
Wishful Author

“How did I die?” This is a story about author that want to see the end of his novel ~~~ I'm not a native English and the grammar in there is auto correct from GDocs because I write it on there so don't expect. The reason I write story now is to fulfils my wish, in the past I already try it but didn't reach the end, so I want to reach it in this novel. ~Sincerely Venalter~

Venalter · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"What's the price?"

"Price? Do you think I will demand something from you?"

"There is no such a thing like free lunch, if you understand the term of it"

'If you want to lie at least erase your smile, you didn't look like a goddess at all now'

"Fufufu, I'm not smiling because you got me, no, not at all. I just think that your belief in god is certainly all low. Even though i certainly will demand you something it's just surprise for me"

"Let me tell you something, you are not the first mortal that we offer something like this, but you certainly the first one that meet me pyshically even though you didn't feel god like power for me because its gonna hassle if everytime i talk you going around like some monkey seeing banana tree"

Now she mentions it, even though she introduces herself as Goddess she looks like one, but she doesn't feel like one. Indeed a mere look of goddess will take your brain down a notch till its 0 cc.

"So what kind of privilege will I get? I'm the first one right?"

"You didn't want to know what kind of price that you need to pay first?"

"I want, but I want to know more about what benefits that i will get. After all i am someone that like to taste something sweet first then sour"

People can forget their reason as long as the benefits outclass the risk or that is someone that didn't have reasons at all. People are always chasing after benefits and influence, if you ask me why? I can't answer that, people have their own answer and i'm not someone who can represent their own with just some of my words.

"Hmm, the first thing i will give you is a guide"

"A guide?"

"Yeah a guide, think of something like a system that can help and talk with you. In your journey she will be your companion till your whatever wish done"

"She? So I will get a woman AI?"

"Yes and no, yes she is a woman, but not she isn't an AI, she is my subordinate that will accompany you and of course…..to monitor too"

A guide, a system and a woman. To company and to monitor. It wasn't bad benefit if she can help me, but she's didn't need to be blunt to said her subordinate to monitor me too, even though i know it sometimes something need to keep in the dark.

"Fyi if you want to talk about privacy in front of me you can basically get out from here"


"Hahhh, okay i'm fine with that, but i don't want she interfere to what i'm going to do or such in the future"

"You can rest assured that she is just your guide, whether you want to hear her advice or not is your choice, but let me give you advice. When she decides to interfere with you, it will be because of you and you alone, and the way she moves is basically for your benefit. I hope you remember and appreciate that."

".....i will remember that"

"Let me tell you some features that you will get after all system will have their own many features right?"

"First one is Status, basically is to show your current status in numerical or alphabets according to your world. Second will be Shop, what kind of system if they got no Shop feature right? The third one will be Inventory. You will get those features, fir detailed explanation your guide will explain it to you."

Status, Shop and Inventory. It's not unique, rather it's a common feature that you will have in system related novels, but….

"It's that all?"

"Of course not, didn't I say. First thing? Second thing or the last thing i will give to you is ability, but it's your choice what kind of ability that you want and of course there will be limit for how many or what kind...its depend on my mood"

'This bitch..'

"I'm not one, and will never be one. It's just if you think of me like that maybe i will not give anything though. Fufufu"

She didn't give any explanation about how many abilities she can have and what kind of limitation I will get. First I need to think about my purpose and what kind of ability will assist me to achieve that.

I doubt she will allow me to have a cheat-like ability, but if it was something like growth ability... maybe she will allow that, but i do want something that is a cheat-like one whether she allows it or not…

"I already decided what i want"

"Okay, just send me your thought and i will decided it"

Few minutes later….

"I can allow you to get Inspect, but for your Stealth one is too much. I can grant it, but do you really want it?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You certainly know what i mean"

"...What kind of limitation?"

She smiled while explaining to me what kind of limitation that she will give.

"Now you understand it, I will give you 2 stages of leverage, beyond that you can be detected, but…. If you can get any auxiliary skill, maybe you can go up to 3 stages. Of course if you lucky enough for that"

"Hmm even though you didn't ask many things, I cannot allow that. I doubt you will live quiet life, i don't know how many opportunity that you will or accidentally get so i cannot give you those ability, but i will give you my blessing"


"Yeah blessing, for what ability that blessing you will get. Fufufu hope you can find it"

'This Goddess, if you don't want to tell me just say it'

"If you know about everything eventually you will get bored of it so just try everything you can to find what kind of ability you got from my blessing and don't even think your guide will tell you about it"


"So now did you want to hear about what kind of price you need to pay for your new life?"

"Let's hear it"