
World Touring System

A system which grants it’s users the ability to tour around the multiverse has chosen an otaku as test subject. First World - Hundred. Expect R18 stuff and OP MC.

Appleisweet · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Arrival At The Little Garden


"Here you go."

I put a piece of sliced banana in the mouth of petite girl in front of me. She has black straight hair and purple eyes. Her face was the very definition of cuteness, but I couldn't help but lament thatgod is merciless if there's one because she was sitting on a wheelchair, unable to enjoy life on her own feet.

"Inor-nii-chan, after you go to Little Garden, you won't forget to visit me right?" She palmed my face and looked into my eyes seriously.

I rotated my eyes to make sure no on was in the vicinity. After making sure, I put a piece of apple in my mouth and closed my distance towards that girl's little pink lips. Not knowing how to react to this situation, she just closed her eyes with some anticipation.

As my lips landed on hers, I parted them ever so quickly and put that piece of apple inside hers and pulled back after swirling her little tongue couple of times.

"Inor-nii-san, what if someone sees us?" She looked very embarrassed as she opened her eyes but the happiness in her eyes didn't matched her angry voice.

"What's wrong? I was just feeding my Karen a piece of apple." I blinked my eyes in confusion.

"Humph!" Her harrumph also sounded so cute.

"Okay, I am sorry. But don't worry I won't ever forget my little Karen no matter where I go."

Yes, she was Karen Kisaragi, little sister of this world's MC, Hayato Kisaragi. I finally remembered who Ryusei was, he was originally the person who taught Hayato Swordsmanship after he returned to Yamato.

Karen and Hayato were both in Ludenberg when the second attack took place. They survived however their parents weren't that lucky. Now both of them were staying at the orphanage nearby, the reason they both settled here was because originally they were from Yamato. Because of their dad's job, they had to transfer to Ludenberg.

Karen coming in contact with Savage Virus during the second attack was ill while Hayato was working hard to become strong. Some years ago after we returned from Ludenberg, Hayato started training under Ryusei supervision but I was still his main student..well I could already defeat Ryusei for some time now, but he refuses to accept defeat.

Over the years, ahem...my manly persona made Karen fall for me, but I didn't went further than kisses as she was still ill and couldn't exert herself.

After some talk with Karen, I went back to my house. Entering my room, I checked my status.


Name - Inor

Age - 16

Race - King Variant (Level 1)

Hundred: White King & Black King


Go to Little Garden.

Rewards: Main Quest Available.


Let me clarify why my race is King Variant first. When I was in Ludenberg I suddenly received a quest to kill a Savage, so I did. After eating its flesh and drinking a bit of its blood, I found out I was already a level 2 Variant. Every increases in level doubles my original strength as well my sense energy. After I discovered that, I went on a hunt for Savages. Obviously I fought with small and weak savages at first. After cleaning up weak savages, I didn't continue my hunt but returned back to Yamato with Ryusei. At that time my level already increased to 26. After killing some leftovers savages which I found evidence of in these recent years, my level increased to King Variant. The stronger Savage I killed the faster my level raised.

I was also able to achieve Full-Body Armament with my Hundred. I was surprised to find the hidden attribute of my hundred, it was being able to transform my armaments as I want, colour, shape, weapon, etc. Because of this, no one was able to figure out it was the same person who was going around killing savages...hopefully. Also, I entered what seems to be 'Berserk mode' of my hundred when I was about to die in my last fight with a very powerful Savage.

After I turned into a King Variant, my eyes have turned dragon like, no matter what I did, I couldn't change it back. Ryusei concluded it was because I became Variant, hence now I was being scouted by Warslan and attending Little Garden to be 'trained', don't know if I will learn anything though. And obviously, me being a variant was only knows by few people.

Warslan is a private military company run by Judal Harvey, brother of a certain busty blonde president. I was actually a little excited, finally my hard work will bore some fruit, maybe I will make my own harem in that school, who knows?

By the time I was done packing my stuff to move to Little Garden tomorrow, it was already night time. Looking at the neatly packed stuff, I nodded satisfyingly.

Afterwards, I went towards kitchen and started cooking a meal. Because I will be away for some time, I made a lot of dishes. Karen and Hayato were also going to join us.

It took me couple hours to prepare food and set up plates.

"Ryusei, Karen, Hayato, food's ready." I felt like a mom calling them like this. Shrugging my shoulders, I started serving everyone.

"Wow, Inor, you really went all out today." Ryusei looked same as usual but you could see the traces of age appearing on his face.

"Yeah, I really wanted that little girl to join us too." I spoke my thought which Ryusei nodded. I was talking about Touka, she was likewise a disciple of Ryusei whose parents were killed in Second attack.

"Hmm, I really wanted for Touka to be here, she is the only one who would call me Nee-san." Karen joined in with a disappointed face. She really liked Touka.

"Okay, lets not make atmosphere gloomy. Since Inor-san worked hard to make such extravagant food, we shouldn't wait." Hayato as usual was being the kind MC. I once thought of killing him but he is one of the likable MC so, I didn't do it. Karen would also have been devastated.

While enjoying our food, Ryusei suggested that I and Hayato go to Little Garden together since he was invited as a student too. Since we don't have any problems, we accepted the suggestion.

-The Next Day-

After getting off of airplane that took us to local airport of Little Garden, me alongside Hayato were exiting the airport when suddenly we heard.

"Inor Kenzaki." Two female with students clothes were screaming my names without a care in random direction, probably to get my attention when we arrive.

"Inor-san, how about we ditch them? I don't like being focus of attention." I wanted to reject him before I remembered an interesting matter which will happen because of this.

"Sure." Replying to him, I sneaked ahead.

After we arrived inside the school, many girls couldn't help but turn their eyes towards me, many people wondered where the attention is forwarded to. I was already used to this situation in Yamato but Hayato looked quite uncomfortable.

"It's him, Inor Kenzaki." Suddenly a girl with little stature jumped out of the crowd and pointed towards us.


"Who is Inor Kenzaki?"

"I heard he scored perfect in every subject while his affinity with Hundred was best ever recorded."

I turned my focus towards that little girl, I knew who she was but still have to follow the norms so I asked.

"Who are you?"

"I am Latia Saint-Émillion. Call me Latia." A tall man with same height as me, just above 6 feet patted Latia's head like a little girl.

"Sorry, she is a little hot headed. By the way, I am Fritz Glanz. You can call me Fritz." He nodded his head and gestured us to come inside the building since it was little hot outside.

"I am Inor Kenzaki. Nice to meet you both."

"I am Hayato Kisaragi. It's a pleasure."

While we were talking about our origins and stuff, abruptly I turned around feeling a deep gaze on my back.

"Waah..!" A subtle scream followed as I turned around suddenly.

A silver haired person, with boys dressing was sneaking his way through me but I immediately knew who he was..sorry it was a she but I decided to not disclose her identity. It will be so fun later on..haha I love this school.