
Wishful Author

“How did I die?” This is a story about author that want to see the end of his novel ~~~ I'm not a native English and the grammar in there is auto correct from GDocs because I write it on there so don't expect. The reason I write story now is to fulfils my wish, in the past I already try it but didn't reach the end, so I want to reach it in this novel. ~Sincerely Venalter~

Venalter · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Dead, Author and Goddess

Let me tell you something, do you know what will happen if the author of a novel dies? What's gonna happen to the world that he/she built? It's either the world will stop then dying because the author didn't give their way out or the world itself will make a move of themself. That's something gonna happen if the world will already mature enough, but how do we know if the world will mature enough to free itself from the reign of the author? It's still a mystery till now, because.....each and every world out there has their story and how the story progresses, start or end we don't know it at least till the author decides it.

I'm but one of them.

If you thought the author is almighty and omnipotent, you are completely wrong. If they coming to their own world they will not have the protection of the world, because they're not from the world, but because they're authors they know past and future that will be their weapon to live in the world, but if you think that's enough….. You goddamn wrong when they decided to come to the world they will be one of the residents of the world. It's good if they live smart enough, but if they offend someone they can't afford...death is the end.

Plot armor won't save them, because they're authors not characters from novels or not the residents of the world.

So you author, if by chance you can go to your own world remember that even if you reincarnate into someone else's body, your soul never lies.

This is message from past or future, it depends how you get this message

-Dead Men Tell No Tale


"How did I die?"

In a place you can call a cafe , I'm sitting by myself with some woman. It's not some fancy cafe, but certainly gives you the vibe of a young one. Tables and chairs made of wood, some pots with green plants and some of them already flower with white and orange with yellow mixture color. In front of me is my favorite drink, lychee tea.

"Heart attack"

"Heart attack??? I don't remember have that kind of illness"

In front of me is a woman who introduces herself as Goddess of The End. The word Goddess indeed matches with her appearance. White skin that looks so good on her body, she has waist-length hair with black color that is suitable with her title as The End, but her eyes are rather different. She has white eyes not black.

When I first saw her walk into me I was mesmerized by her looks, I mean who won't? Her breast is big enough to be held by my hand. I think I don't know if it's C or D, I mean breast is breast as long as it gives you the paradise that you want. I don't have enough experience with breasts to know which cup women have with just a look, I need to touch it first to know which cup it is. Her hips….. I would love to pound her from behind if i could do it right here and right now, but my mind told me don't do it.

"Even you don't remember, but it's true that you already die"

"Then are you gonna judge me if i go to hell or heaven?"

"Judge you? No, i'm here to offer you something"

"What kind of offer?"

"Do you want to live again?"


If someone asks you if you want to live again after death what kind of answer you will have? It depends.

If it was a man or woman that has a fulfilling life their answer maybe no, because live it's not all about happiness. there is suffering that you need to go through. Everything has a price, even happiness.

If it was a man or woman that does not have a fulfilling life, certainly they want to try again, they want to taste what is fulfilling life, what is the pinnacle of happiness.

So what about me? Am I having a fulfilling life? I certainly have enough of that, in my mindset if death comes, let them in. After all you have long enough to understand the principle of life( bullshit ), every living being will embrace their death no one can defy it.

But do I regret it?

"What's the price?"

Hopefully you like it

Venaltercreators' thoughts