
Wizardry System

Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge? P_atreon: pat_reon.com/jeffreytown (without the _ of course). Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/jeffdo

JeffreyDO · 書籍·文学
89 Chs

Not being able to use 100,000,000 Galleons

When Chris opened the Wizarding Book, a holographic book appeared in front of him containing pages upon pages of spells with each page containing 4 spells each.

-You have opened the Wizarding Book for the first time. The System will give you 15 Knuts. With the 15 Knuts, buy the Mending Charm.-

"Alright then. I'll purchase the Mending Charm," Chris said.

-You have successfully bought the Mending Charm. Now please close your eyes.-

Chris closed his eyes and all the basic information about the Mending Charm has entered his mind.

-Congratulations! You have bought your first spell. You have earned 10 EXP and 28 Knut has been awarded. You now have 0 G 0 S 28K-

Mending Charm (LVL 1): Able to repair broken objects or items. The probability of succeeding depends on the level of the skill.

'So I have to level up the skill?' Chris asked.

-Yes, it's a given that you must practice the spell in order to be able to use the spell much more effectively. The higher the level of the spell, the more objects you may use the spell on and the more effective it is. For example, as the Mending Charm is currently level 1, at most, you are able to fix small objects with small cracks on it. However, when it is at higher levels, it will be able to fix huge objects that is broken into many pieces. For the Mending Spell to level up to level 2, you must cast it 1,000 times. While this may look huge at first, for higher levels, the numbers will jump to 10,000 or even more to level up. Also, keep in mind that at lower levels, the spells have chances of failing and when the spell fail to cast, it will not count towards leveling up the spell.-

'1,000?!' Chris exclaimed with a surprised tone. 'You might say it's not a lot, but trying to repair something 1,000 times is going to be the most boring thing I could ever do!'

-Look at the bright side. While spells like the Mending Charm and the Wand Lighting Charm requires a lot to level up, but more complicated spells such as the Patronus Charm will require far less to level up.-

'Wait, but that doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't it be the other way around?' Chris asked.

-Have you ever played League of Legends in your world?-

'Of course I have. That game has been one of the most popular games for more than 10 years,' Chris said.

-Then you must know that the ultimate skill only required 3 points of mastery while the 3 basic skills required 5. It is the same concept. The stronger skills need less practice to level up.-

'While it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I'll take it. It'll be a lot easier for me to not have to cast the Patronus Charm 1,000 times to upgrade it from level 1 to level 2,' Chris said.

- As the System knows you will have a tough time, you will also be granted a new reward: The Practice Room. In the practice room, time is completely stopped. When you go in there, you may practice for as long as the System allows you to. At your current level, you may stay in there for 1 hour a day. When you level up to certain levels, the time you can spend in there will increase. Of course, that hour does not have to be spent at once and you can split it. You may also go in to the Practice Room in the middle of battle to do last minute practice, but you will only be allowed half the original time and you will also be banned from entering the Practice Room for 3 days ]

'What, a time stopping room? That's perfect!' Chris thought enthusiastically as he realized just how much he can do. 'Even the free hour given right now is a lot. While the 3 day ban seems like a lot, going into the Practice Room to even

-Quest is now given. Please use the Practice Room for the first time. In order to enter the Practice Room, all Host has to do is say or think 'Practice Room'.-

Quest: Practice Room User (1)

Use Practice Room: 0/1

Reward: 1 Sickle and 10 EXP

"Practice Room," Chris said out loud and before he could even think, he noticed that the surroundings changed. It was a completely white room where there seemed to be no walls.

"Wow... Isn't this quite excessive for just practice spells?"

-Nothing is ever excessive. In the practice room, you can practice whatever you want from casting spells to creating potion. In here, the System will give you fake ingredients to make potions so that while you are able to create potions, it just won't be possible to take it outside. Think of it as a practice trial. However, you must have the recipe for that potion and have a thorough understanding of it whether through being taught at Hogwarts or purchasing the recipe from the System. As for spells, choose any spell you want to practice and then the System will create an environment suitable for the spell. For example, if you want to practice the Patronus spell, a fake Dementor will be created. However, the effects of the Dementors will be extremely realistic and if you fail to cast the Patronus Charm, you'll feel the Dementor's Kiss. All in all, it won't be that pretty.-

'That's quite frightening,' Chris thought.

'Hmm... alright. Well since I can only practice the Mending Charm, I'll choose that,' Chris said.

-Making environment for the Mending Charm. While practicing, Host just has to say stop to cancel the practice and the environment will return back to the white walls. To return back to the real world, please click your heels and say, 'There's no place like home,-

'Wait just a goddamned minute here System, are you serious?' Chris asked. What was he, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.

-It was only a joke. All you have to do is say or think 'Back' and the System will send you back to the real world.-

Suddenly, in front of Chris were thousands upon thousands of broken sunglasses. His eyes twitched.

"That must be at least a million dollars worth of sunglasses," Chris said.

-There are exactly 1,000,000 broken sunglasses here. Also note that these are all Gucci Sunglasses all worth $1,500 each. When Host fixes them all, they will all reset to be broken once more.-

"Wait so you're not even going to give me the satisfaction of letting me know that I fixed all of those broken sunglasses?' Chris asked.

-Those will be broken for eternity.-

'You are cruel,' Chris said. The System did not answer him.

Chris looked at the million broken sunglasses and his eyes started to twitch. However, he didn't say anything and started to repair the sunglasses.


Soon it was September 1, and Chris was already quite strong for someone that hasn't stepped a foot inside Hogwarts. When he arrived at Hogwarts Express, he looked at his status one more time.

Name: Chris Kim

Level: 5

Wand: 9 Inch Holly and Unicorn Tail Wand

Magical Power: 581

Learned Spell: Reparo LVL 2 (1208/2000), Lumos LVL 1(500/1000), Nox LVL 1(500/1000), Diffindo LVL 1(300/800), Wingardium Leviosa: LVL 1 (100/750)

Money: 0 G, 3 S, 18K

EXP needed to level up: 261

Looking at his Mending Charm level, Chris started to tear up.

"After a full month of continuously practicing, I finally got the Mending Charm to level two and got some other spells as well," Just remembering how many times he has seen the same broken sunglasses made him feel a bit disgusted. So of course once he turned level 5, since he had done some quests that the System gave him, he used a lot of the reward money to buy new spells which allowed him to finally stop repairing sunglasses.

During that same month, he also figured out a way to look at other people's entire statistics as well. It was astounding. His mother had 3,600,000 magical power while his father had 4,000,000 magical power making him a lot closer to Voldemort than Chris thought his father would be. However, what surprised him the most was not the magical power of his father. While the System would only show the name and how much magical power a person has, if Chris really wanted to find out a bit more, the System would tell him the information he wanted. So when Chris asked the System about how much money his father had, it was simply shocking when he saw it.

100,000,000 G 15 S 1K!

Chris asked and that was simply just the money in the vault! If the value of all the companies and real estate were added, Chris, realized that it would take 2 Jeff Bezos at his peak to match his father. However, the richer his family, the more disappointed he was because the higher the amount of money his father had, the more money he's unable to use to buy things from the System. Since he was unable to use any outside money, he would be unable to use all 100,000,000 Galleons which made him so depressed the day he saw it that he practiced the Mending Charm for an hour straight to get it off his mind.

After Chris finished looking at his stats, he looked at Hogwarts Express with excitement.

"Hogwarts here I come!" Chris said as he bid his mother and father farewell and boarded the train.

Let's try to get to the Top 10 guys. I know top 3 is impossible because 200+ powerstones is not possible for me rn, but I'm sure getting 73 or higher is possible. Also, the number on the status for magical power is a bit random. Didn't calculate much since it would be extremely troublesome. Just put in a decent amount.

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