

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Yui meiyuan Nose Bleeds .

 " May I sit down " ye Siting asked with a polite smile. 

 " Don't forget about me ! , I also want to sit down " Song Ling was used to Ye Siting temperament and knew that Ye Siting was going to chase him out .

"Huh , are you okay ? " Song Ling asked Yui meiyuan , whose nose was already bleeding.

" Ok , okay is me , no , no am I ok , no I mean that I am good " Yui meiyuan gave an errie smile .

 " Yui meiyuan , you are bleeding ... What happened to you " Su Yuoyue was surprised to see blood on Yui meiyuan face , Yui meiyuan touched her nose and cleared her throat .

 "Uh uh This ... this is completely normal " Yui meiyuan, Su Yuoyue shook her head ... She wondered how she got involved with such a person .

 "You guys can sit , let's go to the restroom and get you cleaned up " Yui meiyuan nodded and ran out of the cafeteria.

 What Su Yuoyue did not notice was that almost all the female students were looking over at her table and many girls were looking at her silhouette with envy .


" Su Yuoyue , I really didn't want to speak but I was forced to ." 

" Can you not blame me " Yui meiyuan was at the verge of tears , she was not aware of Su Yuoyue background but she knew that it was very powerful to be able to get the daughter of the major sponsor of the school ... she could not even fight against Wang Shi , if she got on the bad side of Su Yuoyue , she might have to leave the country .

Su Yuoyue handed her a napkin and Yui meiyuan cleaned her nose and then washed her face .

  "No wonder , you were so determined to make Wang Shi leave ,it turned out that you were a puppet , Yui meiyuan , I thought you were weak , I did expect you to be this smart " Jiang Meng walked in the restroom with a group of girls who all wore fierce looks .

 They were already angry that Su Yuoyue had gotten Wang Shi transfered to another school and now Ye Siting went to sit at Su Yuoyue table , they were burning ablaze with envy .

 Even Wang Shi had to Suck up to Ye Siting for a long time before she was able to get along with him and he had never bothered talking with her except she had something important to say .

 But Su Yuoyue got Ye Siting that didn't like talking to people to talk to her , what did she have to get so much attention , the school only came to know of her existence just a few months ago what right did she have to earn the attention of Ye Siting .

  " Jiang Meng , mind your business and leave us alone " Yui meiyuan had already moved Su Yuoyue away from Jiang Meng group and stood in between them .

 "Su Yuoyue , don't worry I am right here , I won't let them harm you " 

 Su Yuoyue could not describe her emotions at the moment , she was the second best assassin in her past life and she ranked second in the assassin list , where would she put her face if she was bullied by a group of high school girls .

 " Ha , Yui meiyuan , it really looked like you finally got some nerve .. but unfortunately we are not here for you only , we are also here for her so , even if you stand in between us we will still beat you up " 

 " Jiang Meng , you better listen to me , I am going to report to the homeroom teacher , so you better behave yourself " 

 " And what can you do about it " Jiang Meng group approached them and surrounded them in a circle .

 Jiang Meng raised her hand and to slap Yui meiyuan " I want to see who listens to you " 

" Huh " Her hand was stopped an inch away from Yui meiyuan face , yui meiyuan had already closed her eyes expecting a red fingerprint on her face but it didn't come .

 " And I also want to see who is going to believe you "

  " Pak " Su Yuoyue slapped Jiang Meng and her mouth bled .

 Yui meiyuan eyes widened , one slap and her mouth tore , how was she able to bully Su Yuoyue in the past .

 " You , you wrench , how dare you slap me, what are you standing there looking at , she just slapped me ! " 

 Seong Ji and the rest broke out of they reverie and attacked Su Yuoyue and Yui meiyuan , Su Yuoyue moved Yui meiyuan to the back and ...

 " Crack " 

" Ahhh " 

" Crack " 

 " Ouch my hand , she broke my hand " 

 " Your hands looks okay to me " 

 " Mine , too ... My hand is fractured , it hurts so much " 

 Yui meiyuan eyes could not help but widen futher , she heard the crack and it seemed that she broke their hands but their hands was still intact , it didn't look like what was broken at all .

 She could not help but glance at Su Yuoyue who still had a carefree smile , the only person with visible injuries was Jiang Meng , but looking closely , it was only the blood that was visible and there was no red marks on her face .

She finally understood that why Su Yuoyue said I want to see who listens to you " She shivered .

 She stared at Su Yuoyue in shock , she had bullied Su Yuoyue in the past but why did she not harm her .

 "Did you go to learn marital arts , after I bullied you " Yui meiyuan could not understand so she asked a question .

 " Does it look like it ? " Yui meiyuan shook her head it didn't look like it at all .

 Jiang Meng could not understand what was going on , her friends face was pale from pain and some were already crying .

 " What did you do ! " Jiang Meng shouted "I will go and inform Miss Lin , she will get to see how innocent , her Su Yuoyue is ! " 

 " I want to see who will believe you , Yui meiyuan let's go , we have spent too much time here " Su Yuoyue calmly left the restroom.

 " Su Yuoyue , I want to ask you a question " Yui meiyuan found herself speaking on their way to the cafeteria .

 " What happened " 

" That day , why did you spare me and my group , why did I not fight back " 

 It's simple , it was not me " I didn't feel like fighting back " 

 " That means that you liked me the moment you saw me and that's why you didn't fight back " 

" I guess " 

 " I really am so cute ..." Yui meiyuan started to talk non-stop again but Su Yuoyue decided to let it be , it was more lively that way .

 Su Yuoyue met Ye Siting on the way "I was wondering , what took you so long " 

 " Miss , are you okay " Song Ling asked Yui meiyuan , she nodded .

 She instinctively touched her nose to see if it was bleeding but luckily it was not .

 They went back to the table and soon the atmosphere became noisy as Song Ling and Yui meiyuan kicked off .

 Meanwhile Ye Siting and Su Yuoyue was discussing , Study related stuff ... It turned out that Ye Siting was an expert when it came to Chemistry and knew alot about rare chemicals So Su Yuoyue and Ye Siting naturally became friends .

 Seemed fine , except for the envious gaze that glanced at their table once in a while .

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