
World End: Lost Bonds

In a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying monsters roam freely, the land has become a perilous place for civilians. However, the resilient survivors have managed to harness the power of magic, enabling them to create floating islands above the dangerous grounds. Among these survivors is Eldric Volker, a man who once faced a near-death situation. Since then, living in the comfort of his home, Eldric engage in dangerous adventures and quests in order to find leads of his near death experience. Everything came out empty, until he overheard news that his childhood friends, whom he once believed to be dead, may still be alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note This is my first novel, I hope that this story captivates your interest. I know that the story might not have the best pacing, nor the information will be conveyed smoothly, but I will do my best to make it flow as best as I can. I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you very much for reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about this novel that might be Important to mention Mc : Will be immature at times, but will mature in the future. Has a serious personality, and won't joke around in serious times. World : Imagine a post apocalyptic world, but with magic, swords, and guns (Steampunk equipment), a lot of things will be baron (like the lands) but there will be exceptions like the occasional forest and plantation. Harem : there will be romance.. I can't say anymore.

RobZ_ · ファンタジー
24 Chs

1st Quest

Year X033

Chirp, chirp, chirp

Eldric awoke with a surge of anticipation. The rays of sunlight streamed through his window, casting a warm glow on the small room he called home in the orphanage. He quickly got ready, putting on his adventuring gear and securing his trusty sword at his side.

As he made his way out of his room and down the corridors of the orphanage, the familiar sounds of his fellow orphans preparing for the day echoed around him. Their voices were filled with excitement and chatter, each with their own aspirations and dreams.

With a skip in his step, Eldric exited the orphanage and made his way towards the bustling center of the floating island where the Adventurer's Guild was located. As he approached the grand entrance, he could already hear the clinking of armor and the roudy conversations of experienced adventurers within.

Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, Eldric entered the guild hall, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The hall was abuzz with activity, adventurers of various ranks and abilities gathered, sharing tales of their exploits and preparing for their next quests.

Amidst the organized chaos, the receptionist lady noticed Eldric's arrival. She looked up from her paperwork, her warm smile inviting him forward. "Welcome to our Adventurer's Guild," she greeted him.

"Are you here to embark on your first quest?"

Eldric nodded eagerly, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Yes."

"Seeing as it is your first quest, why don't we start with an easy one?" Asked the receptionist lady.

"Umm.. Sure, what is available?"

Eldric inquired, trying to hide his eagerness and willingness to prove himself.

The receptionist smiled warmly and consulted the quest board behind her. After a brief moment, she turned back to Eldric.

"Well, we have a simple task that could use someone like you. A local farmer named Mr. Jenkins has been having trouble with pesky critters raiding his crop fields. He needs someone to get rid of them and ensure the safety of his livelihood."

Eldric's excitement wavered momentarily at the mention of a task that seemed mundane. Nevertheless, he reminded himself that every adventure had to start somewhere, no matter how small. "I'll take the job," he replied with determination.

The receptionist handed Eldric a map, indicating the location of Mr. Jenkins' farm. "The farm is just a short distance from here," she explained.

"You might come across some mischievous creatures during your journey, but nothing too perilous. Don't worry, the land below this floating island is well-guarded, with frequent patrols by adventurers and guards."

With the assurance of a relatively safe route, Eldric took the map and thanked the receptionist. He felt a sense of relief knowing that he wouldn't be facing any immediate life-threatening dangers. However, he also understood that even seemingly harmless creatures could pose a challenge if underestimated or approached carelessly.

Eldric left the guild hall, ready to navigate the path to Mr. Jenkins' farm. As he made his way through the floating island, he couldn't help but observe the bustling activity around him. Other adventurers and guards were preparing for their own quests, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight.

Eldric felt a surge of excitement, realizing that he was now a part of this vibrant community of adventurers. He understood that his first quest, though simple, was an essential stepping stone in his journey to become a skilled and respected adventurer.

It was an opportunity to prove himself, gain experience, and forge connections with the people he would meet along the way.

With each step, Eldric's anticipation grew, fueled by the knowledge that even a seemingly straightforward task could hold unexpected surprises and lead to greater adventures.

He tightened his grip on the map, determined to complete the quest and make a memorable start to his life as an adventurer in this post-apocalyptic world.

After a few minutes of walking, Eldric finally arrived at Mr. Jenkins' farm without encountering any harm along the way. The farm sprawled out before him, vibrant and teeming with life. Rows of crops swayed gently in the breeze, and the air carried the sweet scent of nature's bounty.

Approaching the farmhouse, Eldric spotted Mr. Jenkins attending to his plants. The elderly farmer looked up, his face lighting up with a smile as he noticed the young adventurer's arrival. Eldric introduced himself and explained the purpose of his visit—to help rid the farm of the troublesome creatures that had been causing havoc.

"Ah, you must be Eldric," Mr. Jenkins said, his voice warm and friendly. "I've heard that you accepted my quest from the guild. I appreciate your willingness to lend a hand."

Expressing his gratitude, Mr. Jenkins shared details about the creatures' behavior and the areas where they were commonly seen. Eldric listened attentively, absorbing the information and mentally preparing for the task at hand.

"Those critters have been wreaking havoc on my crops," Mr. Jenkins remarked with a hint of frustration. "They may not be as harmless as rabbits, but they're certainly causing enough trouble. Be careful, lad."

Eldric set out to survey the farm. His slowly but carefully observe his surroundings, scanning for any signs of the creatures.

As he ventured deeper into the farm, Eldric's grip tightened around his sword. Although still a novice in swordsmanship, he was determined to do his best. His movements were slightly clumsy, but he make sure to be careful and be as sharp as possible.

He spotted the creatures rustling in the crops, Eldric acted swiftly, swinging his sword in wide arcs. Although his strikes lacked finesse, he managed to graze the creatures, startling them and causing them to scatter. It was evident that Eldric's swordsmanship skills were a work in progress, but his perseverance pushed him forward.

Using his Wind Blade skill, Eldric conjured gusts of wind to disorient the creatures. The blades weren't as precise as he had hoped, but they served their purpose, causing the creatures to stumble and giving Eldric a chance to close in.

Aware of his limitations, Eldric relied on his agility and quick reflexes to evade the creatures' attacks. His Magic Barrier skill provided some protection, deflecting a few strikes that came his way. It was clear that Eldric still had much to learn, but he refused to let that hinder his efforts.

As the quest progressed, Eldric's stamina waned, and he could feel his muscles growing fatigued. He relied on his Regeneration skill to recover some of his energy, allowing him to press on and continue the fight.

With each encounter, Eldric grew more adept at anticipating the creatures' movements.

After a series of skirmishes, Eldric managed to subdue the creatures and capture them. Although his swordsmanship was far from perfect, he had accomplished his mission without causing significant harm to the crops.

Returning to Mr. Jenkins, Eldric presented the subdued creatures, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction evident on his face. Mr. Jenkins nodded approvingly, recognizing the effort Eldric had put forth.

"You've done well, lad," Mr. Jenkins praised, his voice filled with encouragement. "With time and practice, I'm sure your swordsmanship will only improve. Keep at it."

Eldric nodded, grateful for the old farmer's kind words. He knew he had a long way to go in mastering the art of swordsmanship, but this quest had given him valuable experience and a renewed determination to continue his training.

As the sun began to set, Eldric made his way back to the guild hall in the floating island with his steps filled with a mix of weariness and excitement. The bustling atmosphere of the guild greeted him as he entered.

Eldric approached the receptionist, a smile of satisfaction on his face. He handed her the completed quest report, providing all the necessary details and confirming the successful completion of his first adventure. The receptionist reviewed the report, and giving a nod of approval.

"Great job, Eldric," she commended him. "You've proven yourself capable, and I'm sure there will be many more exciting quests in your future. Here is your well-deserved reward."

Eldric received a pouch of coins, the weight of which hinted at a fair payment for his services. Grateful for the opportunity, he thanked the receptionist and bid farewell to the guild hall.

As he walked through the bustling streets, Eldric reflected on the journey he did today. He knows that there are a lot lacking from him, and he acknowledges that he still has much to learn and improve upon. The encounter with the creatures on the farm served as a reminder of his limitations and the need for further training.

Determined to grow stronger, Eldric made a mental note to prioritize his swordsmanship practice.

"I should practice with the sword more, and maybe unlock the [Sword Aura] skill, I know things won't be easy, but I'll try my best." mumbled Eldric.

He knew that unlocking the [Sword Aura] skill would require intense focus and mastering the art of channeling his inner energy into his sword strikes.

"I should ask the receptionist tomorrow."

In addition to his swordsmanship, Eldric contemplated how he could better utilize his existing skills and develop new ones. He recognized the importance of expanding his repertoire to face a variety of challenges in the future. Perhaps he could invest more time in studying and experimenting with his magic abilities, finding new ways to harness the power within him.

Deep in thought, Eldric arrived at the orphanage. He paused for a moment outside the entrance, remembering the floating island he's at. It was a symbol of both the safety and isolation of their current existence. While he was grateful for the shelter and support the orphanage provided, he couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond the floating islands.

- Island 008 -

Name : Eldric Volker

Level: 12

Experience: 300/2500

Hp : 80/80

Mana : 45/45

Job : [Hidden Job] [Magic Swordsman]

Skills : [Hidden Skill Lv.0] [Dash Lv.1] [Firebolt Lv.1] [Magic Barrier Lv.1] [Wind Blade Lv.2]

Passive : [Swordsmanship Lv.3] [Sword Aura Lv.0] [Regeneration Lv.1] [Mana Regeneration Lv.1] [Enhanced Reflexes Lv.1]


Weapon: Steel Longsword

Armor: Leather Armor

Accessories: None


Health Potions x2

Mana Potions x2

Scroll of Teleportation x1

Thanks for reading

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