make his body jump up again, in order to avoid the greatest damage from Shenyan, but even so, the hair on the back of his head. The belt was also burned by this blow, and the white-eyed boy's neatly bundled long hair was also scattered, and many were directly scorched by the flames.

Moreover, continuously forcing the body to move, this is obviously an extremely exhausting behavior. Neji, who fell from the air again, was gasping for breath, but Hinata, who put up his posture, still did not feel any tiredness.

Naturally, the direction of this battle is clear at a glance.

"Tsk~ It's really miserable, it was completely suppressed unilaterally. Besides, that physique using fire... It really has the worst affinity with me..."

Kankuro in the stands spoke in a low voice and subconsciously tightened the puppet straps on his shoulders. He had immediately classified Hinata as the type that he was the most unsuitable for fighting. After all, the puppet itself was made of fragile and light wood. Yes, even if it has been treated to prevent combustion, it may be self-defeating when it encounters that kind of powerful flame fist.

"Just kidding... how could Neji..."

Tian Tian also covered her lips in surprise. Obviously, as someone familiar with Neji's strength, seeing such a scene, she could hardly imagine it.

"There's absolutely no power to fight back... Is the eldest young lady of the Hinata clan so strong?"

Xiao Li also opened his mouth in surprise, and subconsciously looked at Sasuke and Naruto on the side of the stand, and the thick eyebrows of taijutsu couldn't help but softly said: "Then... those two people from the same taijutsu school as her. , is it the same level of strength?"

On the field, the white-eyed girl put away her stance. She had also figured out the result of this battle. The battle of the martial arts genre itself is like this. Her speed and strength have surpassed that of Ningji by too much. , the outcome of the battle no longer needs to be considered.

"Give it up, I have almost figured out your speed and reaction. You are not my opponent."

Raising her chin contemptuously, Hinata was not surprised by the result. She is already much stronger than Hinata Hinata in the original book, but Neji Hyuga is still complacent in her own world. Such a person is indeed not worthy of being her opponent.

The white-eyed girl said coldly, "Neuji Hyuga, I order you in the name of the heir of the clan, and now abstain."