

Daichi, a high school student and popular manga writer, was declared dead just 5 minutes after his birth. However, he suddenly came back to life. His grandfather, believing him to be a monster, insisted that his father separate him. To avoid any commotion, his father purchased an apartment in Tokyo and decided to send Daichi there, where no one would know about his abilities. Daichi's parents also moved there with him. When Daichi turned 15, his parents died in a road accident, and Daichi was also present. But thanks to his abilities, he survived. His uncle then took responsibility for his living expenses. Over time, it became clear to Daichi that he isn't normal. Now, it's up to him whether he'll use his abilities as a blessing to help others or as a curse to bring sadness upon them.

10 Chs

No blood?

That person brandished a knife, lunging at Daichi without a word. Daichi narrowly dodged the blade's first strike, but the assailant swiftly followed up, aiming for Daichi's throat and then his stomach. Daichi instinctively played dead, but as he awaited for that man to leave, the man noticed something peculiar there was no blood. Finally, the assailant broke the silence.

- "Get up. There's no need to play dead. I know you can't die."

- "Fine. But how did you find out?" Daichi asked as he began to regenerate.

- "Because the 57th version of me died testing your immortality," the figure explained, removing his gloves.

- "57th you?"

- "Yes. The 57th me perished, and then the 58th version was awakened."

- "Who... or what are you?"

- "Me? I'm an outcast. Just like you."

- "By the way, what's your name? Do I need to introduce myself? Because it seems you know me better than I know myself."

- "There's no need for introductions. My name is NP-58. The one who perished that day was NP-57."

- "Why are you here?"

- "To bring you to our headquarters."

- "Headquarters?"

- "Let me show you first, sir."

- "Sir? Why the sudden formality?"

- "Because you're now curious about your past, and you'll come with me. It's my duty to accompany you until you discover your true potential. There's a car waiting outside. We should hurry."

Daichi followed NP-58, the enigmatic being he had just met, outside. As they arrived at their destination, Daichi's disbelief grew. The place before him was none other than...

what might the headquarter be like? evil or good?

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