
World Entropy

Although the world has advanced to a point where every game is now played in VR, Full Dive-in even, gamers have become bored with the copy-and-paste products of the game companies. As if waiting for a chance, a new VR Full Dive MMORPG is launched in the middle of the boredom period. "Pandemonium" quickly rises in popularity. Bringing with it a new mechanic for Role Playing Games. In that game, he plays as a Changeling, a secret race. And there's his little sister, the Homunculus player, who suddenly attached to him despite their history. At first, Spade feels awkward. But as time goes on, they become the best duo in Pandemonium. However, there is one thing that's bothering Spade. "How does my sister know so much about this game?" What secret does the little sister hide? And perhaps... the game itself, too.

Overseer_ · ファンタジー
17 Chs



As much as in any other VRMMORPGs set in a classic fantasy world, they were of common races of that world, along with Humans and Elves. "The Big Three," people would say.

Their statures were mostly small and stocky. As a race that spent their days with iron, forging, and other productive activities, it was not without reason why most of them were like that. They were often regarded as masters of fire because of their jobs.

However, as the saying goes, "When there is good, there is bad. Everything is connected and is in balance." The same applies to one race's quality.

The minus point of the Dwarves was that they were arrogant and prideful creatures. At least, this was the case in other games.

What about the Pandemonium's Dwarves? Anarchy would know it soon.

Walking in the underground mineral mine tunnel were two Dwarves with broom brush beards. They each held a pickaxe in one hand, occasionally swinging—imitating an action of mining as they talked.

At some point, their shoulders instinctively lifted when they passed an abandoned mine entrance. The authorities had even put up a warning sign to not enter that hole.

One of them, one with better eyesight, spotted something moving in the darkness. That thing looked like a silhouette of a tall human. But the Dwarf was curious why there was a human down there, not to mention a bald one.

As the Dwarf was about to get closer to the entrance, the other one stopped and warned him.

"Hey, don't go there! You don't want to be fired from the job, right?!"

Although reluctant, that Dwarf with better eyesight had no choice but to forget what he saw. Perhaps it was just an illusion. Perhaps he was too tired after nonstop mining.

Walking away from the forbidden entrance, they resumed their way to the surface. After tens of steps, they had to stop and turn around again when they felt an ominous aura leak from the abandoned hole.

"Do you feel that?"

"Yeah. My beard is shivering."

Looking at each other, they nodded and decided to ignore it again. Turning around, they stopped talking altogether and fastened their paces.

After several meters, the ominous aura finally disappeared. But it didn't mean the two Dwarves could relax. Not until they reached the entrance connecting the surface and the mine.

However, what they didn't realize was that they were being followed.

Whatever it was that was following them, they should be glad that the thing didn't attack them.

Finally, once they reached the entrance, they breathed relievedly. After talking a bit, they went up to the surface together. The three of them.

Two Dwarves emerged from the underground mine entrance into the surface. Feeling relieved, they immediately walked away from the area.

Five minutes after the Dwarves disappeared from the underground mine entrance vicinity, another Dwarf emerged from the tunnel.

That Dwarf had a bushy beard. He was slightly taller than the two Dwarves from earlier, or maybe the tallest of the Dwarf's race.

Normally, Dwarf could only grow up to 150 cm. But that bushy beard Dwarf was about the average young human's tall.

Looking around, he retraced the other Dwarves' footprints. After 10 minutes, he spotted a city—a kingdom. Protecting it were the colossal walls.

"Hoo. How lucky~ I spawned near Dwarf's city."

Not surprisingly, that Dwarf was none other than Anarchy, whose race was a Changeling.

He had used the trait [Shapeshifter] to adopt a dwarf appearance. But shouldn't he be more careful next time? With that height, he would garner attention from people.

'Ah, that's right.'

Realizing he was taller than an average Dwarf, Anarchy used [Shapeshifter] again to shrink his height.

'It's good enough, I think.'

With confidence, he passed the gate into the city.

It was refreshing to see that Dwarf's city was placed above the ground instead of built underground or on the mountain like the other MMORPG titles.

That said, other than the biome in which the city was located, everything looked the same, starting from the building structures and styles.

Now that the city wasn't in underground or mountain caves, rather than the gloomy dystopia-like view, it became steampunk-ish instead. Apparently, looking at the technology possessed by the Dwarves, it wasn't an exaggeration to say they were the most advanced race in this world.

'By advance, it means they have the best technology,' Anarchy thought. 'Rather than the traditional Dwarf race who either ends up as a blacksmith or a warrior, it seems this game's Dwarf can be a marksman, too.'

That's only Anarchy's theory-crafting; who knows, they can still be as arrogant and stubborn as depicted in many fictions. Talking about pride and so on.

Anarchy looked left and right as he made his way on the main road. He looked like a tourist in his supposed hometown country. And the reason for his action was because, unfortunately, this game didn't have a map!

In RPGs, every player and their character had, at least, a map system to help them navigate through the vast, fantasy world. Sure, it could disappear in certain areas. But at least the core of having it was there.

However, in Pandemonium, that map system didn't exist!

Having no levels, no classes, no HP bar or MP bar could still be tolerated because those didn't seem important to be implemented to VRMMO, but removing the map system? That was a nightmare.

How could players enjoy playing the game if there was no navigation feature?

'Actually, having no map won't become much trouble.'

It wouldn't be a problem for Anarchy but for other players? Some might complain.

'Seems like those people have an issue with their skill.'


In any case, Anarchy finally spotted the place he had in his mind, the very place that became his reason for choosing Dwarf Territory over Monster Territory.

The Dwarf Workshop.

A wide grin was all over Anarchy's face. If only his beard didn't cover it, his ugly face would have offended some people passing him.

'Oh, shut up.'