

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Finally Met Ye Siting?!(2)

Yui meiyuan played the video with a smile , she stared at Wang Shi fake tears although she knew that the tears were fake it still felt good see her pretend to cry just to be able to get back at Su Yuoyue .

 She glanced at Su Yuoyue with a confident smile and nodded her head .

 Su Yuoyue frowned , why did it feels like something was totally wrong , she just couldn't stand a innocent beautiful girl like Yui meiyuan cry and she decided to get revenge for her .

 But why was she here to defend her , and what was with the smile .

 Yui meiyuan spoke up again " Sir , I am sorry for skipping class but I won't stand and let Su Yuoyue get bullied" Yui meiyuan did not know where she got the courage from but she spoke to the director with a straight face .

 Meanwhile Su Yuoyue faceplamed , she didn't expect tha granddaughter of the famous artist to be this naive and cute completely contradicting her alluring beauty .

 She was not a fool , she knew that her elder brother would protect her and she also knew that he installed some spies in her class 

The previous owner of the body was really Innocent and naive like Yui meiyuan standing in front of the director .

  She knew that it was impossible for her brothers to arrive exactly when she was being bullied , so she guessed that they must have gotten some of her classmates as informants so she decided to try her luck and she was right and if she was wrong she could have just threatened the director with some information , it was as simple as that , but looking at Yui meiyuan stupid behavior she felt warm inside.

 The video finished playing and Director Wu frowned upon seeing Wang Shi behavior , he had always ignored Wang Shi no matter how badly She behaved but how could she go ahead and mess with the president sister .

 He really could not save her this time around ."Wang Shi , what is the meaning of this behavior of yours "

 The students were confused , was the director shouting at Wang Shi , it was a well known fact that the director was very friendly and hardly ever shouts .

 He believed that shouting at students would give them low self-esteem , but he was shouting at Wang Shi .

Wang Shi frowned , 'what is wrong with the director , why is he shouting at me , did I really go too far ' 

 Wang Shi eyes brimmed with tears and many of the onlookers stared at her with pity and looked at Su Yuoyue with glaring eyes .

 Wang Shi was a kind of innocent beauty and whenever she cried , she could easily gain people sympathy .

 She looked at the director with a sad look then said " I understand that it is my fault " 

The director looked at Wang Shi with pity , he didn't want to expell her from the school but which school would like to be on the president bad books , he had no choice but to expel her .

" Wang Shi , you know that Bullying is against the school law and the punishment is very detailed and well known , as the head of the school conucil , I am sure that you are aware of the consequences of your actions " 

Wang Shi was confused , she knew the repercussion of what she did but why would the director want to expell her , who was Su Yuoyue to make the director fear her so much 

" I am very sorry and hope that the school management will forgive me " her voice was almost choked up as if trying not to cry.

" No need , if Su Yuoyue accepts your apology , naturally you will be forgiven " 

 Wang Shi glanced at Su Yuoyue , she still had this calm look as if she was just an onlooker .

 Wang Shi gritted her teeth and promised to get revenge for the humiliation she had endured today, 'Su Yuoyue I will make you pay a million folds ' 

 " Su Yuoyue , I am sorry for making things difficult for you " her eyes was brimming with tears .

 At the moment she looked very sorry, if it was the original Su Yuoyue she might have believed her .

 Yui meiyuan rushed to Su Yuoyue side and tugged her red uniform , her face was anxious and she shook her head .

 Su Yuoyue glanced at the girl who was always worried for her " And what about the bet ? " 

 The director could immediately understood , Su Yuoyue was not going to expell Wang Shi based on the School rules but based on the bet .

" Wang Shi , you should be responsible for the words you say " 

 Wang Shi could not help but feel dissatisfied with Su Yuoyue " Grandmother " her voice was very low .

 " I didn't hear you " Su Yuoyue was joking , simply telling the truth , she could not hear what Wang Shi was saying .

" My Grandmother!!" Wang Shi shouted , her tears dropped down her face , she had never been so humiliated to this extent in her life and why was the director listening to every word that Su Yuoyue said .

 " Good , I heard you this time .. I will wait for the second condition to be fufilled " 

Su Yuoyue glanced at her environment , every where was crowded even junior student were watching the drama . 

 The math class was already used up long ago and it was already lunchtime, even the class representative could not help stare at Su Yuoyue as she walked out of the class she greeted the director then left , the students making a pathway for her .

 Yui meiyuan ran after her , calling out her name .

Soon every one left leaving only Director Wu and Wang Shi , her face looked distorted from crying .

 " Uncle Wu , why did you let her bully me ..sob sob , " her voice drowned in her cries.

 "Wang Shi !! , How many times will I tell you to behave and not to go around looking for trouble , you just won't listen ... By the end of today I don't want to see you in this school premises , I will handle the paperwork and get transferred to another school that is well known ... Don't go around looking for trouble or you might not be able to get into another school " 

 " But , I don't want to leave " Wang Shi was filled anger , how could she leave the school because of that little girl ,Su Yuoyue! 

Director Wu rubbed his forehead and said " Wang Shi , I suggest that you don't mess with with Su Yuoyue , she is not someone you can offend , I will handle the paperwork for your transfer " he left after saying this.

 Wang Shi stared at the empty class and shouted " Su Yuoyue , I will make you pay !!!" 

Seong ji , one of Wang Shi friends walked in with Jiang Meng , they approached Su Yuoyue carefully , she sat with a desolate look .

 " Wang Shi ? " Seong ji said in a cautious voice .

 " I will make her pay , you will help me make her pay , she will pay " her voice was low but carried this deep hatred , that made shivers run through one spine .

" I will make sure to make her life miserable for the next one month " Jiang Meng promised .

 Su Yuoyue had gone to stand in the line to get food , she felt very hungry , Yui meiyuan was still standing behind her in the line talking to her non stop .

" Su Yuoyue , you were so cool.. Were you not afraid of the director , you looked so fearless and meanwhile I was feeling very scared ...." 

She was still talking even after they got their food and sat at the table .

 Su Yuoyue felt a headache , Yui meiyuan kept talking and replying her self , if she didn't stop her she was afraid that she would keep talking still they left the cafeteria .

 Yui meiyuan ate her rice and swallowed her food so fast and continued talking "Su Yuoyue , I really didn't expect to get revenge for me , if I have trouble in the future i will make sure to report to you" 

 " Aren't you forgetting something ? " She could not take it anymore .

 " What I am I forgetting " 

 " You bullied me in the past aren't you afraid that I will get the revenge on you " 

" Hehehe " Yui meiyuan really couldn't forget how she took Su Yuoyue student card , she scratched her head 

"Oh , I forgot , here is your student card , I hope you will forgive me , I simply felt jealous because you were more pretty ... It was just women instincts " her hands were folded . 

 Su Yuoyue smiled ,if she wanted to get revenge on Yui meiyuan , she would not have bothered herself with Wang Shi and she forgave Yui meiyuan long ago .

 She was always fierce with people she didn't know but in actual fact she was a coward 

" I know " her reply was contrasting her thoughts.

 Yui meiyuan sighed in relief as if she had avoided a problem , she was about to say something when....

 " If you don't shut up , I might reconsider " Yui meiyuan closed her mouth and ate her food quietly until ...

 " You are Su Yuoyue , right " two males dressed in red uniform walked up to Su Yuoyue table.

 Yui meiyuan almost shouted but when she recalled Su Yuoyue words, she shut up but her facial expressions was very excited .

Su Yuoyue could not recognize the two males standing in front of her , she had to say that they looked very good but compared to her brothers , they were pretty much average .

 The better looking one said with a smile " I am Ye Siting , the class representative of Class 12 A ... nice to meet you .Su Yuoyue "