
Why was I nice to the damn Genie?

Ever been sitting in airport security for too long? Got bored and thought of something reckless? I know I used to, now imagine that same feeling when there is nothing to lose. The only possible consequence is death, the permanent kind. When I had entered this place I was confused, you see I thought I was dead. Slowly over a few weeks I learned I was dead, and we would soon get our memories wiped and prepared for a life as a hero in a fantasy world with fantastical powers. Many would consider this lucky, sadly I was long purged of that belief even before my death. ~~~~~ This is my first experience with book/novel writing, be nice. DISCLAIMER(s): - This is an omniverse story - Female MC - R18 as in s*x is possible later down the line, it will be marked, {**R-18** "Chapter Name"} - First world is Aladdin - Possible future worlds include, but are not limited to: Frozen, and HP (you guys make suggestions) --- If there are grammar mistakes please bully me about them, but if the pace of the story is not how you like, feel free to make recommendations and if they are not good ones (I'm the judge) I will ignore you, or tell you why its not good. --- TEASER: MC is not low IQ, hopefully Genie is lol.

TBJ5K · 映画
1 Chs


After asking around for what felt like months but must have been days I could finally understand my surroundings. I didn't like it one bit.

Supposedly, everyone here has done something which has inflicted people with, "Enough negative karma that it was deemed necessary to cleanse."

I had gotten this answer from one of the fire like balls of light who seemed to be guarding the scattered gates around this area. It felt like one of those R.O.Bs in fan-fictions was just bored and decided to throw people at problems for his amusement.

Me personally I wouldn't take that. I chuckled in amusement at my own thoughts.

An idea hit me and a sneer appeared on my face. The only one allowed to punish me for my misbehavior was my mother, a small wedge of grief tried to sneak into my mind only to be ruthlessly crushed as now was not the time for grieving. That could come later.

Back on track now I shivered remembering my current circumstances. Looking around and pretending to be awed by my surroundings, in reality it was my shitty cover for looking around.

Each 'gateway' as I had begun thinking of them had a script which I could not understand chiseled into it. While I could not understand the script I could feel that each of them was a piece of media from my last life, particularly fiction.

Some there was no understanding of at all and I took this to mean that I had not watched or read this fiction or did not recall enough about it to recognize them.

I was purely guessing and had no idea why any of this worked the way that it did but that was not one of my current concerns. As I was scanning through the gateways near me I noticed a common trait of each of the gateways I recognized.

Turns out none of them have white people in them, that was another thing that would have interested me at any other time.

Right now I had just found what might just be the luckiest thing since my time here, I had found a Non-Chinese/Japanese gateway.

Right now the only thing that was passing through my mind was exhilaration as if I could escape to that one, then I would never have to say senior in a respectful way, or remember the shitty family names of everyone and say them before their FIRST name.

I was exhausted at this point because as little as I wrote here I spent a solid 4ish hours pretending to be amazed, and control my emptions which were loudly voicing their objections to my outside farce.

As I lay down to rest my eyes for a short bit I glimpsed one of the others coming my way, he was a wise looking fellow and as he sat down next to me to talk he simply closed his eyes and said nothing.

I was completely and utterly bewildered and for a moment I just sat and stared at him wondering why he was here and getting rightfully suspicious of him. However just as I was about to move away from him to rest somewhere else I felt a overwhelming urge to sleep.

I tried to fight it as I knew I had to move away from the strange man before sleeping, but when I resisted the urge only became stronger, this time I felt as if something was assuring me everything would be ok. Having no other choice I fell to the ground as sleep overcame me.

Waking up I found myself in a white space surrounded by nothing. First thought that came to my mind was, 'Shit did those guards realize?'.

Hearing a light amused chuckle from behind me I spun around ready for a fight just to find the figure of a young man sitting peacefully on the solid white floor. For the first time since I found myself here a non-fireball talked to me.

"To answer your most important question no those 'guards' as you call them did not realize anything about your actions." The young man seemed to have black and green robes covering him as he lounged casually on the floor.

His most remarkable features were undoubtably his piercing emerald eyes which seemed much too old for the rest of the young man's appearance.


Merryn (MEH-rin) - MC - tense - weirdly not tired -


Mysterious figure - Important - enjoys teasing people - doesen't usually invade other's privacy like this -


Word count:


Yooooo. How yall like first chapter? Tell me if there was mistakes, Tell me suggestions. Can you guess who the mysterious guy is? Also tell me your ideal chapter word count. I'm so hyped for writing this book, its a whole different feeling than reading books. Hard but fun :)

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