
Worlds Collide: Apocalypse Tutorial

In the near future, humanity faces a global crisis—an impending apocalypse. But salvation arrives in an unexpected form: a cutting-edge Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VMMORPG) called “Elysium Nexus.” Players worldwide immerse themselves in this game, unaware that it’s more than just entertainment. As they explore the game’s vast landscapes, battle mythical creatures, and uncover ancient secrets, they unwittingly prepare for the real-world apocalypse. The game mechanics mirror the impending cataclysm: mana surges, magical creatures, and mysterious artifacts become commonplace. But what they don’t know is that this game is actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that will hit Earth! The VMMORPG serves as a training ground, teaching players survival skills, teamwork, and resource management. As they level up, they gain abilities that will prove crucial when the world faces its darkest hour. Our protagonist, Alex, stumbles upon this truth. As a skilled gamer, they rise through the ranks, forming alliances and uncovering hidden lore. But when the game’s events start mirroring real-world disasters, Alex realizes the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. They must unravel the game’s mysteries, find a way to get stronger and survive the apocalypse.

firtstTimeAuthor · 都市
85 Chs

Chapter Sixty

Alex and Rian worked quickly, their focus razor-sharp as they tried to decipher the altar's complex mechanisms. The markings, though dimmed, still pulsed with a faint, ominous energy that seemed to ebb and flow like a heartbeat. The silence in the room was thick, only interrupted by the occasional sound of shifting stone or the soft rustle of the wind outside.

"This altar isn't just a conduit," Rian said, his voice low as he studied the glowing symbols. "It's some kind of anchor—maybe even a control point for the void's influence in this area."

Alex frowned, tracing a line between the symbols with their fingers. "If we can disrupt the energy flow, we might be able to weaken or even sever the void's connection here. But the question is how."

As if in response to their thoughts, the room suddenly grew colder, and the dim light of the symbols flickered once more. A low hum filled the air, growing louder and more oppressive with each passing second. Alex's heart pounded in their chest as they exchanged a worried glance with Rian.

"We need to act fast," Rian said, his voice tense. "Whatever's causing this, it's waking up."

Before Alex could respond, a deep, resonant voice echoed through the chamber, sending a chill down their spine. It was different from the void entity they had encountered earlier—this voice was ancient, carrying with it a weight of age and power that made the very air vibrate.

"You tread upon sacred ground," the voice intoned, filling the space with its presence. "This place is not for mortals to defile."

Alex tightened their grip on their weapon, scanning the room for any sign of the speaker. "Who are you?" they demanded, their voice steady despite the fear creeping into their mind.

There was a moment of silence, and then the voice responded, this time seeming to come from all around them. "I am a guardian of the void's secrets, a keeper of the balance that you seek to disrupt. You, who have come so far, cannot comprehend the forces at play."

Rian stepped forward, his gaze hard. "We don't need to understand everything to know that the void is a threat to our world. We've seen the damage it can do, and we won't let it spread any further."

The voice laughed, a cold, hollow sound that reverberated through the chamber. "Foolish mortals. The void is not simply a force of destruction. It is a necessary counterbalance to the light, an ancient power that has existed since time immemorial. To sever the void's influence here would be to disrupt the very fabric of existence."

Alex felt a wave of doubt wash over them, but they pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. "We're not here to debate the void's purpose," they said firmly. "We're here to stop it from consuming everything in its path."

The voice grew quieter, almost contemplative. "You speak with conviction, but you do not understand the consequences of your actions. The void is bound to this world, as the light is. One cannot exist without the other."

Rian's expression darkened. "That may be, but we won't stand by and let the void destroy everything we care about."

For a moment, the chamber was silent, the oppressive energy lingering in the air. Then, slowly, the symbols on the altar began to pulse with light once more, as if responding to the conversation.

"If you wish to sever the void's connection, you will need to prove your resolve," the voice said finally. "The void does not release its hold easily, and it will fight to maintain its presence. Are you prepared to face the consequences?"

Alex took a deep breath, their resolve hardening. "We're ready."

Rian nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on the altar. "Whatever it takes."

There was a pause, and then the voice spoke one last time, its tone shifting to one of warning. "Very well. But know this: the void is eternal. Even if you succeed here, it will never truly be gone. It will always seek a way back."

With that, the presence in the room seemed to fade, the oppressive energy lifting slightly. The symbols on the altar dimmed to a faint glow, as if they had been temporarily subdued.

"We need to move quickly," Alex said, turning back to the altar. "Before whatever that was decides to come back."

Rian nodded, and together they began to work, using everything they had learned to disrupt the energy flow within the altar. The process was slow and meticulous, each step requiring precision and care. But as they worked, they could feel the void's grip on the area loosening, the oppressive atmosphere gradually fading.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the last symbol on the altar flickered and went dark. The hum in the air ceased, and the chamber fell into a profound silence, the only sound the echo of their own breathing.

Alex let out a breath they hadn't realized they were holding. "I think we did it," they said, a mix of relief and exhaustion in their voice.

Rian looked around, his expression cautious. "Let's hope so. We've bought ourselves some time, but we can't assume the void will just give up."

"We won't," Alex agreed, straightening up. "But for now, we've done what we came here to do. Let's get back to the others and figure out our next move."

With the altar deactivated and the void's influence weakened, Alex and Rian made their way out of the ruins. The forest outside was still and quiet, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere they had left behind. But as they walked away, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that they had only just begun to uncover the true depths of the void's power—and that the challenges ahead would be even greater than anything they had faced before.

Smaller Chapters today, so I have uploaded three of them.

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