Join Aster Frost in his journey across the multiverse, the Spirit of Winter is reborn in the world of magic and the plot grows to follow the world and the Chat Group quests. This MC will be a kind man but not an angel, and as the northerners say... "WINTER IS COMING !!"
Amelia POV:
I was pushing through life amidst the dreary stack of paperwork and the bumbling imbecile of a Minister and found a smartphone on my desk that was way ahead of its time, the moment I picked it up, my life changed tracks.
From being an average person, if you could consider being a witch so, I learned the answer to one of the most asked questions in the field of research and philosophy, 'are we alone in this whole wide world?'
The answer I got was quite unnerving but exciting as well, I just knew that this would be the key held to the dreams I have for the world at large. I found the Chat Group and the members were of quite their unique characters.
The most shocking thing was a person who had turned into an octopus but could move at twenty times the speed of sound itself.
He might have been the strongest character in the group, if not for the admin who was the spirit of winter itself. I saw the two movies and from what I could deduce, Aster was a walking disaster and he had no idea where he was right now.
Somewhere in my heart I hoped that it'd be better if he didn't come to my world but something was telling me otherwise and lo and behold, he froze the entire Welsh Grassland to make a nice terrain for his castle.
I admit that it was nothing short of breathtaking, but the whole Auror office was going nuts over it, while Moody screamed constant vigilance and Fudge truing to break my office door with his obnoxious knocking.
Even Dumbledore came to join the fray and now I had to deal with the full set of them while I had no idea on how I was going to explain Aster. The only thing that was running through my head was how to keep these idiots from pissing Aster off.
It is already freezing cold as Christmas approaches, and I don't want Aster to add anything to it by freezing the rest of Magical Britain. Even though they could manage with the help of magic, but it won't be any less of a headache with the people running around like headless chickens.
All of this and the Ministry decided to lead an expedition to the Frozen Lands as they started calling it, and even Dumbledore seemed impressed with the pictures the aurors managed to take of the castle.
I was getting a massive headache and all of this was because that damned spirit had to land in my world and in my turf. While I was facing allof this mess, Aster, that idiot decided to start a live stream and even though I was much displeased with him for giving me a headache and another ton of paperwork with an expedition to boot, I still opened the stream.
And it was then I saw the most beautiful person I had ever seen, he was more beautiful than handsome if I had to say it like that, but with those beautiful ice blue eyes and that beautiful blond hair, he looked no short of the prince charming my niece reads in stories about.
A stray thought came to my mind, 'well, he is supposed to be a princess in the movie and since he is a boy here, I guess that makes him a price, the Ice Prince Charming.'
I chuckled at the thought and simply marveled at the sights of beauty, I had already decided to keep the castle even if we have to melt down the rest of the Grassland. The men are prepared and gathered, they stood in a neat formation as they looked up towards me to give them some words of courage to boost their morale.
"Today, we received a report that a castle of ice appeared out of nowhere on the Welsh Grasslands and turned it into the Frozen Lands as they are calling it now. We are gathered here to lead an expedition to the Frozen Lands, and I know that each of you is more than just qualified to be here and you will do justice to the pledge you took joining the Auror Office."
"The only thing I want from you all is to be careful and return back in one piece, just leave the things above your paygrades to the bigwigs here," I say pointing to the line up beside me, where a smiling Shacklebolt, a cautious Moody and an almost always jovial Dumbledore stood with his same sagely look.
With that the expedition took off and apparated to the site. The first thing we were welcomed with was a nice cold blizzard and the three feet thick snow underfoot. A little mountain of snow lay before us and beyond it the hill and castle on it.
As we approached it, the mountain of snow started moving and a towering creature of snow stood up and looked at us, like the ants we were in front of it. The sheer size of it was no less than a three-storeyed building.
It let out an icy roar and by the sheer force of it, knocked half the men who could not hold their ground by a few meters. There was no fighting this and I took a picture and sent it to Aster and asked him what it was.
And it was then I knew that the idiot just made it to spite us and he still had more of those snow golem guards and he had the gall to simply tell me to go and pet him/it?
I sighed in defeat and asked everyone to not move an inch while I walked toward the big snow wolf. It looked at me with it's big crystal eyes and lower it's head to match my level, I slowly placed my hand on it's big snowy nose and patted him a bit to see that the big bad wolf was a softie, not just the touch, but also the character, it's tail was whipping around behind him, whipping up a snowstorm.
The ones behind me were looking at me like I was some sort of miracle bestowed on them by Merlin. The big boy reduced it's size and turned into a little pup as it jumped into my embrace, it looked like just another arctic wolf now in this form.
"Merlin, that monster was this cutie all along?" a shocked female voice came over and I look behind to see a young girl standing beside moody and her hair was changing colours.
Seeing that I was looking at her, she stepped forth and saluted, "Auror Tonks at your service mam."
'Oh, so it was the lass Moody took under him' I mused to myself and nodded in appreciation at her proper salute.
"So, now that this is somewhat handled, let's move on." I said to the force.
"Arf" the pup mimicked me and simply enjoyed being in my arms and the occasional petting, he extended his paw towards the right as if telling us to head over there.
"Oh, I see you are one smart boy, is that where your home at?" I asked the pup only to get an "arf" and an excited nod.
"At first glance, it looks like any other pup, but it has magic that easily dwarfs the amount of half the Auror force we brought, put together and it does not have any traces of rituals, it's pure." The old headmaster said as he appraised the pup.
He breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the magic of the one behind this was free from taint, the only comparison he could draw was his fiery companion Fawkes and was visibly impressed with it as well.
"So, we don't need to fear of having another Dark Wizard or a Litch King in our hands, is it right for me to assume that Mr. Dumbledore?" Shacklebolt asked.
"Yes, Kingsley, you are correct to assume that." The old wizard nodded with a smile as they kept walking towards the castle.
A little further they saw snow golems standing or patrolling around like a trained force. Seeing them approach they changed a little and their hands as they turned into icy sharp claws and sharp teeth and spikes came out of their mouth and bodies.
The expedition force had officially started sweating bullets despite the cold and snow around them. The golems were walking towards them with glowing eyes that clearly displayed their hostility and ferocity.
The wizards and witches took to their wands and prepared for an assault, taking positions as they looked at me before them, hoping that I would deal with this like the snow wolf from before.
But before any of us had to do anything, a melodious trill sounded as a beautiful bird of crystal ice flew in and the golems returned back to their normal appearance. The beautiful bird did a circle above us and flew towards the castle as the golems had cleared a path for us.
Before long, we had arrived at the majestic doors of the castle, the pup in my arms barked at the two snow golems guarding the gate and they opened the doors to show us the most breathtaking sight any of us had seen in our entire lives.
"Welcome to my humble abode, come up the stairs but don't go elsewhere, the decors are not finished yet." A smooth voice resounded through the halls and the bird trilled and flew towards the stairs, inviting us in.
You guys are the best audience, hands down.
And to show that I love you guys a lot, I will write an extra chapter each time I get a nice review.
Same as always, I just want ATTENTION!
Ahem, I mean, comments and advice along with some powerstones.