Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.
{Saeko's POV after Maccillian left}
(Oh yes. Now this, this'll be fun.) I couldn't keep the thought from forming as I looked at Saya. Kissing my lord in front of everyone, and her reaction to it was giving me a lot of material. And with him gone, I could use it on her now... I'd just need to wait until I could walk again.
It was a few minutes later that I could walk without staggering, and as soon as I could, I went to Saya, and brought her to the room Shizuka, my lord and I stayed in. It was the 3 of us here, and Saya clearly understood why she was here. However, I did want to tease her about this for a little bit. "So, Saya, how was last nights show?" The way her eyes shrunk into dots was far too amusing.
"I-I-I don't know wh-what you mean!" Her stuttering and the trail of blood that starting to leak from her nostril seemed to say otherwise. Though, Shizuka seemed a little surprised.
"Huh? Saya was there?" Did she really not notice? (Well... We were both a little preoccupied... It'd make sense if she didn't notice.) Preoccupied may have been an understatement, but I'd leave it be. I had a target to tease, and I'd do it.
"Yes she was. Saya here seems to enjoy watching." Saya burned with embarrassment, and watching her flail her arms around trying to deny it was a hilarious sight. Then I heard Shizuka, and I momentarily stopped.
"Aww, that's ok Saya. We all like different things... But maybe you should've joined in. Silver did GOOD last night."
(She really doesn't mind... The nonchalance of this woman.) I didn't mind either, but Shizuka said that so genuinely, that I was a little caught off guard. However, seeing Saya turn into a stuttering mess was adorable.
"Shizuka does have a point. You CAN join us in the fun you know." Saya turned into a mess, and we watched her emit steam from her ears. It was moments after that, where she passed out. Shizuka and I just looked at her, and we turned to each other. "Should we just leave her on the bed?" Shizuka tapped her lips as she thought about it, and then she smiled.
"Sure. Maybe she'll dream of how good Silver is." I hummed at that thought. Thinking of last night, especially at the treatment my lord gave me, was enough to make me want more. It seemed like Shizuka had the same thoughts, and we looked at each other. I saw a hunger in her eyes, and there was probably one in my own. Shizuka and I had kissed, a lot last night, and I liked to feeling of her lips on mine, the feeling of my tongue against hers. She must've noticed my attention to her lips, since she smiled and came over to kiss me. I reciprocated, and we had some fun.
Saya woke up at one point, and I gave her a kiss of my own. She was like a deer in headlights as I did so, and I found out another thing. I was REALLY liking the taste of deer.
{Kohta's POV same time}
"If I try reinforcing the barrel, maybe I could increase the velocity of a bullet? Or should I focus on the actual bullet itself and give it more penetration. I could save ammo and pull off more collateral's that way." There was a lot to think about when it came to aura. I was in one of Minami's side rooms, using her workbench. I had a round from all of the weapons we used on the bench, and I was working on a few projects I came up with.
Ammo was important for us, and this apocalypse was making it harder to find some. I managed to get a crate of ammo from the Takagi estate, and I was testing something. I was able to replicate the NATO rounds of Minami's rifle, but I needed to really UNDERSTAND the rounds to replicate them. Being a Werewolf was cool, sure, but making infinite ammo and super guns were all I needed... Getting a 6 pack was going to be really cool too.
"Maybe I could try a double tap effect? What if I try to create a second bullet the moment I fire? Could I make that second bullet fire in the same time as the first? But I can't make my rounds fast enough yet. Mr. Zaka was able to fire off a mesh of aura from his claws in moments. He said he's an aura type, and since I'm the same type, that speed should be something I can reach in time.
Maybe I should try doing that later. I need to see how long it'll take me to replicate the rounds of Saya's shotgun. Maybe I could replicate the bearings at the moment, but can I replicate all of them and the casing at the same time? Shit, there's so much I can try but not enough time."
I picked up some sounds, and broke out of my train of thought. Though as soon as I recognized them, I went right back into it. (Ignore the moans. Ignore the moans. We have infinite ammo to make. Think of the guns and the ammo!) That was like a mantra in my mind, and I zoned back in. I grabbed the shotgun shell, and started using my aura on it. I had an idea about what to do, I'd already done it for the NATO rounds, so I knew it had a good chance to work. I started to coat the shell in my aura, and let it seep into the round and the bearings inside. Then in my other hand, I tried to replicate what I was feeling, and used my knowledge of the round to fill in the blanks.
It was slow, just like the first time I made the NATO rounds. But it was working. My free hand had a shell forming around it, but I could tell it was wrong. There weren't enough bearings, and the weight felt off because of it. I stopped at that try, and started over again. "Failing a few times is normal, I'm still new at this. But if this works, I should be able to do more. We have enough weapons and bullets for now, but we might run out at some point. I can't fight on the front right now, but I might be able too later. Until then, I need to make sure there's enough ammo, or that I can make enough ammo for us to use."
"I can't make guns yet, but I will. That'll be my end goal. But guns need ammo, and even indi...-" I stopped. "What if I try making the individual components of a gun? I could start with something small, maybe a few springs, something like that. If I could make enough parts from aura, hold them long enough, maybe I could assemble an aura gun before I create a whole one. If I can do that, then maybe I could make guns we don't have... Maybe a Browning? But there's never going wrong with a Thompson... I need to work on that later, shotgun shells first."
I went back to my shell, and worked on the perfect balance of bearings, the weight, and a sturdy shell. I kept working, and after 20 minutes, I did it. I was already familiar with the process since I spent hours on the NATO rounds, so I already had the experience. I just had to apply it differently. As I looked at the aura shell in my hand, I smiled. "One step forward, who knows how many more to go... Should I try the springs idea? I'm tired, so I might be low on energy if we need it... I'll save it then. We have enough rounds to deal with a decent amount of THEM if we need too. Coupled with our new abilities, we can manage as long as there aren't more then a few hundred of THEM."
With my testing done, I started working on maintenance. Even with our cool new powers, these guns could be the difference between one of ours getting bogged down, or a survivor being bitten.
After a half hour of thorough maintenance, I made sure our guns were secure, and leaned back in my seat. I didn't have much to do after that, and I was making sure I had enough stamina left in case of emergencies, so I couldn't make more shotgun or NATO rounds, so I just thought about stuff. Then I had a thought. (I guess I could... Work out?) If this was before, I would've never entertained that thought... But this was different. I was a Werewolf, and I could actually do more then 10 sit ups without feeling like I would die.
(And I HAVE lost weight. We hardly did much yesterday, but I still lost 12 pounds, and I really did get a little taller. If I ACTUALLY worked out on my own, after morning training, then maybe I could really get a good build.) It would be awesome, and I DID want to look better. So I decided to go for it. Getting a 6 pack was a road I was going to travel full speed ahead.
{Saya's POV}
I was somewhere between heaven and hell. Heaven because of how good Shizuka was with her tongue, and hell because Saeko wasn't going to let me live this down. (I KNEW peeking was a bad idea... But this was sooo worth it.) They made me orgasm for almost an hour straight, and I didn't mind that at all... Though a part of my mind told me Zaka would make me orgasm more then both Shizuka and Saeko combined. I let that thought settle in and decided to just leave it for later.
I just kept my head on Shizuka's bust, and laid in the bed. I didn't think about being in a relationship with other girls before. I used to have a crush on Komuro, but at some point, I started falling for Zaka. And I fell HARD. Though the being with other girls part of being with him didn't really bother me. (It's the end of the world. Who cares?) I clearly didn't. I just stayed in bed, and let Saeko bite my nipples. I'd might as well enjoy this as much as possible before demanding some care from Zaka... (I wonder where Zaka is right now.)
{Rika's POV 5 hours after Maccillian left}
I was fucked. Tajima was dead, I was running out of ammo, and there was a massive horde advancing on us. My spotter didn't know what the fuck he was doing, and I was holding out for the JSDF to send their reinforcements. But those reinforcements were meant to be here an hour ago!
~Agent Minami, status report!~ One of the good military men we had gave me an intact ear piece, and I was thanking god for it.
"I'm running low, there aren't any tankers or cars left I can blow up, and this horde just keeps getting bigger! Where are the JSDF!?"
~An infected had made it on one of the carriers. They needed to land and deal with it before the bird was lost. What's your current count on ammo?~
"What's your name! How many mags do I have left!?" I wasn't keeping track, I was just popping any heads I could. My spotter couldn't properly help me with his given role, but atleast he could count.
"2 mags left Minami!"
"FUCK!" I shot another zombie after I heard the news, and I groaned. "I'm shooting that fat pig in his oversized gut if I make it through this."
~Normally, I'd dissuade talk like that. But with his actions, I don't think I'd stop or reprimand you if you did.~
Good man. Without context, this would clearly be insubordination and I'd probably get discharged, arrested, and put to trial. But when the fat pig was responsible for sending out good soldiers to clear out areas we didn't need, waste precious ammo and lives, and pretty much rang a 'there are people here to eat' siren for the dead after forcing a plane to fly out, then we were all on the same page. He pretty much made the op Tajima died on pointless. We used too much fuel, and even if we could set them on fire, it was raining, so there was no point in even trying.
"There's a intact car at 3'o clock! You might be able to hit it if you avoid the dead passing it!"
(If? I was the best shot in the airport, I could hit that.) I looked towards the car my spotter pointed out, and shot. I hit the fuel tank, and the car exploded. The cluster of zombies nearby were blown to hell, and I moved my sniper back towards the horde. Their advance slowed, and most of them turned towards the explosion. I bought myself... A few minutes. They were 10 minutes out, and I was just delaying the inevitable at this point. Our reinforcements didn't have a reliable ETA, and I didn't have enough rounds to kill hundreds to thousands of zombies.
I reloaded, and just sat up. "We're fucked, aren't we?" My spotter just sat besides me and sighed.
"Probably... So... Anyone special that'll miss you Minami?" I thought about that. Shizuka's face was right there at the forefront of my mind. My bestfriend, the airhead that I've lived with for years... (She'll lose it when she finds out I'm gone... I'll need to bet on Silver and that Saeko girl helping to pick her back up.)
"Yeah. My bestfriend... I don't know if she'll recover from it... Don't know how the guy I'm interested in is gonna take it. What about you guy?" He looked at the moon, and just kept his eyes on it.
"No. Wife already passed on the first day... So that guy huh? What's his name?"
"... Silver. He's got an actual name, but I prefer calling him Silver."
"Huh... Sounds cool... Well, here's hoping we get better hands in the next life." He held his hand out to me, and I shook it. Maybe I could've managed with some actual support, but I held on for a good few hours.
(Damn... Looks like I can't say I managed to date a Werewolf... This fucking sucks.) I did want to try it out, but with this horde coming up, no reinforcements and no escape vehicle, we were dead. I looked out at the horde that started to advance again, and I sighed.
"Guess I won't get that foursome huh?" I heard the guy next to me cough, and I laughed. "Yeah. Had a whole plan for that and everything. Looks like I wo...-"
I froze. There was no way... Right? I dropped to my sniper, looked through my scope, and turned to where I heard the howl. And I saw him. Standing perched on a high rise was Silver. "You've got to be fucking with me." I laughed. Even with a horde slowly advancing onto us, I laughed. "WHAT THE FUCK TOOK YOU SO LONG OLD MAN!"
"Uh, Minami?" The guy was confused, why wouldn't he be? I suddenly started laughing like I was insane, and yelled to the sky. I'd think I was losing my marbles too. But I wasn't. I knew better. And as the guy looked at me weirdly, I just kept laughing.
~Agent Minami, report!~
"We're fucking saved!"
"Um Min...- What the fuck!?" The guy was still confused about why I was laughing... And then we saw it. Silver was coated in this gray light, probably the aura stuff he told me about, and he dropped to the street. Then the zombies started to be torn apart. Silver ran forwards in a straight line, and started to cut a wolf shaped path through the sea of zombies. The guy next to me was silent, the sergeant in my ear was shouting for me to respond, and I just kept laughing. Silver tore a straight line through the zombies, ignoring everything else, and came to me.
When he got in range, he jumped, rolled, sending all the blood and gunk off of him, and transformed. When he landed, I finally got a good look at the Werewolf I adopted. As I looked at him, saw that he was ripped, looked good, and looked concerned about me, I smiled. "Hey short stack. My bad for being late, you wouldn't believe how bad the traffic is." I snorted, and stood up.
"Tch. You really are taller." He laughed at me, the fucker, and pulled me into a hug. It was sudden, but I hugged him back. It was nice. Being held by someone that could tear through zombies like they were wet tissues. It was a bonus that he was hot. The hug lasted for a second or two, then Silver broke it off. He looked at me, and grew a cheeky grin.
"So, about that dinner?" I laughed. This fucker. There was a horde of zombies, which still must've numbered in the thousands, and the first things he does are tell me a shitty joke and ask me for dinner?
"Deal with the shit you ran through, and we'll talk about it." He smirked at me, and took off his coat as he wrapped it around me. (Where the fuck did this even come from?! Eh, it feels nice... It's mine now.)
"Be back soon then short stack." I watched Silver turn around, grow fur over his arms, and back. Saw his hair grow wild and his nails turn to claws. He howled towards the sky, and jumped. And as he did, I heard him shout.
"THE HUNT IS ON!" And he ran towards the horde.
"Well shit... We're definitely skipping dinner..." I watched Silver tear through the zombie sea like he was moses. When he sent out slashes of aura, and even stomped craters into the ground, I thanked whatever star or god that blessed me for finding that fucker in the woods.
Oh yea, that guy was still listening... Eh. "SILVER, YOU'RE EXPLAINING EVERYTHING!" I saw him pause after cutting a zombie in half and look at me like I was crazy.
"FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY? 'OH BY THE WAY, I ADOPTED A WEREWOLF KING, HE'LL GET US THROUGH THIS?' WAS THAT WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY?" He paused and blinked at that. Even when I watched him get bit as he was thinking, he just cut the zombie's head off and let the wound heal.
Silver and I just kept shouting at each other, and I just felt all the tension melt away. Silver kept tearing through the zombies, and after 15 minutes, the horde was a bloody river of body parts and corpses. Silver himself was shaking off the blood from his fur, and I just watched him cut off his arms... The fuck? And watched them grow back a few minutes later as he walked over to me.
"The fuck are you cutting your arms off for?"
"I'm not cleaning the blood from under my nails short stack. That's a fucking head ache waiting to happen."
"So you just chop off your arms? Just chop off your fingers or fucking clean them like a normal person!"
"I just killed who the fuck knows how many zombies short stack! I'm not spending hours cleaning blood and chunks of zombie out of my nails! And fingers won't help me get my regeneration back to normal."
"Whatever! Anyway, this coats mine now." He just blinked at me, and I saw his face go from annoyed to confused.
"... Why?"
"Because its warm." I'm pretty sure he was looking at me like I was an idiot, but eh, the coat was nice. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and just turned away from me.
"Fuck it, fine. Just don't lose it. I've had the thing for centuries." Huh? That just made me look at the coat like it was gold.
"I thought you just grabbed it from a store!" I really did. (Where the fuck does he hide it?!) Silver just rolled his eyes at that.
"Werewolves don't lose our clothes when we shift. They go... Somewhere. It's convenient. Anyway, I've had that coat since before I was king. It'll clean and fix itself in time." That... That was too much. I looked back to the coat, and I tried to take my arms out, but I felt Silver put his hand on my shoulder, and I stopped as I saw him look at me.
"Rika. Just keep it" I just looked at him. It was a cool coat to me, it felt nice and all that, but this MEANT something to him.
"Silver, I don't. I can't. This is too much." And it really was, how was I supposed to take this? But Silver just shook his head and smiled at me. (That smiles nice.)
"Keep it short stack. I'll probably find something new for me anyway. It's a new time and all that shit. New time new me, so I don't mind losing it if I know you got it."
There was no way in hell I deserved this, I knew it, but I couldn't figure out how he didn't know it. I could only just stare at Silver as he looked at me, and I just shook my head. "Yeah... Fuck the dinner. I'm your bitch and all that from now on." Silver snorted at that and just yawned.
"Speaking of... You're still explaining. The guy next to us looks about ready to lose his shit, and that guy in your ears been quiet for a while." I blinked at that, and looked to my last minute spotter. The guy looked like he was a statue. I was pretty sure his brain crashed if the way his mouth was hung open as it was. That and I hadn't heard from the sergeant in a bit, just like Silver said... Eh. Oh well.
"Fine. Let's just get to bed and do the thing first. I want infinite ammo." He rolled his eyes at me again, and shifted back. I got on him, and pulled the frozen guy onto him, and held on for dear life when Silver ran like a sports car. "SLOW DOWN YOU FUCKER!" He barked in laughter, and I kept screaming for my life.
{Maccillian's POV 5 minutes later}
I ran back to the base, with Rika and some other guy on my back. Hearing Rika scream her lungs out made me laugh my ass off. Sure she was a badass, but here she was, shouting for me to slow down. It was great.
The base itself was interesting. There were a bunch of people here, mostly military, and I was curious about it. The manga never got into the military side of things, and I wanted to see how they were handling the whole zombie apocalypse. Though, I could figure that out later... If I remembered to care enough to do it. Right now, I just cared about making sure Rika was safe. I could've lost her if I decided to wait, so I was going to make sure she was fine.
The guy that was with Rika got off at some point, and I just kept walking. Rika was leading me to her quarters, and I was bringing her all the way there, I ignored the looks I was getting, and kept going. It was another 5 minutes later that I made it to her room. Since it was an airport, she was given one of the suites to stay in, and it was worth it. The room was nice, the bed was big enough for two people, and it had a decent bath.
Speaking off, Rika had gone into the bathroom, taken off all her clothes, and came out of the door naked as can be and looked at me.
"Silver come on in." I raised a brow at that. I shifted, and sat at the edge of the bed, and looked at her.
"You sure about that short stack?" She rolled her eyes at that.
"Nooo. Of course I'm sure, why would I say it if I wasn't sure?" I huffed at that.
"Don't gotta be rude about it short stack, just making sure." I got up, and started to head over to her. She went back into the bathroom, and started running the shower. It was one of the big ones with glass on the outside, and enough space for like, 5 people in it. I took off the last of my clothes, and joined her. When I got in the shower, Rika turned to me, looked me up and down, and nodded.
"Nice. Now you're going to make me your bitch and bite me after. I need some stress relief the good old fashioned way." I nodded at that, and we started.
[Lemon starting]
Rika wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist as I pulled her close. Rika fully pressed her body against mine, and I leaned down to kiss her. She met my lips with hers, and fought back as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. She actually had experience with this, so she was doing better then both Saeko and Shizuka in the kissing department. Though to be fair, Saeko was a virgin until recently, and Shizuka liked to be dominated, unless she was really horny and wanted to order me.
Rika and I fought a minute, and eventually, I claimed her mouth. She moaned as I took her tongue between my teeth, and lightly bit. It was after that she took one of her arms off my neck, and slowly dropped it lower. She let her fingers trail down my chest, and eventually to my cock. She gripped it, and started to stroke. I groaned into her mouth as she did, and broke off the kiss. She smirked at me, and I watched her drop to her knees. She looked at my cock as she stroked me, and she licked her lips.
"They told me how big you were you know? You're just a bit bigger then the biggest I've had... This is going to give me a good night of sleep." I laughed at that, and watched Rika move her head underneath my shaft, and start licking. She started at the base, and slowly made her way up. She was taking her time as she did. I was tempted to grab her by her hair and face fuck her, but I decided to let her set the pace.
She made her way up to my tip, and when she did, she opened her mouth, and put it in. I felt her swirl her tongue around it and use both hands to stroke me as she did. Even though there was water dropping on us from the shower, she used her spit as lubricant, and started to slowly take my dick deeper into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my shaft and as she got 3/4ths of my cock in her mouth, she started to gag. When that started, she moved her head back, and started all over again. She sucked like a vacuum, and drooled all over my shaft.
She managed to get closer to my base on this try, and started all over again. The way she was doing it was slowly driving me crazy, and as she made it down to my base, she made eye contact with me, and I saw the smugness in her eyes. She started to bob her head as she took my cock in her throat, and after a bit, she went back up to halfway, and used another hand to stroke me as she played with my tip. Feeling her suck and use her tongue was doing it for me, and after a few minutes of doing that and taking my cock deeper again, I was getting close.
Rika noticed this, and started to bob her head, and the noise she made as she deep throated me, was music to my ears. When Rika felt me about to burst, she took my cock out of her mouth, stroked me with both hands, and opened her mouth as she pressed my tip against her lips. "Give it to me Silver, give mama her prize." I ignored the mama bit, and came.
Rika took the load in her mouth, down her throat, and the rest of it coated her lips. I watched her lick my cum from her hands and lips, and grin up at me. "Now I know mines aren't anywhere as big as Shizuka's, but I'm betting you'll still enjoy what comes next." I already had an idea of what she meant, and I grinned. I watched Rika cup her tits, and wrap them around my cock. Hers felt amazing, and when she started to stroke my cock with them, it was enough for me. I grabbed Rika by the head, and pressed her towards my cock. She let out an appreciative hum, and started to take my cock in her mouth again.
She sucked and swirled her tongue around my tip as she gave me a tit fuck, and I started to get rough with her. I made her take more and more of my cock, and a bit later, the tit fuck turned into me face fucking Rika. She moaned as my dick rammed down her throat, and I knew we were both enjoying it when she reached her first climax. Then I had an idea. I stopped face fucking Rika, took my dick out of her mouth, and picked her up. I pressed her against the shower wall, and put my hands on her ass.
She yelped in surprise, but started wrapped her legs around me and started moaning when she felt my lips against her neck. "Ohhh yeahhh that's a good fucking boy." I nipped her for that, and she tightened around me. I started to trail down her neck, and when my lips reached her nipple, she moaned the loudest I've heard. I sucked and swirled my tongue around her nipple, and looked up to her as I did. "Shut up, they're sensitive ok!" That made me hum against her nipple, and I saw her shake. "Y-You son a bitchhHH!" I bit her nipple as she started to curse, and I loved the reaction I got. I started to slowly increase the pressure I exerted, and I knew I was on the right track as I felt her legs tighten around me.
"FuckfuckFUUUUCCK!" When Rika reached her second climax, I tightened the grip I had on her ass, and let my fingers dig into the firm flesh. After her climax wracked her body, I lowered Rika so she could stand on her own, and I looked at her.
"Want me to take charge? Or you wanna do something else?" Rika looked at me, and bit her lips. Suddenly, she turned, held her hands against the shower wall, and stuck her ass out and pressed it against my cock.
"I swear to god Silver, you better not let me slip." I hummed at that, and put an arm on her waist. I moved the other to her tits, and grabbed a handful of it. She moaned when I did, and I lined myself up. When she felt my tip rubbing against her lower lips, she moaned again. "J-Just put in in already!" So I did. And I watched her body shake as I did. "Ooooh fuuuUUck! Alriiii...-" That was all she got before I started to thrust.
Rika started moaning too much to get words out, and it didn't help that I was fondling her breast and roughly playing with her nipple as I hilted myself inside of her, over and over again. Rika moaned my name every time I did, and I felt her start to tighten after a minute of pumping into her. I felt her start to climax, and I was coming close to it too. So as I kept thrusting and pinching her nipple, I started to pump into her harder, not hard enough to hurt her enough outside of good pain, and felt her start to climax. "SiiLLLVEEER!" She came, and the feeling of her tightening around me brought me to mine. I pulled out, and shot my load onto Rika's back. When I finished that, Rika took her arms off the wall, and leaned into me.
"One more, that's all I got in me right now. So come on, fuck me like you hate me Silver." I rolled my eyes at her, and dropped to my knees as I made her get on all fours. "Doggy huh... I'm going be fucking a Werewolf in doggy, oh the irony." We both laughed at that, and I pressed my tip against her pussy again. I felt Rika tense, and I decided to mess with her a bit. I put the tip in, and then took it out a second later. "Silver don't you fucking dare!"
"Maybe I wouldn't if you hadn't teased me as much huh?"
"Shut the fuck up and dick me down already!"
"If you say so." Then I plunged it all into her, and she screamed in ecstasy. I slammed into Rika over and over, and as I did, I moved a hand from her waist, to her hair, and I pulled. Rika was almost moaning as loudly as Saeko did when I spanked her during her climax, and it was music to my ears. I was tempted to spank Rika, but I decided to do something else. I felt Rika start to get close, so I took my hand out of her hair, and wrapped it around her throat. Rika started to tighten even more as I did that, and I figured she had a choking fetish.
I choked Rika, and as I slammed my cock into her, her last climax came. She tightened around me, and I felt myself start to get close. Rika had already gone through her climax, and went limp on the ground. So I took my hand off her throat, and turned her over. Rika watched me take my cock out of her, and slam it back in twice before I got close. Rika saw I was close, and as I took my cock out of her and stroke it, she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. I shot my load all over her stomach, chest and even her mouth, and I watched her swallow whatever landed on her tongue or in her mouth before the shower water touched it.
[Lemon end]
Rika looked at me, and I saw she was content. "By the way, I'm not moving anymore so you're cleaning me off."
"Sureee." So I did. After 10 minutes of scrubbing both her and myself down, I picked her up and carried her to bed. Rika didn't mind sleeping naked, and I didn't either. I brought the covers over us, and I looked at Rika. She was laying by my side, and she was looking real tired.
"I'll be giving you the bite now, you ready short stack?"
"Duh. Now bite me old man." I huffed at her, and did just that. I brought my fangs to her neck, and lightly bit. Rika grunted a bit, but that was all. After I did that, I looked at her, saw her getting sleepy, and I kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back, and I watched as she drifted off to sleep. I held Rika close, and went over my gains again.
Werewolf Strength stage 3/4 - 1,011/7,500 -2,223/7,500
Regeneration stage 2/4 - 300/600 - 373/600
(That's good. Now then, let's just sleep. We'll find out what happens later.)
And so I fell asleep.
[Omake - Imma lose it. Kiriko's POV during the 'fun']
(Dammit Maccillian! How the fuck did they turn into sexual deviants after a night?! There's got to be a limit to how much they can fuck! They're Werewolves not rabbits!) They were perfectly fine before Maccillian fucked them, and now there was a threesome going on upstairs. I was a married woman with a daughter, I wasn't a blushing schoolgirl when the topic or deed came up, but god was I starting to get annoyed.
Werewolf senses were fucking crazy. We learned how to tune things out, but that didn't mean shit if it was something we would've heard normally. I normally went to Tadashi when I was horny, but I couldn't since he wasn't here. I couldn't even masturbate since Rei was in the same house!
Speaking of my daughter. I heard her and Takashi sneaking off to the roof... (Oh hell no!) I left the kitchen, and took off after them. If I couldn't fuck then neither could they!
I ran into them on the roof, and saw they were mid make out session. They both froze when I landed on it, and they stared at me in horror, especially Rei. I ignored the fact her shirt was off and that she didn't bother to wear a bra, and just crossed my arms. "Nope. Get back inside the house."
"But mom!"
"Nuh uh uh! You're going to get back inside the house and suffer with me!" I saw Rei, and noted that Takashi wasn't even trying to fight me on this. Good boy. I watched Rei pick her shirt off the roof and nodded when they both went back inside. I let out out a sigh as I looked out around the place. Some of THEM were gathering, and I was starting to get pissed. One of the women came, and I was done. I went back downstairs, grabbed my spear, I left the pistol I got from the estate, and went back outside.
I decided to take out my frustrations the good old fashioned way and beat the shit out of things until I was fine.
Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka
Age - 19(820)
Strength - C+
Dexterity - C-
Vitality - C
Intelligence - E+
Wisdom - D
Charisma - C-
Luck - E+ (Advanced)
Werewolf Strength stage 3/4 - 1,011/7,500 -2,223/7,500
Regeneration stage 2/4 - 300/600 - 373/600
Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 68/75
Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 9/50