

For this statement, Hinata just responded with a cynical sneer.

Indeed, Danzo's statement is not wrong. Although she is still young, Hinata's accumulated capital is not weak. In addition, she is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan. If something happens, even if she doesn't say it, the Hyuga clan will definitely support her with all their strength.

Moreover, the most important thing is that her earning ability has at least been recognized by the whole senior management of Konoha Village. With the next three generations leaving and Konoha waiting to be rebuilt, it is not impossible for her, who is good at making money, to become the fifth generation Hokage, just as the sandy hidden village will make Gaara of the same age become the fifth generation Kazuki. a truth.

After all, the biggest role of the shadow is not to fight, but to let a village have its own backbone.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, even if Hinata already has her own team, the growth of others other than her is still far from keeping up. The people are still the subordinates of Koharu, Mito Menyan, and Danzo, the old Konoha people.

Then, this Hokage identity is undoubtedly the point of a puppet. If Hinata becomes Hokage, she has no available manpower around her, and if she doesn't want to be at the mercy of Mito Kamon and others, she must ask Danzo for help, and unknowingly becomes a puppet for both parties.

Regardless of whether it is Mito Menyan or Danzo, they can reap a lot of benefits during this period. With Hinata, the fifth-generation Hokage who is good at developing the economy, the economic strength of Konoha Village will definitely be greatly improved, and Danzo's Gennin can also take advantage of this time to develop rapidly until Danzo thinks his time is ripe.

In addition, Hinata herself has no qualifications after all. If she wants to fight against Mitomon Yan or Danzo, it is undoubtedly difficult for her to get support.

At that time, Danzo only needs a word, and it may even drive her out of Hokage's seat, and the elders of Konoha Village who have used her will naturally not have any objection to this.

That's why Hinata laughed.

Danzo is treating her as a fool. On the surface, it seems that the position of Hokage is indeed very attractive, but to Hinata, this is just a seemingly glamorous but deadly poison.

Danzo knows that he needs to develop his own power to be able to be a Hokage with peace of mind, doesn't Hinata know this? Even if she wanted to be Hokage, she would at least have to wait until the team she cultivated, that is, Shikamaru and the others grew up, before she could start. To be Hokage before that was purely a puppet at the mercy of others.

"Donzo-sama don't have to laugh. I don't think my personal ability is enough to hold the position of Hokage Five. So if Mr. Three is really going to leave soon, this candidate still needs to be chosen by another."

Hinata's outright refusal caused Danzo's eyes to flicker slightly, and the one-eyed old man's fingers holding the wooden staff also subconsciously tightened. Obviously, this refusal made many of his follow-up plans come to nothing.

"No need to be humble, although you are still young, you are a genius in my eyes. Not a genius as a ninja, but a genius as a leader. So, if you are interested, I can support you."

He continued to speak without giving up, Danzo's words were not a lie. After all, he has seen many genius ninjas, from Orochimaru to Shidaimu, and then to Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, which one is not a genius ninja of a thousand years? However, even Orochimaru and Shidaimu, as leaders, still have great deficiencies.

Because, whether it is Orochimaru or the fourth generation, they are not good at developing the economy, and they are not good at winning people's hearts. Even if they become Hokage, at most they can only ensure the stability or improvement of Konoha Village. It is difficult for Konoha The village developed rapidly.

And not to mention Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, these two do have the selfless spirit of sacrifice for the village, and also have the lofty ideal of hope that the ninja world will be stable, but after all, a village cannot be supported by one ideal.

But Hinata is different. As a ninja, her talent and means are not flashy. Even if she developed the so-called Nandou Qishengquan, compared to the above four people, she is undoubtedly a child playing a house. The same means are not worth mentioning at all.

However, when it comes to developing the economy and winning people over, she is the most powerful genius since the establishment of the entire Konoha Village!

Indeed, she doesn't have the strength to defeat Jōnin at the age of six or seven like Shisui or Itachi, nor does she have the illustrious reputation of Orochimaru and Shidaimu who can traverse the ninja world in their teens, but! What about the other four?

Unable to get the support and approval of the clan, not to mention Shisui who was forced to commit suicide and Itachi who was forced to exterminate the entire clan. Orochimaru was a defeated dog who couldn't even convince his own teacher, and finally couldn't become Hokage and ran away in anger. And the fourth generation was even more mediocre during his reign. Although this is also due to the short time in office, he did not achieve any actual political achievements.

Assuming it wasn't him who was the fourth Hokage at the time, it doesn't seem to make much difference to the entire Konoha. After all, even if he wasn't Hokage, he would still have to fight when the Nine-Tails attacked, and even seal the Nine-Tails to his death. Nothing makes any difference.

But what about Hinata? ?

When she was still in the ninja school, this white-eyed girl easily won over the descendants of the entire Konoha family, and through her unique vision and skill, the work "Fox Talk" became the entire ninja world. A story you can all know.

First was the picture book, then the figure, and now it is the TV series and all kinds of peripherals. Hinata has brought huge economic benefits to the entire Konoha Village with these things she has developed. The Konoha Publishing Factory and Akihabara's The establishment has greatly improved the employment opportunities and overall improvement of the villagers in Konoye Village.

Konoha's economic growth over the past few years has even surpassed the development of the past few decades. This means of improving economic interests can be said to be the only one in the entire ninja world for hundreds of years.

While other families don't say it, they have indeed received huge profits from the Hinata group. The descendants of their generation have unknowingly become the 'hinata group'. It can be said that as long as Hinata speaks, these families who have interests involved will absolutely obey her orders.

After all, at the age of eleven, he was a genius ninja who could reach the strength of the Jōnin, and every country had never lacked it. However, at the age of eleven, a genius ruler who was able to make most of the forces in a village bow to him from his heart had never appeared in any country.

Therefore, Danzo has set aside a period of two years for himself, and he can only let Hinata govern for two years at most, otherwise, he will no longer be able to shake the opponent's position. But on the contrary, if he can succeed, he is sure that he will take over a Konoha village with the strongest military and economic strength since the village was founded.

"Heh~~ If that's the case, then I'll keep my qualification to run for the fifth Hokage. If it's feasible, I won't refuse for the sake of the village. But now..."

Standing up, Hinata obviously didn't intend to refuse too hard. Anyway, things will turn around, but for now...

"I have to leave to prepare for the third exam."

Seeing Hinata walking to the door, Danzo also abruptly spoke again, but this time, his tone was a very serious reminder.

"Indeed, we have already arranged it. You should also use this opportunity to deal with the inheritance of the Hinata clan."

"After all, you are the eldest daughter, and you should get your qualifications back as the next head of the family."

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~ There are too many genius ninjas, but only a few genius rulers~)

(PS2: Thank you for your concern~~ So, I will try to update it as soon as possible~~ There is one more update~~)

no surprise fight

A qualified ruler is far more valuable and rarer than any talent anywhere. Now that he knows his struggles so far, he has already made others label himself this rare and valuable item, Hinata. Naturally, the opportunity to utilize this capital will not be missed.

However, now is not the time to think about it.

"Now begins the third test, a personal duel! The first game: Hinata Hinata VS Neji Hinata!"

Accompanied by the voice of the chief examiner, Moonlight Blast, the entire venue was silent. Obviously, the meaning of this match was too profound.

After resting in the tower for about two days, the time for the second exam finally ran out, and all qualified personnel were gathered here. So far, 26 groups of candidates who participated in the second exam, a total of 78 candidates, have only There are nearly a quarter of the remaining, only 7 groups of 21 people.

Among them, Yao Shidou was worried about exposing his strength and identity, so he gave up his qualifications before the exam, so there were only 20 people left, just enough for 10 one-on-one trials.

"The first one, it's Hinata... Besides, the one named Neji is also surnamed Hinata?"

Standing on the exam stand, Naruto asked in surprise, and with a slight smile, Hinata nodded slowly: "Of course, according to the blood of the family, he is the child of my father's younger brother, naturally, he is mine. cousin."

"Not only that, but he is by far the genius with the best grades in the new generation of the Hyuga clan. He was the one who got the first grade in your school's graduation last year."

As a teacher of Shangnin, Kakashi, who was standing behind Naruto, explained aloud that, of course, another purpose of his presence here was to monitor the curse mark on Sasuke. Sasuke only woke up last night. Sure enough, his fusion state was more perfect this time, and he didn't even have the uncontrollable side effects. In addition, he insisted on continuing the exam, so Kakashi didn't want him to be banned by Anbe now. Take away, but specifically allow it to continue the exam.

"Really? He may seem like a capable guy, but I just don't know how much of his cards Hinata can show."

Watching Hinata walk into the arena, Sasuke nodded slightly, and then immediately opened his Shaker. He planned to take all the details of the battle into his eyes.

For others, this first battle is undoubtedly a considerable attraction.

"Wow~ The first game is Hinata, and the opponent is a genius in the clan, so it will be very exciting no matter how you look at it."

Ya gleefully looked down at the scene in the arena, while Hong, who was standing behind him, spoke slightly: "The third class is the class that became Genin one year ahead of your schedule, and their leading teacher, Matekai, but we are here. One of the best in the group, the strength of his disciples must not be underestimated, if you meet his other two disciples, don't be careless!"

Having said that, the outcome of this battle is still uncertain.

"Actually two members of the Hinata clan? This battle is a bit complicated no matter how you look at it..."

Shikamaru, who has a high IQ, first thought of the symbolic meaning behind this battle. After all, according to what he had learned, although Hinata is now the leader of the Hinata group, she is not the heir of the Hinata clan, because she was not qualified when she was a child. good and was abandoned. Now, she undoubtedly has great power, and this is the best chance to experiment.

"Ningji is a recognized genius of the Hyuga clan. In other words, he is also the most typical representative of soft boxing. As for Hinata, she gave up the soft boxing route and should follow the pure ninja-style rigid boxing of Nandou Shengquan. Therefore, Lu Maru, you are right, this is an opportunity for the Hyuga clan to prove that the two are better or worse."

Asma's words are quite serious, and their political meaning is extremely strong. If it was in the original book, he would definitely not say such words to his students. But now, Asma thinks it is necessary for his three students to understand the political issues within these villages.

"Two members of the Hinata clan? Could it be... an internal struggle?"