
World Touring System

A system which grants it’s users the ability to tour around the multiverse has chosen an otaku as test subject. First World - Hundred. Expect R18 stuff and OP MC.

Appleisweet · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Second Attack

"So this is Gudenberg Empire."

I surveyed my new surroundings with curiosity. Most of the building here modern looking while some were middles ages types. All sorts of people were busy dealing with their daily lives, I wondered how things will be after Savage Attack.

"What are you waiting for, lets go!" Ryusei nudged me and walked towards one of the fancy looking cars waiting on parking.

Not bothering too much about how Ryusei got this car, I just enjoyed myself the comfy interiors. After putting up the luggage, we were on our way.

-Time Skip-

It's been a week since we arrived at Gudenburg Empire, we have already been sightseeing for a while so today, we decided to take a break. It was afternoon right now and Ryusei was enjoying himself some good sleep.

We were living in a mansion which was supposedly owned by Ryusei's family. I was already quite familiar with my surroundings, so I decided to venture out myself.

Actually I just had a feeling, almost instinct like...like something is about to happen and it was gradually becoming strong. I blamed it to my future knowledge since I knew Savage attack could happen anytime.

As the weather was quite windy, I was enjoying my walk while wondering why there were no quests after that 3rd Quest. I received 'Sense Energy 101 for dummies' manual and 'Custom Hundred' creation option, but I still didn't came to the conclusion as to what type of Hundred should I make. I know I wanted to make a Chevalier Type Hundred, they wield weapon meant to used for close or middle ranged combats, making them perfect for Vanguards. One more problem is I still can't feel sense energy, it's like a barrier is stopping me from it. It appears as if it just needs a little push...but I have no idea what it might be.

While thinking about these things, sun was about to set in horizon. Looking at the children around my age playing happily in the park, I smiled lightly and started walking back lest Ryusei got worried.

But as soon as I did so, suddenly my heart beat sped up, almost frantically and then...


An ear piercing sound assaulted everyone ears as like geyser, mixture of materials flew up hundreds of meter high in sky some distance away from me in different directions.

High pitched cries of children and adults filled the atmosphere, but a loud shriek subdued them all.


Hundreds of meter giant with multiple claws in green and black started appearing everywhere. Destruction followed everywhere they went, I was at some distance from them and no savage was in my vicinity. Not letting the noises get to me, I ran towards mansion. Upon reaching there, I couldn't find Ryusei anywhere, probably he went to search for me. I wasn't too worried about him, he is strong enough to handle himself.

I was planning where should I do next. I could see some slayers being deployed slowly and fight with savages. I decided to head out and do what I came to do, collection blood and flesh of savages.

When I went towards one of the places where Savages landed on, I couldn't help but shake my head looking at the pile of dead bodies. Amidst all these, there was a silver haired girl crying while hugging her knees. At first I wanted to abandon her, but suddenly I remembered something which made me turn towards her.

"What happened?" Upon reaching her, I kneeled down to get on her level and asked with comfort voice.

"..it hurts." She pointed at her stomach which was filled with blood..red and green mixed together. Green blood is the feature of Savages, looks like she got attacked by one and got injured. The wound didn't look too deep, hence she was still conscious.

"It will be fine, leave it to me." I don't know what came over me, looking at green blood, it looked extremely enticing to me. Subconsciously, I stooped down and started licking her wound, no..I was almost sucking it..vigorously. I knew the girl in front of me is Emilia but I was too engrossed to care about that right now.

As I licked more blood, I felt a hand nudge my forehead.

"It's enough, it doesn't hurt much now.." Emilia looked at me with thankful expression. I realised this might be not the right time to flirt with her even though she was pretty cute.

"Fine, let's go. I will drop you to nearby relief facility."

Not waiting for her reply, I took her in princess carry and started walking towards some officials I saw while making my way through here.

"It's embarrassing, I am a boy too." She looked somewhat tomboyish but her inner beauty couldn't be hidden.

"You know I saw some of your breast, I know you aren't a boy. Why would you even lie to me?" I deadpanned.

"Sorry..it's just my habit. But looking at my breast is unforgivable.."

"Well, I couldn't help it. Hold me tightly."

"Why?" I answered her question by sprinting towards a certain direction.

"Aah.." while screaming, she embraced my neck tightly. Honestly, if we weren't in this situation, I might've enjoyed it.

After ten minutes of continuous running, I finally found those officials.

"Hey we are here." I shook Emilia off but she was still stuck to me.

"I am sorry." After couple attempts she realised what she was doing, so she let go of me in frenzy.

"Kids, it's dangerous. Come with us." A soldier came to us and gestured us to move towards one of the vehicles. Now this was troublesome, I need to sneak out somehow.


"What's your name?" Emilia asked me.

"Inor. What's yours?"

"Emilia...Emilia Gudenburg." She looked somewhat resentful.

"Nice to meet you Emilia. But I guess I have to go now." Seeing that we were being escorted with only one soldier who was helping others on the way too, I find this chance the best to sneak out.

"What do you mean?" I didn't answered her question and ran away.

"Wait.." "Stop!" I could hear couple loud voices but I didn't looked back.

After running for some time amidst all this havoc, I stopped not because of I was tired but because of what I was experiencing now.

"Finally." I rejoiced, finally I could feel the existence of sense energy. Probably the blood earlier broke the barrier that was stopping me. This wasn't all though, I also came to a conclusion what kind of Hundred I want.



Make your custom Hundred.

Rewards: Evolution Available (Level 1 Variant)


I started imagining what type of Hundred do I want, their shape, properties and everything related to it.

Slowly two blades out of thin air started manifesting in front of me. One of them was white, like snow while other was black like a dark night. Both of them had dragon shaped handles to them which looked quite intimidating. Gripping white one in right hand and black one in left hand, I find them to be quite heavy. They were also quite long, around three feet long, being the dual wielder I naturally was, it was perfect for me. I could feel they showed no rejection towards me but rather fought for my affection.

"Show me what you can do." As I felt my inner constitution change, the burst of sense energy enveloped me, the amount was almost surreal as it made a foot deep crater just from a moment of burst.


Appleisweetcreators' thoughts