
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

the military are worse than the dead

{The next day}

Waking up to someone knocking on the door was not what I would say is ideal, but atleast I had Rika in my arms, so that was nice. Though speaking of Rika, she woke up when I did, and despite the knocking on the door, we looked at each other first. Rika was annoyed at the knocking, but we were each others priority. "Morning Silver... Huh... I don't feel sore... And I know shit now... This is weird."

I smiled at that. "Eh, you'll get used to it. So, want me to get dressed then deal with the military after?" I saw her think about it, but before she could answer, the knock turned into a vigorous pound.

"AGENT MINAMI! YOU ARE ORDERED TO REPORT TO THE COMMAND CENTER AND REPORT ABOUT LAST NIGHTS EVENTS IN 10 MINUTES! ARE WE UNDERSTOOD?!" I felt my eye twitch at how loud the fucker was being first thing in the morning. But Rika? She covered her ears as if she was kicked in the crotch.

"FUCK! Oh, I get why you hate me yelling at you now... How do I make it stop?" I smirked at her for finally understanding my struggle, and just hummed.

"Just imagine putting on ear muffs. You should be fine after a minute or two." Rika nodded, and closed her eyes. As she did that, I got up, and looked for clothes to put on. I didn't mind Rika keeping the coat. It was mine sure, but it wasn't REALLY mine. I was still going with Muzaka's staple, and I wanted to find one of my own. So I looked around Rika's room, and tried to find something I'd like.

I rummaged through the closet, and found a zip up gray fur hoodie... "Convenient as all fuck but I'll take it." I put it on after I put my watch, pants and collar on, and found out it was actually kind of comfortable. It reminded me of the hoodie Ichigo wore in that one manga cover. I walked over to Rika, who was in her usual outfit, but instead of her jacket, she wore my coat. "Oh? Using it already huh?"

Rika looked at herself in the mirror, and nodded. "Yeah, it's awesome, and you're giving it to me despite how long you've had it. I'm wearing this thing till the day I die now." I blinked at that. She was serious, and that surprised the hell out of me.

"You sure Rika?" That was something big. Rika realized that, and I watched her turn to me and nod.

"Yeah. I'm not about to have something this personal to you, and not wear it. You called me an alpha female, and I was kind of serious when I said I'd be your bitch. What better way to show that off then wearing the most important thing you've given me?" Huh... Hearing that solidified something in me, and before I knew it, I was holding Rika in my arms and kissing her. I planned on kissing her beforehand, but that surprised me.

The alpha female position was pretty much main wife, though I was going to marry Shizuka first whenever I figured out how the hell to go through with it, so hearing Rika say and mean all of that, was something fierce. Rika ate up the kiss, and after a minute, we broke it off. Rika looked at me, and smiled.

"Well damn Silver, you sure know how to make a woman feel loved huh?" I snorted at that, and broke off the hug. Then I blinked.

"By the way, punch my hands for a bit would you." She raised a brow at me, but did it anyway. After 2-3 minutes of doing that, I figured out what Rika was. "Ugh... You're a stamina type. As if I didn't have enough to worry about." Rika laughed at me for that.

"What? Can't go more then a few rounds?"

"Careful there short stack. If we had the time, I'd show you just how many rounds I could go. But no, it's not that. Shizuka and Saeko are fucking sex fiends... Shizuka especially. I might fucking die of dehydration when you join in." She hummed at that, and we both started to make our way through the base.

"So... How good is Shizuka anyway? There was always this little thought in the back of my mind that wondered that. And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Shizuka... She's submissive, yeah. But fucking hell can she surprise me. I pulled out to keep her from cumming 2 days ago, and she did something crazy."

"Go on. I and I'm pretty sure all of the soldiers and other personnel are listening." I snorted at that, but I went on anyway.

"She ORDERED me to and I quote 'put it back in and fuck me like a prostitute!' It was the biggest sense of whiplash I've had in centuries!" Rika tripped when I quoted Shizuka, and I watched her pick up her visor off the floor. She looked at me in disbelief, and I could tell she hardly believed it.

"No way in hell. You're fucking with me right?"

"No, that was last night. You're feeling what I did short stack."

"... Fucking damn. Anyway details, keep em coming Silver." I nodded at that.

"And she did what you told her to do, remind me to thank you again for that some time later. Oh, and she had NO issue throating me, so that's a fucking thing."

"HUH? NONE?! None at all?!"

"Nope. She was a natural... It was kinda scary if I'm being honest."

"Aww, poor baby. Scared of the sexy nurse? Want me to kiss you and make it better?"

"I'll take a free kiss thank you very much." I looked at Rika after I said that, and I waited. She blinked at me, and laughed.

"You giant fucking baby." Despite saying that, she kissed my cheek anyway. We kept walking after that. And I went back to the story.

"Anyway, we fucked for a while, then went to sleep after we were done. We're set back up at home, and the rest of the pack is going to raid the mall. Depending on how long I'm here for, and when they actually go there, I might meet up with them later. It just depends if they do their morning training, I'll give you the schedule before I go, and if Shizuka drives the Humvee or not."

"Huh... Speaking about that training, how long until I can make infinite ammo?"

"Depends on how well you can use your aura. I'll test you before I go." She nodded at that, and we both finished walking. There were some guys stationed at a door, and I saw them tense when I came close, but oh well. Rika saluted, I didn't, and we made our way inside. I looked around the room, saw about 20 guys ready to aim at me, and yawned.

"Identify yourself creature! Be forthcoming enough and we won't be forced to put you down." I looked at who said that, and blinked.

"Holy shit. I know you said he looked like a pig, but I've eaten boars with less fat then him." Rika snorted, a few of the other military guys, and some soldiers snickered at that. The guy himself, sitting at the head of a n table, just grit his teeth.

"I will not take an insult from some kind of stupid animal creature. Now identify yourself vermin!" I just raised a brow and turned to Rika. She just looked bored, and hummed when she saw me look at her.


"Weren't you going to shoot him or something?" She blinked.

"How'd you know? You weren't there yet when I said that."

"One, you told me that before the EMP, two you talk in your sleep. 'Stupid fucking pigman. I'll shoot your balls off.' I was tempted to record that and send it to Shizuka, but you know. The whole EMP thing." She blinked at me, and just leveled a deadpan at me.

"Fair. And there's no way I talk in my sleep. Shizuka wo...- Never mind." I laughed at the way she stopped herself. Though I stopped laughing when I heard someone bang the table. Rika and I turned towards the source, and I saw the fat guy, that looked like a fat japanese and adult Eric Cartmen, grit his teeth and stare at us in anger.

"ENOUGH! Men! Take aim! We will get our answers by force!" I just raised my brow at that, and looked as the soldiers followed their orders. Rika looked a little nervous though.

"Silver... I can take getting shot, right?"

"Hmm? Unless it's a headshot or you get shot through the heart too much, then you'll be fine. Though I don't get why you're worried. I could tear this room apart in seconds if I wanted too. Besides, I can heal a headshot and just come back good as new." That gave everyone, other then Rika, pause.

"He's lying! Don't be intimidated men! If it bleeds it dies!" I just turned to the fat guy, raised a brow, and chopped off my arm. The whole room, aside from Rika again, paused. They watched as the bone of my arm started to regrow, followed by the muscle and eventually the rest of my fingers and skin, grew back. They were all stunned as they saw me regrow my arm.

"Fucking dammit Silver! What'd I tell you about cutting your arms off!" I blinked at that. I turned to Rika, clearly and rightfully confused.

"Nothing? That was a completely different conversation with different context." She went 'huh?' and started to think about it.

"Oh yeah... Pretend it applies here. You could've just cut off a finger. Now there's this fucking arm bleeding on the floor! You almost got some on me too! I'm not fucking cleaning blood off of me first thing in the morning."

"Then give me a hand short stack"

Somewhere in the multiverse, Yang sneezed.

"Dammit Yang! You almost got that in my drink!" Oops.

"Sorry Yin. I just felt my pun senses tingling." My sister just rolled her eyes at that.

Rika paused, lowered her visor, and blinked at me with a deadpan expression on her face. "Silver. No."

"Oh come on, it was fucking great."

"I didn't sign up for this shit." No clue who said that, but Rika snorted and looked away from me after hearing that.

"Neither did I whoever the fuck said that. But I'm dealing with the cards this dumbass is giving me." The guy who said that blinked at Rika, and looked away. Rika looked back at me, and then down to the arm on the ground. "Anyway, throw it out or something." I clicked my tongue, picked up the dismembered arm, and threw it out the closest open window. With that done, I looked back to the rest of the room.

"Anyway, you want to know who I am huh?" Everyone, including the piggy guy, nodded. "Well then, be happy to know you're in the presence of the last king of the Werewolves. Maccillian Silver Zaka. Clap at your own leisure." They all just stared at me, and Rika just laughed. "Not sure the fuck you're laughing for. You're doing the explaining short stack." That made her pause, and then I watched her deflate.

"Fuck... Is it too late to take that back?"

"Yup." I made sure to accentuate the 'p' and watched Rika sigh.

"Don't gotta be an asshole about it." I just hummed, which turned into whistling just to annoy her.

After that, the talking started. I say talking, but it was more of 'answer us!' or 'we need this this and this done' and I had half a mind to just leave. It was after 20 minutes of that, when I got too bored and grabbed Rika, much to her surprise, and started to leave.

"You're all too fucking boring. I'm gonna teach Rika the basics and fuck off to the rest of my pack."

"YOU HA...-" I turned to the pig and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yell at me one more time and I'll rip your heart out. I'm older then everyone in this room combined. I take no orders from those younger and weaker then me. The only reason I'm even here is because Rika won't let me just take her back to the pack. I have better things to do then let some power hungry dumbass order me around. Like helping my pack to grow, and I only care about them and people I can count on one hand. You'll get help from Rika, but that's it. Unless Rika asks me to help, I'll go back to doing my own thing. That's all." And I turned back away and started bringing Rika towards the landing strip.

"I'll probably hear something about that later."

"Eh, you can just shoot him like you wanted."

"... Maybe. The sergeant did say he wouldn't stop me." We both hummed at that thought. I kept going, and after a few minutes, we made it to a good place on the landing strip. Rika was just looking around, and looked a little excited. "Alright Silver, show me how to do the Werewolf thing." I snorted at her, and nodded.

"Alright. I've already tested what type you are, so I can train you a little harsher. You'll start with sparring against me for a little bit, then we'll move onto the rest of the routine. I can't take you hunting, but when this whole shit is done, I'll be bringing you with us to hunt and show you how good it is. After that, I'll be checking in with the rest of the pack. I'll be dropping by maybe every other day to make sure you don't fucking die, and we'll go from there." Rika blinked at me, then hummed.

"What do you mean by 'this whole shit' anyway? The stint at the airport, or something... Else?" I could tell she had an idea, but she wanted to hear it.

"This apocalypse. There's free energy all over the world. After we hunt down the zombies in Japan, I'm taking us hunting zombie brains all over the world. I'll get my power back, my pack will grow stronger and more used to the abilities of Werewolves, and we fix this place up all at the same time." To say Rika was a little stunned would be an understatement. She was just frozen there, blinking at me.

"Can you... Can you really do it?"

"Yeah. If I was at full power and didn't give a shit about casualties, I could probably clear Japan of zombies in a day or two. I might end up a little tired with the spamming of my 'fuck you and everything you stand for' move, but I could do it." Rika wasn't on call when I said I could sink Japan, so she didn't exactly know how strong I COULD be, she just knew I'd be strong. So hearing me confirm what I could and WOULD do, left her stunned.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face, brought her back to the now. "Can we get that strong?" I hummed.

"Depends on how hard you work. How hard you fight, and how long you live and train for. We have centuries and more to grow and fight. You COULD reach that level, but it'll take time." She just nodded at me, and I watched as she took it in. I threw a jab, a very weak one, passed her her. Rika reacted and moved away, looking at me like I was crazy. "Think of the news later, train now." And I moved.

Rika was the only one who had SOME form of hand to hand training. The kids and rest of the pack had the instincts, but I'd have to help them work on their own foundations. Rika had training from her military background, so I could 'fight' her, and help her grow that way.

Rika got into a stance, which was being influenced by her instincts, and we fought. Since Rika was a stamina type, she could hold on for longer, and heal for longer. After 10 minutes of sparring, we stopped, and I let Rika catch her breath. She was doing ok, but she was a little winded. I let her take the time to catch her breath, and I checked the time as she did. "It's almost 8 huh... The rest of them should be waking up around now... Yeah, I could probably catch up if I went soon."

"It's still that early!? I thought I was fighting you for hours!"

"Hah! Weakling!"

"Don't make me bite your dick off Silver!" I blinked at the threat, and decided to change the subject.

"Anyway. Now we'll test out your aura control. This is the stuff that'll help you get infinite ammo." Rika perked up, and any agitation she felt at me flew away. She stood at attention, and waited for me to start. So I did. I took out my claws, and I showed her how I coated them in aura. "This, is the final level of the beginners stage of aura control. You've seen me send slashes of aura out last night, but that's still out of your reach. You could FORCE it if you used your Werewolf form, but it'll tire you out."

She nodded, then blinked. "So I can't make my infinite ammo yet? Lame!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"You'll figure it out. Like I told you before, Kohta spent an entire night doing it, and he can make a mag for your rifle now. Though Kohta's an aura type, so it's easier for him to do things like that. If you work on it, you could probably do it in a month? Maybe a bit more or less." Rika's eyes glowed with desire, and I watched her start grabbing rubble to play with using aura.

She started out slow, as usual, but after 5 fucking minutes, she could coat a rock in aura and throw it through the floor. I blinked, and watched Rika turn up to me with a gleam in her eyes. "NEXT!"

"Fucking freaks." She laughed, and I shook my head. "The next step would be coating an arm in aura. You saw me cover my body in it, and this works as a foundation to do. Go ahead and start Rika." She nodded, and started.

After a half hour, she gave up. "What the hell? I could do that rock shit easy? Why can't I do this?" She was having issues with it, and I was curios.

"Rika. Let's skip that stage and go to the claws. Bring them out and try coating them for me." She let out an annoyed huff, but did it anyway. After 10 minutes of that, she got it. I watched her have a claw coated in aura, and swing it at the ground. There was a slash that appeared in ground, and I blinked.

"This is bullshit!" I groaned when I realized she was specialized for projectiles. It made sense, but it was just annoying. It took us months of training to do that back when we were Muzaka, so seeing Rika pick it up in under an hour was annoying the hell out of me. It didn't help that she was looking all smug and shit.

"Sooo, how close am I?" I groaned, but still answered.

"I give it a week. Maybe less." Rika grinned, and wrapped her arms against my neck as she kissed me. When we broke it off, she was grinning like a loon, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Best fucking man EVER!" I rolled my eyes at that.

"You only want me because I gave you the chance to make bullets huh." She laughed and took her arms off as she tapped my chest.

"Why else? Hmm... You being hot and good with Shizuka is a plus... Now if only you weren't so OLD." Oh this bitch.

"Then I guess you don't need anymore advice from this OLD man." Her eyes widened, and she started shifting around.

"Heeey, Silver. My good ol doggy. You wouldn't leave me hanging like that... Would you?" I laughed at her shift, and just shook my head.

"Don't worry. I'll help you out THEN leave you hanging. So let's get too it." She sighed in relief, and we went on with the rest of the routine. When we got to the Werewolf form, Rika looked at herself, and whistled.

"I'm one scary looking bitch." We laughed at that, and we fought some more in her Werewolf form. Rika could hold it for 10 minutes before she had to drop it. We had gone on for another hour and some change, and it was about time for me to start heading back to the rest of the pack.

"Alright. I'll be heading back out soon short stack. Anything you want me to tell Shizuka?" Rika started thinking on that, and eventually shrugged.

"Nah. Just keep her safe for me. Sex aside, she could still use someone to watch over her." That was true... Ish. I scratched my cheek when I thought of Shizuka and the fact she was a power type. Rika noticed my awkwardness, and blinked. "What?"

"Uh... Shizuka may or may not be a power type... She could probably start swinging a light pole like a toothpick if she wanted too." Rika blinked, and just looked at me.

"... Just... Just protect her for me old man." I nodded anyway, and walked over to Rika. She reached her arms out and put them around my neck again, and I gave her another kiss. We held it for a bit, and when we broke off, I smiled at her.

"See ya later short stack."

"Yeah yeah, later Silver." After that, I shifted, and started running. It was getting close to 10AM, and I wondered what the others were doing.

{Saeko's POV}

When I woke up that morning, I was a little surprised to see Saya was still with us. As much as she 'protested' our... 'Fun' she slept with Shizuka and I. She may have woken up a blushing mess considering she was laying inside of Shizuka's hold like a body pillow, but it was just more material for me. We'd gotten up and gotten dressed together, only settling for some light groping in the bathroom, and started our day.

Without my lord here, it was mostly normal. Miyamoto seemed moderately annoyed at for something, but when she told us, I did get a little embarrassed again. I wasn't used to this kind of attention, but I'd learn to get used to it.

We had a decent breakfast, and then worked on the routine my lord had given us. I even asked Takashi to spar with me later today. I needed to get used to fighting long battles, and what better way to do that then fighting someone that had above average stamina? We were going to do it after the exploration of the mall, which we were going too now.

Rei and I were in our wolf forms, running across the roofs, Shizuka was driving, Takashi was in his wolf form running ahead of the Humvee, and the rest of the pack were inside the Humvee. I left my blade in the trunk, with the rest of Kohta's guns, and Miyamoto's spear. Running freely was something I loved. It was freedom, honest and true freedom. And I was growing addicted to it.

We made our way to the mall, and searched for a place to place the Humvee. Sure we didn't NEED it, but it was helpful in carrying supplies, our weapons and ammo, and still a great asset to have. It was decided to leave it in a dead end alleyway, and we covered the entrance with a dumpster. It would deter anyone not us from going there, and it was perfect. With that done, we all grouped up on a rooftop a good ways away from the mall, and started talking.

"Alright, let's go over what we know and need. Saya, you said we might find some things in the electronics store here that survived the EMP?" Saya nodded to the question.

"Not everything would've been lost. If we get lucky, we should find something usable. And even if we don't, we could use whatever intact parts we find to maybe piece something together. It depends on what we find." Takashi nodded, and looked at Miyamoto.

"Think you can watch Saya's back? We'll need to split up to get the most out of this." Miyamoto hummed, and looked over to Rei.

"You good with letting me out of your sight sweetie?" Rei, actually agreed. Rei was very attached to her mother, if she wasn't with Takashi, she was with her. I half expected her to look worried that her mother might not be on the same floor as her. But she wasn't. She looked confidant, and it was interesting. With Rei's confirmation, Miyamoto walked over to Saya, and put her arm around our little cub's shoulder.

"Looks like it's you and me kid." Saya just went 'hmph' and rolled her eyes at the comment. With that settled, Takashi looked at me and Kohta.

"I'll be leaving weapons to you two. We might not need any, but we shouldn't just rely on our powers. Like Sir. Zaka said, we can't get overconfident. My bat's been looking a lot worse then before, and I still can't shoot reliably, so we'll need some back up close range, and whatever other weapons you can find." That made sense. We had our claws, and aura, but we couldn't use them reliably enough yet.

And like a saying I had grown up being told 'better the weapon you know then the one you don't.'

(Well, I KNOW how to use my new weapons, I'm just still learning how to master them.) Which was also true. The instincts and training session helped me learn to properly use my new powers, but I hadn't mastered them. My new speed was easy to work with, so were my claws. Aura and the Werewolf form however... Those were harder. (I may need to take a few months to truly master my Werewolf form... It's powerful... Too powerful. I can't keep a calm mind in that state... It's too intoxicating.)

The rush of power was too much for me. I could master it, I knew it was possible, but it was so easy to lose myself in it... But if I let that happen, I'd just become a mindless beast. I wouldn't be a true Werewolf. I couldn't allow that.

"I'll be going with Rei and Marikawa-sensei to look for any food and clothes we can scavenge. Anyone want to add something?" We looked around, and the only one who had to say anything was Saya.

"Are we showing off our powers or not? I can use the shotgun, but the recoil is going to annoy me if I have to keep using it." Oh really?

"What? Can't handle a little buck Saya? If you can't get used to that, how will you get used to my lord?" Saya's eyes went wide, and she blushed a storm. I laughed at her state, and the rest of the pack did as well.

"Hmm, Silver DOES like to go reallyyy hard. Right Saeko?" I grinned at Shizuka, and Saya was experiencing another double team.

"S-SHUT UP! THIS ISN'T THE TIME OR PLACE TO TALK ABOUT THAT!" Saya's embarrassment was adorable, and I laughed again. A little after that, we went back to talking a bit more, decided to keep our powers hidden unless necessary, made sure everyone knew where we had to go, and were ready to go. When we were ready, we all had a good hold on our weapons, and dropped to street level. There weren't that many of THEM, but there were still a few starting to gather from Saya's scream.

As usual, Takashi took front, Rei and I flanked him, Shizuka was in the center, Miyamoto and Saya flanked her, and Kohta was bringing up the rear. Kohta carried his rifle, and Miyamoto's side arm since she said she didn't need it. She preferred the use of her spear and claws, and Kohta didn't mind the free firearm.

We were a few minutes into cutting THEM down and about halfway towards the mall, when Takashi said something interesting.

"The doors look barricaded, and I'm picking up live scents. We might have survivors in the mall."

(Hmm? This'll be the 2nd group of survivors we've met. This should be interesting.) We kept going, and talked as we did.

"Anyone want to bet on what this group, if they're still alive, might be like or who they have?" That was a bet I was fine with.

"I'll assume the lawless kind and their ilk... What are we betting for anyway?" Miyamoto hummed, and decapitated another one of THEM as she thought. She suddenly blinked, and I watched a grin form on her face.

"I'll bet they got some cops with em. We did pass a few cruisers and cop zombies close to the mall after all. And before that, anyone else want in on this?" Takashi and Rei glanced at each other, then shook their heads. Saya hummed, then declined, and Kohta just said 'no.' Shizuka seemed interested in this bet though.

"I bet they have some sweethearts with them. Maybe even some pets!" We all looked at Shizuka as she said that, and Miyamoto and I shared a look.

"Uh, sure? Anyway, if you girls are wrong... Then no sex for a week!" Shizuka and I paused, and we just stared at Miyamoto. "Don't look at me like that! You'd probably jump Maccillian's bones the second he comes back!" I looked at Shizuka as that was said, and we both blinked.

"Um... Ok... You miiight be right about that. But what about you! This is totally unfair!" Miyamoto shrugged, and kept cutting THEM down.

"Eh, I'll agree not to jump my husband when we find him for the same amount of time. That a deal?"

(I want to say no so badly... But the thought of holding myself back and both ravaging and letting my lord ravage me after not being allowed to have him DOES sound enticing...) I couldn't believe I was agreeing to this, but I did. "Very well, I will go along with this." Miyamoto grinned, and we kept making our way towards the mall doors.

When we got closer, I heard movement coming from the other side of the door. It looked like I wasn't the only one either. We all shared a look, and kept going, but we listened it as we heard talking.

"Leave em! We don't have enough crap for more people. You'll just be killing us faster at this rate!" A man.

"We can't. Asami won't let anyone else die! This has to be done. Please, let Asami through." A woman... Speaking in third person?

"You're just going to waste what little we have if you do!"

"We'll find a way! Asami just knows officer Matsuhima will bring reinforcements!" There was a groan on the other side, but that was all from the man. I could hear movement again, and I assumed it was this 'Asami' person. Some of the barricades around the door, mostly just chairs and such, started to be moved. The pack and I saw this, and we started dealing with the rest of THEM faster to get to the door.

By the time we did, it was opened, and we saw the 'Asami' person... A cop... "Dammit." Miyamoto laughed, and I heard Shizuka sigh. We made it into the mall, and helped reset the barricades. With that done, we turned towards the cop, thanked her, and introduced ourselves. She introduced herself as 'Asami Nakaoka' and told us about the situation.

Well, she deferred to Miyamoto, who told her she was a former officer, and we got the rest from just listening in as they talked. We took in the information of the gangs, which made me perk up, and planned from there.

"Alright, stay close, and if it looks like anyone tries to mess with us, deal with them." Hmm?

"Kill or incapacitate?" I didn't mind either, but I just wanted to know. Takashi turned to me, and I saw him think.

"Depends. If they're just messing with us, deal with them normally. If they threaten us, do what you think is fine. We'll meet back at the entrance in... Let's say a half hour. Everyone got it?" We all nodded, and broke off into the groups we were assigned.

Kohta and I started looking around a sporting center, and I decided to make conversation with him. "So Kohta, I see you've been getting in even better shape." He turned to me, and I saw him smile. It was also true. He had grown another few inches, standing taller then Saya, much to her annoyance, and he seemed to get closer to Takashi's figure.

"Thanks! It's kinda hard to believe... Not needing glasses anymore was awesome, but this? This is like I went through that boot camp my teacher wanted me to go through."

"Oh? Your gun instructor?" He nodded to me as he rummaged through a crate of summer gear.

"Yeah. He tried to convince me that it was a good idea. But back then? Working out was something I'd avoid with the longest pole in the world." I hummed at that.

"Now look at you, you are doing quite well it seems."

"I know right! It's cheating, but it's GOOD cheating." We both laughed at that, and continued looking around the store. We moved on after 10 minutes, and I watched as Nakoaka and Kohta hit it off. It was surprising. Kohta had heard she didn't have a gun, gave her Miyamoto's, she wasn't going to use it anyway, and then they started going into gun babble.

(I think I've just witnessed the start of something great... Now what do I do? Do I just... Leave? I have no reason to be here... I'd might as well... I wonder where Shizuka is?) With that thought in mind, I wandered off in pursuit of Shizuka's scent.

There were a few other scents around the mall, but I could filter them out... Though I didn't exactly need too... A few minutes into my pursuit, I heard the sound of Shizuka shout, and then something break I just turned to look through the man shaped hole in a wall a few feet ahead of me. I blinked, and looked through the wall to see Shizuka in a clothing store, looking mad, and with her fist extended.

I blinked again. And looked at the groaning form of a man that seemed to have his arm broken, and was bleeding like he'd gone a few rounds with a badger. I looked back to Shizuka and raised a brow at her. She still seemed mad, and huffed at my look. "He touched me. Only Silver... And you... And Saya... And probably Rika too now, are allowed to do it to me!"

(Ah.) I looked at the man, walked over to him, and kicked him in his side. Watching as he flew into the nearest wall, and hearing something crack, made me feel better. I looked over to Shizuka, saw she was on her own, and walked over to her as I asked the question. "Where are Takashi and Rei?" She huffed again, and pointed towards a small mart a few shops down.

"Over there. They wanted to look for goodies to bring back home, but I wanted to find some new clothes. I don't want to wear the same things over and over again!" As she said that, we saw Rei peek her head outside of the store, see a man not of our pack groaning against a wall, and look at us. Then she gave us a thumbs up, and went back into the store.

(Must've heard Shizuka say why.) That seemed to be right. I shrugged, and stood by Shizuka's side. "Well then, how about I help you deter anyone else. Sound like a good idea Shizuka?" She smiled at me, and pulled me into a side hug.

"Perfect! New clothes here we come!" I smiled at that, and we started looking for new clothes. A few minutes into that, I heard the sound of running steps, and turned to see Nakoaka, Kohta, and around a dozen other men, gather by the man we hurt.

"Fuck off lady! We gotta get those bitches back for this!"

(Ah, friends. Hm... How to deal with them? Killing them would be simple, but there might be a more boring solution.) I was thinking on that when I watched Nakoaka UN-holster the sidearm Kohta had given her, and took off the safety. The men seemed to stiffen, and I watched them retreat after she said she'd get to the bottom of this. However I did notice Kohta seemed ready to assist her. (Interesting. Do we bring her with us?)

I went back to looking for clothes with Shizuka, who paid no mind to the commotion, and hummed as I thought about it. (If she did, then we'd all have someone to be with... We'd have to find Miyamoto's husband first, but then it'd be settled... A group full of couples in a Zombie apocalypse. Amusing.)

After enough time and clothes picked, we made our way back to the entrance, and met up with the rest of the pack. Though we suddenly went over to a coffee shop after both Miyamoto's asked us too. It was interesting finding out Rei worked at a maid cafe, but I put that thought out after we all sat down, and started going over our finds.

"Alright. So far, I've found a FEW good things. Right now, I don't know what to make with them, but I'll figure something out by the time we head home. What about you Komuro? You find anything other then chocolate bars?" Takashi coughed into his hand, and put said bar back in his pocket.

"Uh, other then that, yeah. We found some canned food, some decent fruits and vegetables, and some other candy. Anyone else find something useful?" Shizuka and I held up the bags of clothes we obtained, and everyone looked at what they'd want.

"I couldn't find anything to help. They don't have a ammunition store here. There's one in the area, but nothing here that I could use with the guns we have." I hummed at that.

"Unfortunate. Just means you'll need to get better with your aura now doesn't it?" Kohta sported a mad grin when I said that, and I wondered if I looked similar to that when I have my 'fun' with THEM.

"Oh yeah! Shizuka, didn't you punch a guy through a wall earlier? Fuck happened there?" Saya blinked at that, and turned towards Shizuka and I.

"Wait a minute. Weren't you supposed to be with Hirano, Saeko?" That was true. So I explained what happened. The rest of the pack looked interested at Kohta finding a little someone for himself, and then I brought up the event itself.

"A man tried to rape Shizuka, and she retaliated. Not much else to say there... Well I did kick him after she did."

"I heard that! Nice going Saeko!" I smiled at Rei's response, and hummed when I saw Shizuka nodding. "Anyway. How long are we going to stay here? We can deal with rapists, but are we going to put all this stuff in the Humvee, or just wait around for something to happen?" Hmm, that was a good question.

With our speed, we could slip out, place whatever we needed in the Humvee, and come back. We could even run home with some of our bags tied to our wolf forms. So it was a valid idea to drop off our hauls at home. We turned to Takashi, and looked for his opinion on this. He blinked when we did, but just took it and started thinking.

"Hm... It'd be a waste of stamina to just go back and fourth all the time... We could set up here for now, and try to hold it... Kohta, you were with the cop lady for a while right?" Kohta blushed a little, but nodded. "She told us about how this place was set up, but I want your opinion on it. What's this place looking like?"

Kohta hummed, and started rubbing his chin. "It's bad... Actually, that's an understatement. Asami might have SOME pull, but those gangsters... They're plotting something. I heard them mumbling about their 'stash' after they started leaving, so I know they have something planned. Just not what. Then there's the other group. They'd probably die the fastest if they encountered any of THEM." We took that in, but I smiled at the casual use of her first name.

"My my Kohta. On a first name basis already? How fast." Kohta burned, and Saya laughed.

"YES! Someone else is on the other end of it now!" We laughed at that, and went back to planning. After we decided to wait, look for anything else, and watch out for the gang, we went on with our exploration. Though I did notice Kohta and Nakoaka going up to the roof together. A few hours later, we found something to do. A woman needed a blood transfusion, and the nearby clinic would be the answer.

(A clinic in a zombie apocalypse? Our first true expedition into THEIR infested territory without my lord. Oh this is going to be fun!) The mall didn't count, there was not only a survivor presence there, we hadn't actively hunted any of THEM down, and we'd just had fun. This would be the first time we actively went to clear out or explore an area infested with THEM.

(Let's see how well we all do... I wonder what my lord is doing...)

{Maccillian's POV}

"The clinic mission huh? They don't need me for this... Kinda wish I had some popcorn now." I got to them a while ago, but I didn't want to meet up with them. Not yet anyway. I wanted to see how they'd do in this situation, and what better way to do that then watch them like I was Batman? Well, a masochistic Batman that broke his arms every couple of minutes. But still Batman.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 19(2,820)

Strength - C+

Dexterity - C-

Vitality - C

Intelligence - E+

Wisdom - D

Charisma - C-

Luck - E+

Werewolf Strength stage 3/4 - 2,223/7,500 - 2,279/7,500

Regeneration stage 2/4 - 373/600 - 411/600

Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 68/75

Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 9/50