
World Entropy

Although the world has advanced to a point where every game is now played in VR, Full Dive-in even, gamers have become bored with the copy-and-paste products of the game companies. As if waiting for a chance, a new VR Full Dive MMORPG is launched in the middle of the boredom period. "Pandemonium" quickly rises in popularity. Bringing with it a new mechanic for Role Playing Games. In that game, he plays as a Changeling, a secret race. And there's his little sister, the Homunculus player, who suddenly attached to him despite their history. At first, Spade feels awkward. But as time goes on, they become the best duo in Pandemonium. However, there is one thing that's bothering Spade. "How does my sister know so much about this game?" What secret does the little sister hide? And perhaps... the game itself, too.

Overseer_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs

First Step

After fiddling with his character customization, Anarchy currently had 30 XP. Although only a few, it was worth it to lose that much for a secret race.

There was not much information about this game because it was only released an hour ago. Even the developer was a newcomer, too.

Before trying Pandemonium, Anarchy had tried looking at their website. But it was still filled with text holders—the mighty Lorem Ipsum.

In any case, since the game stated it was a secret race, it must be good. Though it could be lame, not everything secret or hidden was all amazing.

Still, it's Changeling we're talking about...

'And what was that about my Traits getting updated?'

Curious, Anarchy checked his profile system, and a shock wave immediately welcomed him.

With an idiot grin, he said:

"Is this real? No way... hehe..."

What initially three negative traits condensed into one [Abomination]. While [Impostor] remained the same, the [Voice Mimicry] had been changed into a way more useful trait [Shapeshifter].


Trait: Abomination (Changeling Exclusive)

XP Cost: -

You are an object of contempt. Born to be hated. Destined to die.

— You will get various negative traits while in your true form:

Favorability with NPCs is decreased (Extreme)

Affiliation shifts to Hostile against all races.

Unable to talk.

Five senses are decreased in efficiency (Medium)

You can only wield half of your total stats.

— Experience gain bonus while in your true form (250%)


Trait: Shapeshifter (Changeling Exclusive)

XP Cost: -

As a Changeling, you can shift your face and form with a thought. You can only transform and adopt a form that has the same basic anatomy of yours (humanoid), though none of your stats change. But be careful not to transform into an object without consciousness.

— You need to have a clear image of what you will become.

— [Abomination] will not be applied while you are in shapeshifting form.

※Tips: If you can't picture a clear image in your mind. You can first try mimicking while focusing on other creatures.


Anarchy's grin only grew wider after reading the new traits.

Although he already expected this outcome, he couldn't help but be shocked by the creativity and complexity of the game mechanics.

"Haha... this is invaluable information to sell."

Indeed. While the game still had no guide or information on its website, something like that would become invaluable. Especially considering how competitive MMORPG communities were.

Moreover, in this kind of game that had no levels and predetermined classes, where you could become anything and master everything as long as you had XP, Anarchy was sure there would be a broker in this game.

"Not that I lack money. So I will never share my discovery with anyone!"

In any case, character customization and username input were finished. Anarchy had to do a final step before he could start exploring Pandemonium.

Beneath him, the infinite white space flooring had changed into a world map of Pandemonium.

Looking at the map, Anarchy pondered which country would potentially be his starting area.

There were at least three continents, but only one was selectable. It was a massive land in the center called "Linoa."

In Linoa, there were 7 countries, and if you chose one of those countries, you could randomly spawn at the predetermined locations, of which there were many.

That said, if the number of players was small, the chance for them to meet each other early in the game was low.

"Is that so?"

Normally, a newly created character would only spawn at a place with enemies of appropriate difficulty, like a prairie or near a forest entrance, and an area without enemies, such as a village or near a town.

However, for those who choose goblin, skeleton, or any hostile races to the mundane races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beastkin) as their starting race, being spawned somewhere near a human settlement would be problematic.

Among the 7 countries, three belonged to human rulers, two were occupied by elves, one mostly had dwarves, and one mostly beastkins.

Thus, if goblin or skeleton players were spawned in the mundane races' countries, they would become a target for extermination. If they were to be killed, they would get the death penalty on top of respawning at the same place where they died.

And if NPCs were to cross paths with them again, they'd be done in again in no time.

One thing to note, the NPCs had sophisticated AIs. If they noticed the subjugated monsters (players who played hostile races) kept popping in a certain area, they would set up traps at their spawn location, resulting in an endless death loop.

With that being said, unlike other games, Pandemonium's NPCs could act like a player sometimes. Anyway, the act of hunting a certain player at their spawn location was called "Spawn Hunt." It was usually done by players but in this game...

"The NPCs are sickos..."

To avoid those kinds of situations, players can select starting areas outside the seven countries. And those were, though not having a definite ruler, were monster territories.

As a unique Changeling, it would be better for Anarchy to select monster territories as his starting area. Though his [Abomination] made him an enemy of all races, at least spawning in monster areas was safer than the mundane races' countries.

Anarchy contemplated his choosing.

Apparently, he had different thoughts on this matter. For him, it didn't matter where he spawned as long as that area was good for farming XP. Technically speaking, that would be monster territories, but...

"Killing monsters isn't the only way to gain XP."

That's right. Other than killing monsters for XP, doing certain activities could also result in XP. For example, cooking, crafting, doing business, etc.

In the end, Anarchy ended up choosing the country of dwarves as his starting area. According to him, their country was too good to be ignored. Especially their mastery in craftsmanship, blacksmithing, and other production skills.

For a Changeling with [Abomination] like Anarchy, just by only existing was a problem. No matter where he was, he would become a target of subjugation. But as long as he could maintain his guise, something like that wouldn't be a problem.

Anarchy spawned in some kind of gloomy, damp place. Seemed like some kind of cave. His sense of smell, though not working as it should be, could still catch a sour smell lingering in the area.

Glancing around, Anarchy noticed it was weird that even though there were no lights anywhere, it wasn't pitch black, and he could see even with vision reduction.

Anarchy explored the cave. After a few minutes, he arrived at the first intersection.

Sticking to the wall, Anarchy stuck half his faceless head out and peeked around the corner. No one was there. He waited for a bit, but still nothing moved.

Leaving a mark on the wall, he moved over to the left side. Continuing down the path by hugging the wall, he could see a faint light coming from around the next corner of the cave.

If that was the entrance, then that would be the dwarves' settlement, and leaving meant he would be hunted unless he shapeshifted.

Thinking for a bit, Anarchy cautiously walked toward the light.

As he got closer, he could make out the sounds of people talking.

'There they are.'