
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Bandits nightmare

Looking down on the town Sil wasn't impressed. "I'm going down first, land right outside the town and bring Scar to me but you two can spectate." She said jumping off the dragons back getting worried expressions from everyone.

Sil was approaching the ground rapidly not slowing down before Ainz slowed her decent with his wing letting her use it as a slide. Scar and Jack sighed in relief thanking Ainz, but he knew she would have fine from the fall.

Sil landed, braking the stone road below her as she looked at the 25ft gate in front of her with a smile, walking toward the gate casually as the guards picked up their weapons, they dropped them from the shock of Sil's arrival.

Not far behind Ainz landed getting the guards to loose all hope dropping their weapons kneeling before Sil. "Don't be such baby's and go get your strongest people out here and let them know if they try to run, hell will look like a heaven after I'm done with them." She ordered in a annoyed tone getting the guards to run away leaving their weapons behind

The group laughed at the guards before Scar approached her on all fours, "what would you like me to do master?" He asked with a little mama leaving his body. Sil seen this with her mama sense "why are you leaking mama?" She asked getting a wide smile from Scar.

"I've been playing with that man from the bar, he's not very happy." Scar said with joy leaking into his words also making Sil smile. "do whatever you want with that man, but don't kill him. let me know when he needs to be healed."

Scar laugh hearing his masters words "thank you master I will do so." suddenly the gate opened back up with 5 men walking out in full beast crystal gear.

The beast gear they were wearing was black with orange stripes around the edges, using the full set of gear gave them extra strength and speed and also giving them a 6th sense skill that allows them to react quicker.

"A dragon huh? I thought they were all on the demon lord's side?" One of the men in front said approaching Sil casually. "I don't have time for chit chat, prepare yourself's." She said with a menacing smile getting all five men to get into a fight stance with a magic circle forming around them.

Sil was so unimpressed she decided to use all the power she could to push everyone down with telekinesis. Unfortunately Sil was only able to apply 120 pounds of pressure but to these men it was nothing as they approached slowly with 3 of the men pulling out a shield while the other two pulled out spears.

All of these weapons were made out of beast crystals, all giving the user extra defense or strength. Sil immediately removed her telekinesis looking at the men with a smile. "I'm glad you able to handle this much" she said throwing her cursed dagger toward the men.

One of the shield guys stepped up blocking the attack, blocking his vision and before he knew it the blade he just blocked came around his shield stabbing him in a gap of his helmet.

The man to screamed in pain but not from just the dagger in his eye but because he was getting his mama sucked out his body into the dagger. before the man died she removed the dagger moving it toward the other men.

The other four men tightened their formation as the shielders pushed forward letting the spear man try and stab Sil, Unfortunately for them they weren't paying attention to the dagger that flew behind them and started to slash at the gaps in the armor making all the men fall to their knees.

"Put them into the void and strip them down to nothing, wait until I say to bring them out again." She ordered walking past the men on their knees while Scar simply pulled them into the void before catching up.

Sil pushed open the wood gate to see men in high grade armor pushing around the towns people. The people was only wearing the bare minimum to cover their private parts.

Sil was discussed at the men in armor and she didn't hesitate to throw out her dagger controlling it cutting the gaps in the armor making all 12 of the men fall to their knees. Scar immediately started to collect the men putting them into the void stripping them of all their clothes and armor.

The people looked at Sil like she was their savior but when they approached her the look she gave them like they were her prey. "Put all these weaklings into the void to but they can keep the little clothes they have." She ordered as Scar walked over to the towns people putting them into the void.

"Should I feed these people?" He asked as he forcefully shoved a woman and her son into his chest disappearing. "Do what you want" she said as more men started approaching her from deeper in the town.

After the towns people heard scar was going to feed them they began approaching him jumping into the void themselves getting a big piece of bread for being so cooperative.

Sil made her way through the town quickly letting Scar help the towns people as she practically crippled the men who approached her. Eventually she made it to a luxurious two story house that had gold trimmed here and there with the main wallpaper of the house cherry trees.

Sil walked into the house like she owned it surprising the two guards on the inside but they were to slow to react before she cut important nerves on their body crippling them.

There was a man in the back of the room on a throne with chained beauties next to him with a giant hammer to his side. This man had the angriest expression Sil's ever seen, causing her to laughing like she's heard the best joke she's every heard.

The man stood up walking toward Sil with his hammer in hand. Sil approached the man realizing how tall he was he even stood over her at 9ft tall, but this only made her smile as she charged her mana into the cursed dagger making it grow longer.

The man swung his hammer over head slamming it down toward Sil but she blocked it with her dagger as she kept putting mana into her dagger making it grow longer and sharper.

Sil didn't know the second part, but she found out because after after a few seconds her dagger fazed through the hammer making the head of the hammer fall to the ground with a loud thud breaking the marble floor.

Sil was about to gloat but the man didn't hesitate to throw a fist toward her head, she ducked under the attack sending a punch straight toward the mans gut sending flying toward the thrown.

Suddenly the giant man vanished with Scar standing in his place, sil was to busy fighting to release Scar unchained the woman putting them into the void as the man flew into his back at the same time.

Scar turned around laughing "that was so much fun" Sil couldn't agree more "take everything you think might be valuable and all the food." She ordered walking out the build to see the rest of the towns people waiting outside.

"Please help us!" The begged on their knees but Sil quieted then down by holding out her hand "all of you people belong to me now, but don't worry I take care of what's mine" she said in a menacing tone with a matching smile.

The people looked back and forth between each other in disbelief before they started cheering, hugging each other and shouting. Sil thought nothing of it as Scar walked up next to her with the biggest smile he could have making him look menacing.

"What happened?" She asked petting Scars head "I've been playing with the humans that had armor for a while can you heal them" he asked getting Sil to smile as she activated the mana healing skill flooding the void with healing magic letting scar collect all that he could.

After a minute or so she let go as Scar shook himself off like he was covered in water. "Even though it's healing magic it stings." He commented as he walked toward the crowd of people as they started to running into the void.

This shocked Sil and Scar but they quickly moved on toward the gate they came from and when they got there they seen something unexpected.

Jack and Ainz were fight 6 men fully equipped with white heavy armor and great swords the size of the wielded. The men slit up with 2 fighting Jack and the other 4 we're fighting Ainz, sil already guess they were holy knights.

Sil could see they were struggling so she walked over next to the 4 holy knights fighting Ainz. Standing 3 foot away from them she asked "would you guys mind not fighting my companions? And go back the way you came?"

The holy knights got destructed by Sil suddenly being so close to them letting Ainz swipe his tale knocking all of them away while laughing even though he had large cuts across his body.

"Are you a enemy of the pope?" One of the men who stood up instantly asked without a struggle as if the attack that hit him did nothing.

Sil put her hand on her chin "I don't think I've meet him so no I don't think so." She answered as Scar caught up standing on his back legs with a smile standing next to her.

The holy knights that just spoke got into a fighting stance holding his great sword firmly in front of him with his men following his lead doing the same. "I can smell your forsaken blood though that cover up beast." He said in a cold tone smiling, but with he helmet on you could only see a couple of his sharp teeth.

Sil sighed loudly showing how annoyed she was as she put her hand on scars side. "Give me the big guy" she ordered as her hand sunk into his fur pulling a man out by his hair out throwing the giant naked man with ease at the holy knights feet as he shivered sitting in a ball. "I'm on a couple missions at the moment for my guild, dose that look like the actions of someone with the demon lord?" She asked showing her adventures license causing the holy knights to bow putting away their weapons on their backs.

"We apologize adventurer, we are also on a quest for this man, may we have him?" The man asked in a bow getting a confused look from Sil "just him?" She asked making the holy knights look up with confused faces. "What do you mean do you have all of them inside that beast?" The man in front continued to speak for every behind him.

Sil smiled brightly showing how beautiful she could be with a smile "yes I do, I even calmed all the towns people, can you take us to the man who made the quest? And in return you can have this man and I'll keep everyone else."

The man was stunned by her words "o.of course we have a teleporter close by follow us." The man said gesturing for his men to stop fighting Jack and follow them. "Just when it was starting to get fun" Jack said walking with Sil who followed the knights without hesitation. "Ainz thank you for your help but we're going back to the kingdom"

Ainz lowered his head to Sil "I won't forget you lady Sil and I will cherish the name you game me." He said flying away.

"Teleporter?" She asked turning to Jack "people with enough money can buy a portable teleporter to get back from their quest faster." He answered immediately knowing not to hesitate to answer her questions.

It didn't take long for them to run into 2 more holy knights wearing the same as the others. "We're back let's move out." The man who was the only one to speak before said making them put up the teleporter in a instant letting Sils groups go in first.

On the other side of the portal Sil was greeted by a plump man at 5ft sweating from all the running around he was doing. "Your back so.." the man hesitated seeing Sil but seeing the holy knights he hired teleporting in right behind her.

"Your back so soon with a beautiful woman, who is she?" He asked the last part in a stern tone you wouldn't believe came from the man. "This women did the quest for us and offered up the leader as a price to bring her to you." The man said bluntly walking over holding out his hand for the money the man promised.

The man looked around before sil dragged the man out the void throwing him at the plump man's feet making him jump backwards but quickly threw a bag of coins it the holy knight.

The holy knight caught the bag with ease as they walked back into the teleporter leaving without a trace. The man looked Sil and Scar up and down before fixing his shirt introduced himself "I am Trombone, but my friends call me Bone. What would you like to speak about?" The man asked in a polite tone.

Sil was surprised by the man's behavior but thought nothing of it "my name is Sil and we have taken over your quest destroy the bandits town and kept all the attackers alive, we wanted to know if you want them or not." She said casually looking around at what she released was a shop.

Not any ordinary shop but a beast weapons and armor shop they had plenty of strong looking equipment. The man after hearing the question couldn't help but smile brightly. "The men took very important armor and weapons did you manage to save them?" He asked avoiding her question.

Sil glanced at Scar before he walked over to a empty armor stand putting it into his void before pulling it back out with armor on it. Scar kept doing this as Sil talked to Bone.

"Now about the bandits, do you want them or not? I'm keeping the towns people whether you like it or not." She stated calmly but to her surprise the man smiled grew "of course I'll give you 20 silver for each bandit alive and for each set of armor I'll give you 3 gold. How dose that sound?" He asked in a polite tone as Scar walked over to Sil letting her hand sink into his side.

Sil didn't want to bring them out one by one so she dragged all 24 naked men out, throwing them onto their leader noticing some were crying. The man clapped his hands twice and 6 men in matching clothing came into the room bowing to the man.

"Put this filth in the dungeon and get my rings" the man ordered clapping his hands once more, making the 6 man move into action escorting the bandits out as one ran up to the man holding a small pillow with 4 rings on it.

Bone put on a silver ring pulling out a small bag "this is 480 silver pieces for the bandits." He said throwing her the bag, as Sil caught the bag she could somehow count all the silver coins at once.

"Feels about right" she said as she looked up seeing another bag thrown at her, she easily caught it feeling him he 72 gold coins.

"That is for the amor a total of 72 gold pieces." He said puffing out his big stomach with what looks like pride. "Thank you Bone but I have to go, I hope we can keep doing business together." She said turning away toward a door with a exit sign above it.

"Yes I hope so to, if you ever need anything I will do my best to assist you lady Sil have a good day" he said with a slight bow as she waved at him on the way out.

As they left they released they where behind the second wall of Forge Theft. "Master we didn't get the reward for completing the quest." Jack said looking at her worriedly, Sil turned to him smiling "we didn't complete his quest we took everyone and everything so technically we broke the agreement of the quest which was destroyed the bandits town, then leave."

Jack nodded slowly never hearing of something like this happening before, but before he knew it he was standing in front of the Valentine's homes gate being greeted by a guard. "Lady Valentine is waiting for you please come in."

Sil followed but Jack was hesitant "can I rest In the void lady Sil" he asked but all she did was shrug as they entered the mansion going back to the same area as last time in the middle of the mansion.

Jack immediately hopped into the void as Sil walked up to Lilith putting her hand against Scar getting the crystals from the void. "I have your crystals." Sil said stoping 5ft from Lilith who had a shining smile as she snapped her fingers "good here's your reward please leave my house." She said as a man dressed in black walked over handing her a bag of 100 gold coins.

"Gladly, let me know if you have anything else you might need taken care of." She shot back leaving the mansion throwing the bag of gold at scar letting it sink into his fur. "We're to now master?" He asked as they left the front gate walking down the street.

"Home" she said causing Scar to sigh in relief "I'm glad I'm so hungry." He said as his stomach growled loudly scaring the people around them.

Sil laughed a little as they walked toward the exit of the second wall passing the guards without a problem. They continued walking until they made it back to the inn where everyone was already eating and talking to each other.

"Welcome back lady Sil, Scar what would you like for your meal." John asked with a smile as they approached the bar, "I want everything" Scar said with absolute seriousness getting John to flinch.

Sil laughed a little patting scar on the back "let's get a lot of food but it doesn't have to be everything." John smiled and nodded, walking into the back room.

"Get Jack and Clair out here and how's everyone else doing?" Scar let them walk out as he scratched his face "I put them all together with a fire cooking the meat we had, they seem happy I guess. And that guy gave up a long time ago."

"Bring him out" she ordered turing her chair around to see the man thrown onto the grown not looking the same as before, he used to have heavy red armor and a giant red battle axe but now he was only wearing red shorts that looked like it used to be armor before most it got destroyed.

The man fell onto his side when leaving the void, he looked around thankfully to see something else besides darkness. "So how'd you like your punishment boy." Sil asked getting the men to immediately look in her direction as his body trembled.

"I'm guessing that's a no" she laughed at him as he looked up at her with fear "don't kill me" he muttered making Sil smile "Why should I let you live?" She asked causing the man's body to tremble even more.

Scar started to laugh knowing the man was trembling behind him "I'm willing to serve you" as the man said this he could feel a chain being wrapped around his heart with a needle pressed against his beating heart.

Sil got a system message as the man submitted.

You have gained another slave Rex

"That's a good boy, now why don't you get a hot meal with the others in the void." She ordered in a friendly tone getting Rex to stand up bowing before walking back into Scars back.

"Why do you want so manny weaklings?" Scar asked as John walked out handing them a plate of food. "They might be weak but they can do labor and level up others." She said as she began eating with Scar as Jack and Clair ordered their food from John.

Suddenly someone entered the inn "welcome to the dragon fire inn, but we won't be taking any customers please leave." John said politely cause Sil to look at him confused.

"Don't worry I'm only here to talk to the lady here." A man said sitting next to Sil realizing it was Zack. Sil nodded at John letting him know he could leave.

"It looks like you've been making waves" Zack said sliding a piece of paper toward sil, she picked up the paper releasing it was a bounty for her head 20 gold for her body and 50 gold alive.

"Interesting are you here to claim the bounty?" She asked turning to him with a menacing smile causing Zack to flinch slightly "Definitely not I was just warning you and I also wanted to tell you who put the hit out." He answered calmly letting Sil take a swig out of her drink before asking "who?"

"It's a slave trader named silver dollar, and I don't even know how he got your name, but apparently he's a vampire." He said standing "that's all I have to say." He explained walking away before Sil stopped him handing him a bag of 20 gold "thank you Zack." Zack smiled and took the coin walking away.

Sil walked up stairs going into her room falling on her bed falling asleep immediately.

(Thank you for reading I'm going to be making these chapters longer so I hoped you enjoyed)