

Daichi, a high school student and popular manga writer, was declared dead just 5 minutes after his birth. However, he suddenly came back to life. His grandfather, believing him to be a monster, insisted that his father separate him. To avoid any commotion, his father purchased an apartment in Tokyo and decided to send Daichi there, where no one would know about his abilities. Daichi's parents also moved there with him. When Daichi turned 15, his parents died in a road accident, and Daichi was also present. But thanks to his abilities, he survived. His uncle then took responsibility for his living expenses. Over time, it became clear to Daichi that he isn't normal. Now, it's up to him whether he'll use his abilities as a blessing to help others or as a curse to bring sadness upon them.

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10 Chs

Someone I might know.

"Care Restaurant" says the banner. NP-58 guides him to the counter. Upon seeing NP-58, the friendly salesman suddenly becomes serious and instructs the duo to follow him. After walking about a minute through the kitchen, they reach a passageway. NP-58 opens it, revealing a lift. Upon entering, Daichi notices there are only two buttons available, indicating only two floors. NP-58 presses the button with an arrow pointing down. Daichi expects to reach their destination soon, but the lift takes longer than expected. Seizing the opportunity, Daichi decides to learn more about NP-58, knowing he'll be escorting him for a while.

- "Hey! What does the 'NP' mean in all of your names?"

- "New Project."

- "'New Project'? But why? Couldn't there be a better name?"

- "I'm sorry, sir. But all of us, including myself, were named this because the Laboratory decided to designate us as such. We're merely test subjects created to serve the lab."

- "I'm truly sorry to hear this." (Daichi feels sad and regrets bringing up the topic)

- "Please don't apologize, sir. This is how we were all created."

- "So, you mentioned something related to my past. What might it be?"

- "I'm sorry, sir. But I'm prohibited from disclosing anything about your past. The Doctor himself ordered me to bring you here, even by force if necessary. But since you came willingly, he instructed me to be polite and assist you in reaching him and addressing any future issues."

- "So, you'll be sticking around with me for the rest of my life!" (Daichi is extremely shocked to hear this)

- "Certainly."

- "Then tell me, are there more of you? Or are you the last one so far?"

- "I am indeed the last one so far." (They arrive at the designated floor and exit the lift) "There will be no more like me until I'm no longer functional. I'm just another clone of the original me created in this lab."

- (Daichi suddenly wonders how many floors they descended) "Hey! What floor is this actually?"

- "79th floor, sir."

- "79th!" (Excited)

- "Yes, sir." (While walking, they suddenly reach the designated chamber) "We're here, sir."

A vault-like gate opens, and a bright blue light flashes in front of Daichi's eyes. Suddenly, a mutant zombie charges towards Daichi, and NP-58 shoots it down. However, even after taking seven shots, it gets back up. Suddenly, someone shoots it from behind, not with a bullet, but with a special needle, causing the mutant to faint. A mysterious man wearing a special mask emerges from the room and removes his mask. Daichi realizes that the face is similar to someone he has seen before. Then, he finally realizes that this man is the current head of the "CAREBRUM" Lab, known as "Doc" as NP-58 calls him. Daichi remembers that this face belonged to...

Who might that person be? Probably not Daichi's uncle or is he? Maybe someone else that Daichi may know.

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