
World End: Lost Bonds

In a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying monsters roam freely, the land has become a perilous place for civilians. However, the resilient survivors have managed to harness the power of magic, enabling them to create floating islands above the dangerous grounds. Among these survivors is Eldric Volker, a man who once faced a near-death situation. Since then, living in the comfort of his home, Eldric engage in dangerous adventures and quests in order to find leads of his near death experience. Everything came out empty, until he overheard news that his childhood friends, whom he once believed to be dead, may still be alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note This is my first novel, I hope that this story captivates your interest. I know that the story might not have the best pacing, nor the information will be conveyed smoothly, but I will do my best to make it flow as best as I can. I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you very much for reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about this novel that might be Important to mention Mc : Will be immature at times, but will mature in the future. Has a serious personality, and won't joke around in serious times. World : Imagine a post apocalyptic world, but with magic, swords, and guns (Steampunk equipment), a lot of things will be baron (like the lands) but there will be exceptions like the occasional forest and plantation. Harem : there will be romance.. I can't say anymore.

RobZ_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

Year X023

"What is out there?" Eldric Volker pondered, his gaze fixated on the stormy night beyond the window. He had always wondered about the mysteries that lay beyond the safety of his home.

It was on a particularly stormy night that 4-year-old Eldric found himself standing by the old looking window, with small cracks and rust on the edges, accompanied by his friends, Finn, Seraphine, Aria, and Jack. The caretaker, a kind looking woman, sensing their intrigue, joined them, and Eldric couldn't help but voice his burning question.

"Miss, what do you think is out there?"

The caretaker, her eyes reflecting a mixture of wisdom and caution, paused for a moment before responding.

"Eldric, my dear, you will come to know the answer to that question when you are older. The world holds both wonders and dangers, and one day, you will experience them for yourself."

Little did they know, that night would mark a turning point, forever altering their lives. As the storm raged outside, shadowy figures began to materialize, monstrous entities emerging from the darkness.

Panic and chaos ensued as the creatures infiltrated their once-safe haven, indiscriminately attacking everyone in sight.

In the midst of the mayhem, Eldric found himself gravely injured, losing consciousness amidst the chaos.

When he finally regained awareness, looking at an old looking ceiling, he discovered himself in an unfamiliar place, rescued by a mysterious savior.

Disoriented and bewildered, he tried to make sense of his surroundings and the person who had come to his aid.

Eldric found himself alone in what appeared to be a hospital, situated on one of the floating islands suspended high in the sky. In the weeks that followed, Eldric began recovering from the injuries, and ponder what exactly happened that night, why was he attacked, but the soon to be 5-year-old is still to young to realize the harsh world he lived in.

A few weeks passed, the doctors came daily to examined him, ensuring he had made a sufficient recovery. Finally, they deemed him fit to leave. Eldric was given home in a local floating island orphanage. There, he decided to try to distance himself with the people in the orphanage because of the fear of losing them in previous events.

However, even though distanced, his caretakers still care and raise Eldric without discriminate. He was taught the harsh reality of the world, It was there he slowly explore the outside land, the city on the floating island, and beginning to understand the world situation, and the harsh future that he is going to face.

Eldric realize what he needed was power, strength, and sufficient education. His days were filled with rigorous training and education. He honed his physical prowess, learning combat techniques and survival strategies.

In addition to his combat training, Eldric developed a keen interest in magic. He spent countless hours studying tomes and practicing spells, gradually expanding his views on magic.

As the years unfolded, Eldric's determination awards him the trust from people. resilience and determination led him to take on a wide array of side jobs in order to provide and support the orphanage that had become his home.

Year X033

Eldric is now 14 years old, now considered old enough to embark on adventure.

Seeing as Eldric's desperate desire to explore the world, his caretaker advised that he should visit the guild.

After considering it, Eldric agreed and decided that going to the guild would be the best choice for him, as both a way to train, meet people, and experience the real world.

Standing before him was a massive, weathered building with a sign that read "Adventurer's Guild."

As he entered the guild, the loud creaking of the door caught the attention of the people inside, causing them to turn and stare at him.

The tavern sprawled before Eldric, its grand size filled with a multitude of strong and odd looking individuals. As he stepped inside, he couldn't help but notice the piercing gazes directed towards him from some of the adventurers.

Soon, he approached the receptionist, who greeted him warmly.

"Hi there, welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. Are you new here?"

Eldric nodded in response, his curiosity piqued.

The receptionist then retrieved an orb from her desk, explaining its purpose.

"This orb can assess your strength and determine the best class for you. Please place your hand above the orb."

As Eldric placed his hand above the orb, a mesmerizing sight unfolded before him. A radiant light blue flame ignited within the orb, accompanied by smaller flickers of black and reddish flames.

Observing the presence of the light blue flame, the receptionist's eyes widened with surprise and delight. She leaned forward, her voice filled with excitement as she addressed Eldric. "You possess the rare aptitude to be a combined magic swordsman. Among adventurers, this is an extraordinary and exceptional talent."

The receptionist promptly clarified the meaning behind each flame, guiding Eldric through their significance.

"The first flame represented his overall strength, showcasing his innate capabilities as an adventurer. The red flame indicated proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, suggesting a natural inclination towards close-quarters battles. The silver flame denoted the path of a skilled swordsman, while the green flame symbolized the potential to excel as a healer. The yellow flame signified the role of a formidable tank, capable of absorbing heavy blows. Lastly, the blue flame pointed towards the realm of magic, hinting at the potential to harness powerful arcane energies as a mage."

Seeing as a light blue flame appeared, she informed me that I have the aptitude to be combined magic swordsman. Which is really rare among the adventurers.

Turning her attention to the second flame, the receptionist clarified that it symbolized a hidden talent. She explained that not much information could be inferred from it, but the size of the flame indicated its proximity to activation.

Eldric couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, eager to uncover the mysteries behind his hidden talent and embark on his journey as a combined magic swordsman.

After completing the assessment, the receptionist returned with an adventurer card in hand. She presented it to Eldric with a warm smile. "Welcome to our Adventurer's Guild,"

With his newly acquired adventurer card, he was ready to embark on quests and forge his path as a combined magic swordsman.

- Island 008 -

Name : Eldric Volker

Hp : 110/110

Mana : 70/70

Job : [Hidden Job] [Magic Swordsman]

Skills : [Hidden Skill Lv.0] [Dash Lv.1] [Firebolt Lv.1] [Magic Barrier Lv.1] [Wind Blade Lv.1]

Passive : [Swordsmanship Lv.2] [Sword Aura Lv.0] [Regeneration Lv.1] [Mana Regeneration Lv.1] [Enhanced Reflexes Lv.0]