
Winter Learns To Love

What is love? How can a person tell he is in love? Is it different from lust? The former I don't understand the latter I know all too well. I am Winter, a person who has never experienced love. But I want to know what is this confusing, elusive but wonderful feeling people talk about. Who knows aybe someday I will experience it for myself.

SAC12345 · 都市
3 Chs

My Name is Winter



"Yes right there..."

"Just a little more...please..."



I felt the rapid rise and fall of my chest as I try to catch my breath. I pushed the man on top off me, letting him know that his weight is bothering me. He took the hint and turned over to lay beside me, then wraps his arms around me. or at least tried to until I suddenly got up from my position.

I was not one for cuddles. In fact I hated them. I don't understand the need for that extra skinship after the deed was done. We had sex, yes. But that's it. Can't people be satisfied with just the orgasm? Why want more?

Ad I was thinking all these, I started to dress myself up, getting ready to leave. The man seems to have sensed that the fun was over. "What's the rush?" he asks me.

"There is no rush, I'm just done for the night."

"Why not stay a little longer? We can definitely have a few more rounds."

I hate this, he thinks he's all that since we had sex. Let me tell you, I keep referring to him as the man because I don't remember his name. We met at some bar, danced, kissed and then here we are now. This was just a typical night of drinking and hooking up for me. Nothing more, nothing less.

After I finished putting my clothes on, I face him. I gave him a little smirk, then raised my left eyebrow. "One round told me you weren't even that good."

I laughed as I close the door leaving the stunned man inside the room.

"Time to hit the next nightclub"

I hailed a taxi, telling the driver to bring to the closest nightclub. As we arrive I can still a number of people going in and out. I paid my fare, got down and made my way to the entrance.

I went straight to the bar, ordered a double shot of tequila. While I waited, I looked around for any potential playmates. Then I felt a gaze on me from one of the tables where some young looking men in suits are sitting. Under the low light I met the gaze of the one looking at me and analyzes his appearance. As far as I can tell, he wasn't the drop dead gorgeous type but he had charisma with his slightly long brown hair and dark eyes.

Our staring contest was interrupted by the bartender who served my drinks. Before I down my shot, I faced slowly turned back to once again face the man. Making sure to give him a little sneak peek of what underneath my extremely short dress. I saw his gaze widen before slowly returning to my face. As soon as our eyes meet, I drank my shot making sure to have some spill seductively from my lips.

I saw hit get up and slowly walk towards me. I brought out my most beautiful smile when he was standing in front of me.

He leaned in and slowly whispered, "Why do I get the feeling that you're seducing me?"

"Who knows, maybe it's not just a feeling?"

He gives a low chuckle. " I'm Hunter by the way. In case you wanted to know the name that you'll be screaming later."

I laugh, "Well what a coincidence, our names rhyme. My name is Winter and you'll do well to remember it because you'll be swearing it later."