
Winter Learns To Love

What is love? How can a person tell he is in love? Is it different from lust? The former I don't understand the latter I know all too well. I am Winter, a person who has never experienced love. But I want to know what is this confusing, elusive but wonderful feeling people talk about. Who knows aybe someday I will experience it for myself.

SAC12345 · Urban
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3 Chs

Start on the Main Course

Hunter laughs after hearing what I said. "You're one interesting woman."

I smile, "I'll take that as a compliment"

"A confident one, aren't we?"

Instead of answering, I smirked at him before turning my back to face the bar again. I ordered another double shot of tequila while pretending the man behind me is not there.

Hunter took the seat beside me and ordered some whiskey for himself. I observed him from my peripheral, and realize that my initial evaluation was correct. He was handsome but not overly so. But his body was definitely well maintained. His arms look perfect for carrying me.

"So how's the night been for you?"

I feign innocence by pretending not to hear him because of the loud music. I faced him cupped my hand to my ear to let him know. Getting my meaning, he leaned close to my ear and repeated his question.

Before he can move away, I encircled my hands on his neck and slowly placed my lips near his ear. "The question is, how will the night turn out for us?" I bit his ear, blew on it gently before letting him go.

I see a pleased expression on his face before I down my tequila and stand up without a word and head towards the dance floor. Hunter not wasting another second, also finished his drink and followed me. We stand with my back to his front as I realized how small I was compared to him despite my 15 centimeter killer stilettos. Well compared to everyone else, my original height of 155 centimeter was definitely petite.

Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist, as I slowly swayed my hips to the rhythm. We grinded against each other to beat of the music. I can feel every intense sound vibrating through my body. This was a game of seduction and an arousing foreplay for both of us.

Facing him, I reached for his neck, pressing my body to his. I slowly let my hand travel down to his front until I reached his bulge. I gave it a subtle squeeze feeling its size and stiffness. Hunter's eyes widened before saying "You minx."

I laughed, meeting his eyez. While I was holding his gaze I gave his hardness another squeeze, "Once again, thank you for the compliment. But this not so little thing here is telling me that's it ready for some action. So why don't we skip the appetizer and start on the main course?"