
With Chakra in the One Piece verse

When our mc died due to protecting his precious people, he still has some questions about the one piece world. suddenly he is in the world of one piece with chakra from Naruto. I know it's a lazy description. Mc will be following the strawhats

Memo_429_H · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Thinking back

Ten years have gone by. Masahiko was now sixteen, Luffy was seventeen, and Ace and Sabo are now twenty.

Currently, Luffy and Masahiko were at the secret place, which he had shown Ace and Sabo ten years ago. They were sparring against each other. You couldn't even see what was going on, because the two were too fast for the average human eye to see.

''Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu.'' Said Masahiko as Luffy stood still for a second. The fire from his mouth formed into a ball and went flying to Luffy.

''HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT AHHH.'' Shrieked Luffy as his clothes began to catch fire. He jumped into the water to get rid of the water.

Yes, he jumped into the water, Masahiko created a seal where the curse of the sea is nearly gone, and the seal reduces the curse by 50%.

Luffy can swim but it is hard for him. But he does not sink like a stone anymore. Which was a huge success for Masahiko.

Masahiko forced himself to learn the Great Fireball Technique. He needed it to use a Lightning Jutsu.

Masahiko still helped Luffy out of the water. As he took Luffy's hand and pulled him to land. Masahiko thought back to the time when Luffy knocked on his door ten years ago. It was kind of nostalgic to think about it.

Tomorrow was the day, they would officially become pirates. It has been a long time since he got to this world.

Luffy was much stronger than he was in canon. Masahiko had been stronger than Luffy and still is but when he does not use his chakra, Luffy was stronger than him. He could confirm that he had conqueror Haki, which really surprised him. But he did not know how to use it properly.

Over the years he was looking more and more like Gojo Satoru, he didn't mind it. In fact, he welcomed it.

They then went much earlier to their house to sleep early and be ready for their day tomorrow.

As Masahiko was in his bed, he thought back to when the Gray Terminal fire Incident happened.


(Ten years before.)

He first, transformed himself as kid Sasuke to tell Monkey D Dragon about the fire of Gray Terminal.

He then, when the fire started going to the highest place of the forest and used Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique and after the Jutsu, the majority of the fire went out.

He didn't do it to save the people, he just did it for the quest and to make himself feel better.

(Quest Completed)

(Mission: Save the gray terminal from completely burning down using a water technique.)


-More Creativity, for creating your Jutsu.

-fifty percent easier, to create your Jutsu.)

Bluejam himself died in the fire. Which was ironic.

Two days after the fire, Masahiko killed the world noble who destroyed Sabo's ship in the normal timeline.

He threw a Kunai with Explosive tags wrapped around, with the most force he could produce. It then flew and stabbed the celestial dragon. Masahiko then used the snake hand seal and detonated the explosive tags.

He did care about the slaves about the world noble, but he guessed that their will was already broken, and wanted to die.

As the bodyguards from the world noble searched for the potential killer, but Masahiko already was gone.

The Celestial dragon incident was never cleared.


(nine years before.)

The brothers took their weights off and noticed the difference in their speed. They were faster and stronger overall, they could now blitz the thugs from the Gray Terminal and the city.

Masahiko could do it before, but he and Luffy didn't really improve. The reason was, that their bodies were still young.

However, Ace and Sabo improved very much. They still weren't Rock Lee fast, but they really improved.

They still did the same workout as before, a ten-kilometer run and walking five-kilometer with your hands every day.

They got stronger every day.

Masahiko changed the weights from Ace and Sabo to a hundred kilo. He changed his and Luffy's weight to fifty kilos.

They didn't complain. Because they knew the benefits of the weights, once you take them off. So they just kept training and training.


(eight years before)

Eventually, the thugs from the City and Gray Terminal were so weak compared to the brothers. That they didn't fight against them anymore. They just robbed them.

They only sparred against each other, but once a month they fought one o one battles with the person going all out.

These were the most fun for Masahiko, because they all took their weights off, and just fought till the other person has no energy anymore.

He also liked it because it gave a juicy boost to his chakra.

Sabo even won multiple times against Masahiko, but only because he didn't use chakra. The fights lasted for multiple hours usually.

Masahiko liked fighting. He just loved the feeling of it. Beating up your opponents.

He also could manifest only a fist of his Susanoo.

(Looks like this)

He would love the Susanoo much, but he would love it more if every cell in his body was not in pain, every time he uses it too long.

The system also told him, that Susanoo in its later stages will hurt more. It also told him that he has to use the Susanoo much more in serious battles to evolve it to the later stages.

Masahiko decided to practice his Susanoo later.


(Seven Years before)

Sabo and Ace were now Rock lee's speed level even with their weights on. Without their weights, they could go up to high speed even being faster than sound.

The only issue was, that they get exhausted fast. Because their bodies couldn't handle it.

Masahiko was not as fast as them, but he got close to it. Using chakra was a different thing tho.

Luffy also increased a lot, he surpassed Ace's strength quickly. But his speed was lacking. But that didn't matter since he has very good reflexes and could react to hits. Better than Ace and Sabo.

Masasahiko also perfected his Sexy Jutsu. To embarrass Ace and Sabo once they reach the age of puberty.

They also learned manners from Makino.


(six years before)

When Masahiko became ten, there was a huge party waiting for him. But he came back so late because he was practicing with wind release. He finally made his own Jutsu. He named it Wind Style: Deadly Shuriken.

A simple name. The effect, however, was really strong. It had the same effect as Wind Style: Rasen-Shuriken. But weaker, and less strength.

When he came to the house he lives in with his brothers, everyone had already eaten.

He just went to bed and slept because his body was just tired. He didn't even question, why so many people were in the house.


(Five years before)

Ace and Sabo were looking through a peephole in the hot springs to watch naked women. What they didn't know was, that Masahiko was in the hot springs too, but he was disguised as Kawaki, from Boruto.

Masahiko was kinda surprised to see them peeping. But you couldn't do anything against hormones. Masahiko himself wanted to go to the Mermaid Cafe at Fishman Island. But that could wait.

Masahiko currently just wanted to relax at the hot springs. He had no time for women currently.

He learned today, how to put more chakra into his Rasengan. He could make it as huge as the merry-go.

When he was done with the hot spring, he got home and wanted to surprise Sabo and Ace, who were already on their way home.

After he was out of the building, he channeled chakra into his feet and was home in three minutes. He then waited for Sabo and Ace to come home. After he heard their footsteps, Masahiko used the sexy Jutsu and transformed himself.

He transformed himself into an older female version of himself. This form had white long straight hair, a cute face, really huge breasts with pink small nipples (Tsunade level), a perky ass, big thighs, and fair skin. To top it all of, he was naked and made himself a little bit wet with water style.

When they came through the door, Masahiko jumped at them and the breasts hit both of their faces. They first didn't realize what was going on, but when they did. They flew away with a nosebleed.


(Four years before)

Masahiko was now sweating, he just wanted to cash in a bounty of fifteen million beri, but it turned out that the Pirate he was hunting was patrolling a whole town. It was like the Arlong situation.

But Masahiko was not using his chakra, because he wanted to surpass his limits. So he defeated every single minion of the captain without chakra. He did not even remove his weights.

The captain of the crew ordered his first mate to take care of Masahiko.

The first mate agreed and wanted to kill him with his gun instantly, but the enemy disappeared. He searched everywhere for the kid but didn't find him.

As he still searched for him, Masahiko threw a kunai beside him to distract him.

It worked and he got distracted for a second, that was his mistake. Masahiko then threw the four three hundred kilos weights to him, and it smashed his entire body instantly and he went unconscious.

He then jumped from the building to the captain, with his weights now gone from his body, he could now move at full speed.

'System, use one vs one barrier on that guy.' Commanded Masahiko in his mind.


The System did what it was told and created a barrier. Anyone who tries to leave the Barrier without knocking/killing the enemy will die.

The barrier was formed like a cube. It had enough room to fight.

Masahiko unleashed his chains onto the captain. The chains threw the captain at Masahiko, and Masahiko tried to unleash his Haki flow.

Masahiko aimed his fist at the captain's belly. He was feeling something metallic on his right fist. He finally did it. He could use Haki now.

When the captain was near Masahiko, Masahiko accelerated and flew with aiming his fist at the captain.

The captain went instantly unconscious. He didn't kill him to cash in the full fifteen million beri. He then jumped onto the water and walked to the nearest marine base.

The other thing big thing that happened this year was that Sabo joined the revolutionaries.

He read about them in a newspaper. He then overheard a conversation between two people, that the revolutionaries are looking for people. At a specific Island. Before he joined them, there was a big party.

Masahiko showed Luffy how to use armament Haki.


(Three years before)

Ace became a pirate a year after Sabo left for the Revolutionary Army.

Masahiko got finally, after seven years a quest from the system again. The quest was to interact with one of the strawhats.


(Three years till you become a pirate. Why not interact with a member of Luffy's future crew already.


(Summoning scroll: that summons a toad who wields the summoning scroll)

As he read this, he got really excited and planned today that he will go to the Baratie. Instead of the daily training.

Masahiko then grabbed Luffy and told him that they will eat at a fancy restaurant instead of training today.

Luffy wanted to refuse until he realized that he will eat free food at Masahikos expense.

Luffy's and Masahiko's bond grew so large over all these years. Masahiko could literally place him at the bottom of the sea, and Luffy would not be mad at him.

Masahiko went to Baratie with Luffy on his back. He walked on the water. Masahiko held his hat tight, so it didn't fall over because of the speed he was going.

They arrived at Baratie after three hours. Masahiko was not exhausted. Luffy just talked with Masahiko the whole time on the water.

Several people saw them but thought they were dreaming.

Luffy just stormed into the restaurant with Masahiko behind him. They went to a table and ordered. Masahiko ordered five pizzas, and Luffy ordered ten massive plates of meat.

Sanji served them the food, and Masahiko tipped him twenty million beri. Sanji was stunned and didn't want to take the money, but Masahiko persisted him to take it. In the end, he took it.

After they got done eating, they left the restaurant and went back to their home island and went to sleep after.

The day later, he opened the scroll he got from the Quest with Luffy.

Suddenly a Toad named Gama came out of the scroll.

He had dark orange skin covered with blue markings, he has bandages wrapped around his body and left foreleg, and wears a necklace with seven large beads on it, with the kanji for Loyalty.

'Isn't he the one who keeps the Toad Summoning scroll in his mouth?' Thought Masahiko.

''Who are you Human?'' Asked Gama the Toad.

''Well, my name is Masahiko Uzumaki, and I just wanted to open the scroll, and then you came out of it.'' Said Masahiko.

''WHOAA, A HUGE FROG. AWESOME!'' Said Luffy as tried to get on Gama's back and tried to give orders.

Gama was dumbfounded, but he used his tongue to get Luffy from his back.

''JOIN MY CREW!'' Shouted Luffy.

''Luffy, I don't think he can join your crew.'' Said Masahiko.

Gama was dumbfounded again but quickly got the point. The white-haired boy opened the scroll, by doing so he summoned Gama.

''What is this scroll?'' Asked Masahiko as he pointed to it. He knew what it was but he decided to play dumb.

''Oh, this? This is a summoning scroll it summoned me with the reason to give you a summoning scroll of the toads.'' Said Gama.

He then revealed a much larger scroll containing three names. The names were:


Minato Namikaze

Naruto Uzumaki

''You need to sign your name with your own blood. And we need your fingerprint'' Said Gama.

Masahiko knew this was gonna happen, but he didn't prepare for it. He took out a Kunai, and cut his forearm with it. He gritted his teeth to withstand some of the pain. He took his index finger and touched the leaking blood with it.

He then wrote his name with the blood on his index finger. Luffy just watched Masahiko. He wanted to give Masahiko his own blood, but it only worked with the blood of his brother, so he could only watch.

''Another Uzumaki, huh. We have a recent Summoner with the same last name as yours.'' Said Gama as he inspected the scroll.

''Another Uzumaki? Does he look the same as me? Does he have white hair?'' Asked Masahiko. He just wanted to confirm something.

''He has whiskers on his face and blonde hair, you look very different my boy.'' Said Gama ''Although he has blue eyes too.'' Added the Toad.

'Makes sense, I look like Killua from hunter hunter but with blue eyes.'' thought Masahiko.

''You look like you have the potential for Sage mode my boy. You have a strong body and have enough chakra for it.'' Said Gama as he looked Masahiko.

''What is the sage mode?'' Asked Masahiko

''Well, Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra.'' Said Gama.

Luffy today used common sense for the first time in his life, he knew that he could not get sage mode because he has no chakra, sadly.

''But I sense no other chakra here, other than yours. How is that possible... I must be in a different Universe, yes that must be it.'' Said Gama.

''How do I learn Sage Mode?'' Asked Masahiko he wanted to know if they can reverse summon him.

''Well, You must first meet our elder Fukasaku, and then he inspects every part of your body.'' Said Gama.

''How do I meet him?'' Asked Masahiko.

''Well, you could summon him, but we could also reverse summon you here.'' Said Gama.

''Don't worry, we will always be able to come back here.'' Said Gama.

''Ok, I think I got everything? Is there a test I have to do?'' Masahiko asked.

''Yes, you must last a whole day on the chief's back.'' Said Gama.

''Ok and who is that?'' Asked Masahiko.

Gama then told

'If Naruto did it, I can do it.' Thought Masahiko.

And he did, He summoned Gamabunta, and was on his back for an entire day.

It was really hard, it was like not to be in pain when your balls get kicked or punched. It was that hard.

Luffy was amazed the whole time.

''Ok brat, you have gained my respect. You are now an official summoner of the Toads.'' Said Gamabunta.

The whole Goa Kingdom was looking at Gamabunta. Because who would not. There was a fifty-meter-tall frog out there who was jumping around and making little earthquakes everytime he jumped.

Masahiko was exhausted, but it was worth it. He just laid down and slept instantly. Luffy carried him to their house, at which only the two were now.

Luffy tucked him in his bed and went to train for the rest of the day. He was practicing his Haki.

Luffy had surpassed Masahiko when he did not use chakra.


(Two years before)

Masahiko continued to train much more with Luffy, they were sparring each other a lot of times. Masahiko told him that Haki truly blooms in battle. So they had sparred every day instead of just training every day. They did not only train Armament Haki but they also trained Observation Haki.

It was better and more fun for both of them. One time they fought for three days straight, because they do not run out of Stamina.

They got better and better at Observation Haki.

Masahiko knew that his current Luffy could beat the Luffy in the original timeline at the start of canon.

Masahiko was proud of Luffy's success with Haki. He will get no problems with Smoker or Crocodile now or even Eneru.

They also fought with Garp, and he got surprised that Luffy and Masahiko knew about Haki. Masahiko told Garp a throwaway story. That Luffy awakened it in one of their spars and told Masahiko about it.

He also got a hidden reward for teaching Luffy about Observation Haki.



(One year before)

He got a Quest.


(Destroy a mountain. With One Hit.)


(Kyuubi one-tailed mode)

As he read this Quest, Masahiko told Luffy that they will be going to another Island to test their strength.

Luffy agreed and hopped on Masahikos back. They then came to another Island, after Masahiko walked on water for five hours.

Luffy then asked what they will do.

Masahiko told him to destroy a mountain with his third gear and haki. Luffy agreed and did his third gear.

Luffy jumped into the sky, he then blew air into his thumb. ''Hone Fūsen Gomu-Gomu no Gigant Axe.

He then smashed his giant leg and foot into the mountain, and it got destroyed.

It was so loud and Luffy nearly blew away, but Masahiko catched him in the air.

''Well done Luffy, it's my turn now.'' Said Masahiko.

''Fire Style: Great Fireball.'' Said Masahiko as he aimed at the sky.

He aimed at the sky, so thunder clouds would appear.

As thunder clouds appeared. Masahiko used handseals and uses Chidori on his right.

Masahiko developed the Chidori only because of Chidori Nagashi. Otherwise, it was useless to him, because of the tunnel vision. He could use chains of course, but that was risky. He did not want to run to the enemy. If he could one day develop his Observation Haki so high that he could see the future, only then he would use the Chidori.

He did some handseals again and put his right hand to the sky.

Success, the lightning accepted his chakra, and he changed the bolts of lightning form to that of a dragon.

''Now begone, with the bootyclap. Bitch.'' Said Masahiko, as he put his right hand down, to aim at the mountain he was looking at.

The lightning dragon roared and smashed into the Mountain. Luffy was amazed at the Lightning of Masahiko and had stars in his eyes.

The Mountain blew up, the same way it did when Luffy destroyed the mountain. But it had much more destruction.

(Quest complete)

(Reward: one-tailed Kyuubi mode)

(The way it works, is that you can tap in whenever you want. But you can only use it for three hours per twenty-four hours. You just have to say Kyuubi Mode. With this mode, you get enhanced strength and speed. You can also empower all your abilities with it. Including your Haki.)

'Well, I didn't think it would give Haki powerup, but nice.' Thought Masahiko.

''Come on Luffy, let's go to our home Island.'' Said Masahiko catching Luffy off-guard.

''Oh yeah, let's go.'' Said Luffy with a smile on his face.

''I've got something new to show you.'' Said Masahiko

They went to the cliff.

Masahiko tapped in his one-tailed Kyuubi mode.

Masahiko then released his chains, and he formed a couch with the barriers of his chains for Luffy to sit on.

He then told Luffy to sit on it, which he did.

Masahiko then went on his fours and sprinted on the chakra like a dog.

Luffy was laughing the whole time because it was so exciting for him.

''Do you wanna go faster Luffy?'' Asked Masahiko while smiling.

''YES YES.'' Shouted Luffy with Joy.

''OK, Then watch this,'' Masahiko said as he materialized another chain to act as Luffy's belt.

Masahiko now was speeding through the water at five hundred mph.

''SHI SHI SHI SHI, MASAHIKO YOU ARE THE BEST.'' Shouted Luffy as this was one of the best things he felt in his life.

To make the mood much better, the System decided to play Fellas at Paris from Kanye West and Jay-Z out loud.


(Current Time)

Masahiko and Luffy were now at the harbor of their village. They winked at the People who had come to their departure.

Before this, however, he and Luffy thanked Dadan that she was taking care of them. Luffy made her cry out of happiness. Which she obviously denied.

After they went on the ship, the lord of the coast had appeared making the crowd of people fear for them.

Masahiko walked on the water to the seaking and threw it to the air.


''Alright, I have waited for this moment. GOMU GOMU NO PISTOL.'' Luffy shouted as he one-shotted the poor thing.

Masahiko then went back to the ship and winked goodbye to the people of the village again.

With his map, he would make sure to get Coby from Alvida and get him to join the marines.

This was only the beginning of his and Luffy's adventure.