
Wild Power

A normal highschool students' trip turned into a disastrous event. When an accident occured with an unknown substance that will change his life forever. A student who would experience an unexpected turned of events will about to begin. Can he survive with all the hardships and challenges that he will experience from now on? How far he can go to keep the darkness engulfed the peaceful life knows of? What would you do if you're in this kind of situation? Will you continue to become strong to protect your friends or you'll give up? I am a newbie writer please bare with me, it's from my pure imagination and determination my apologies for slow updates I'll work with it . --Please send some power stones and your reviews are much appreciated--

pintre_ · ファンタジー
20 Chs


"Woah! It's huge!" Arvin said in surprise.

" You're right!"

"... "

Friday, 4:52 p.m. They wandered around with curiosity. A new place and a new sight for their eyes to see, a new challenge that awaits for them to overcome. Their first victory was a huge step for them to reach their dreams, to enter the Blackboard Jungle. Tomorrow is the second phase of the practical exam.

After they wandered around their dorm they decided to go back to their room and rest.


They opened and ther and to their surprise, the room was huge enough to fit in more people but there are just three of them that'll be using it.

"Ughh... I'm beat. I wanna r...re... st- Huh?! It's huge! This room is insanely huge for us!" Arvin said in surprised and couldn't believe that they will rest inside this huge room.

"Woah, there's a lot of stuff in here. Is this really a dorm?" Chloe said in awe.

"You're right. This room is kinda huge, but, what ever let's just rest." Peter said and headed to his bed and rest.

Peter's attitude really changed. He used to be a joyful and loud, but because of the event he's experiencing he became more serious and strict.

"A race... Huh..."

They are all laying down on their own bed they chatted with each other until they were able to sleep.

Saturday, 6:32 a.m., Peter and his teammates woke up early, prepare their stuff and headed to where the second phase of the exam will be held.

"I wonder, what kind of race would it be?" Chloe asked them to starts the conversation.

Arvin look at her and just raise his shoulder." Who knows..."

Peter interrupted them. "We better hurry if we want to go there early and to avoid other teams to have something to say about us." He said in rush.

-"O... Okay."


They looked at each other and looked back at him and just stared at him on his back while they were walking a bit fast to match his walking pace to go there on time.






Saturday, 7:40 a. m.~

Mr. Dave Dasypus walks in front of them, to give a welcoming speech and to announce the next phase of the practical exam.

"Good day, dear examiners. I am here today to announce the next stage."

He continues to speak.

"The total of team that'll be moving in to next stage are 10 in total. 'Race' is the second phase of this exam. This will be held at the canyon behind the Citadel's mine. It's also a team exam, your members would be assigned to their place and every obstacle you finished you will pass the next task to your member and so on until you reached the finish line which is the entrance of the citadel."

-"Oh! I get it."

-"So... we just need to run, huh."

-"This'll be an easy task."

" There will be an obstacles you'll also encounter hybrid animals on your way to the finish line. Of course, just like the first exam, fighting is allowed but don't kill your fellow examiners. We will provide the needs and the medical staff for you. Now, let the 2nd phase of practical exam begin! Good luck!"

After a long explanation, Sir Dave managed to give them the necessary info to pass the exam.

"Ar you ready?"

"Y- Yeah!"

"I think... we should eat first."

" Let's get going, you two. "

This time, Peter decided to walk first with the intention of being there first to examine the area and to avoid unnecessary accidents.

While they are heading to the mine, they bumped into the other team's member.


"Oh, my bad." Peter apologized and just walked away.

He grabbed his shoulder and starts yapping about what happened.

"Hey! Watch your step! Do you want me to crush you huh...!?" He said in furious.

"... "

Arvin and Chloe tried to stop Peter, but he just stared at him and just walk away.

They followed him and just also ignored that arrogant man.




"We're here!"

"This mine is huge."

Everyone was amazed by how big the mine they're be racing in.

"Everyone, get ready."







Every first course representative starts to run as Mr. Dave signals them to run.

"This is fun. HEHEHE!"

"Huh... I'm so lazy..."

" I need to go there immediately. "

All of them starts their own strategy on how they will reach their teammates on the second course.

"Hmm... I wonder who's waiting for me on the second course?" Chloe asked herself in wonder and got really excited to reach there immediately.

She saw the rusted rails and immediately used her hybrid technique to avoid stepping on it.

"Okay! I need some pole to climb up. Porcupine's Hunting Mechanism: Spear Hair!"

She shoot out he hair to the side of the mine to climb up and to avoid the rails. She swings back and forth to gain a momentum to go onto her next Spear Hair. She did it until she reached the other side with no rusted rail.

"Oops! That was close. Huuh!"

Chloe did it without even breaking a sweat, she's quite good at gymnastics.

On the other side of the mine~

The person who bumped into Peter earlier is climbing up to the side of the mine.

"Tch! Why am I doing this?! So annoying agh!"

He's complaining about his position right now but still doing it.

"Anyway, I need to go and swap place with him."

He swiftly climbed and run into the inner part of the mine. It's so dark he can barely see a thing. He took out a flashlight on his backpack.

"Damn! It's so dark in here! Good thing I brought this."

He continuously walk through the mine until he saw a radiant light from distance. It's crystal like rocks it's everywhere shining bright and giving enough light for him to see clearly inside the mine.

"Woah! What is this rocks? Am I allowed to take one?" He said in surprise with his eyes squinting because of the radiant light emitting from the crystal rock.

He took a piece of it and starts walking.


He stepped on a sticky substance but he chose to ignore it and continue to explore the mine.

When suddenly he heard a sound of explosion and rock cracking from distance. He hides himself immediately to avoid being seen and to observe it quietly.

Boom~ Boom~


He peek a little behind the rock and he's shocked on what he saw and he realized that it's the cause of the explosion.

"Huh?! W... What is that thing?!"





I wonder what he saw on the mine and why he's so shocked.

Happy reading!

Your Reviews and Power Stones are much appreciated!!