
Why Do All These Monsters Have Health Bars?

Li Jing had transmigrated, finding himself in a modern world where everyone practiced cultivation. Everything here relied on the Spiritual Qi obtained from personal cultivation. Without family or money, and utterly clueless about how to cultivate, life was extremely difficult. However, things changed when Li Jing walked into a Soul Chicken Store and discovered that he could see the health bars of the spirit chickens... (The worldview in this story is completely fictional, so do take it with a grain of salt.)

I Really Want To Get Drunk · 東方
769 Chs

Chapter 7: People are not as good as Dogs

The next day.

Li Jing got up early to tidy up his rented room, storing all his belongings in his storage space.

Having been in this world for three months, he barely had anything that could be considered a significant possession.

What he could bring with him were merely some change of clothes.

His storage space had ample room, so he took everything in one go.

After he finished packing, Li Jing called his landlord and cancelled his lease.

As it was close to the end of the month, he couldn't be bothered to deal with terminating the lease.

Anyway, he had no plans to continue living in this rented room.

If living at the Closed Moon Flower Garden turns out to be unsuitable later on, he could just find a motel to tide over for a while, waiting until he gets his job at the Bureau of Investigation to see what kind of salary he could get, and then decide what kind of house to rent.


It was nearly noon.

Li Jing arrived at the Closed Moon Flower Garden.

Following the address provided in the shared rental information, he quickly found the place.

Just as he was about to press the doorbell on the villa's outer wall, the villa's door suddenly opened from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, a stunning dog with black and white markings came sprinting out from behind the door.

At the first sight of this dog, Li Jing was stupefied.

It was a Husky, a breed he was well acquainted with even before he teleported to this world – the second in the trio of sled dogs.

There was no need to question a Husky's endearing appearance.

But that was not the point.

The main thing was...

He saw an extremely long health bar on the head of this Husky that just ran out!

The indicated value reached up to 3267!

What does 3267 represent?

The Spirit Chicken in the Agricultural Market yesterday that suddenly morphed into demonic form and pecked several people to death only had a health bar of 574.

In comparison...

This was undoubtedly a Demon Dog that had turned into a monster for many years!

If it weren't for the expensive-looking outer wall door blocking his way, Li Jing could barely resist the urge to rush in to subdue the monster.

A health bar value of 3267.

Equivalent to 3267 points of Experience!

Approximately equivalent to 326 Spirit Chickens with health bars longer than 10 points each!

Li Jing caught a glimpse of the Husky, and the Husky naturally spotted him too.

Seeing someone standing outside looking at it, the Husky abruptly stopped, standing at the top of the staircase, meeting his gaze.


Under Li Jing's speechless gaze, the Husky, while maintaining eye contact, lifted a paw to take a step, successfully taking a swing at thin air and let out a pitiful "woof" before tumbling down the stairs.

Witnessing such a scene, a spasm twitched at the corner of Li Jain's mouth.

The purity of this Husky's lineage was beyond his expectations.

For a split second...

He even doubted whether he saw correctly.

Could such a purebred Husky be a Demon Dog that had activated its Spiritual Intelligence and had a health bar value as high as 3267?

Inside the villa.

The Husky tumbled off the staircase, chin first onto the ground, quickly got up, and ferociously looked around.

Its posture was extremely human-like.

It was very much like it was double-checking to make sure no other dogs saw its embarrassing fall.

Also at this time, when the Husky was looking around, a lady's ethereal voice came from behind the opened villa door.

"Stinky Tofu, what were you barking about just now? Did you fall again when you went outside?"

Surprised by the sudden voice of a woman, Li Jing was slightly taken aback.

The "again" in the woman's speech was very intriguing.

Furthermore, this woman's voice seemed very familiar to him.

Before he could figure it out, a figure wearing a cartoon pajama walked out from the villa.

Seeing this figure, Li Jing's expression turned weird.

The person who walked out...

Was none other than...

One of the two investigators who had rushed to the Agricultural Market last night, Chen Yuran.

On the other hand, Chen Yuran was also taken aback when she saw Li Jing standing outside her villa.

"What are you doing here?"

Answering her question, Li Jing replied without thinking.

"I saw an ad online about a room for rent here."

"For rent?"

Chen Yuran wrinkled her brows in confusion.

Glancing at Li Jing through the door, she hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to open the outer door.

"It's inconvenient to talk outside. Let's go inside and chat."


Li Jing nodded his head.

Meeting Chen Yuran here was honestly something he did not expect.

But since he was already here, he would definitely have to go inside and take a look.

While following Chen Yuran into the courtyard, Li Jing discreetly took a glance at the Husky wagging its tail behind her.

"Your Husky seems to be a Demon Dog?"

"Stinky Tofu is a Spiritual Beast, not a monster."

Chen Yuran replied nonchalantly.

"Spiritual Beasts?"

Li Jing gaped in astonishment, and his gaze towards the Stinky Tofu changed.

Spiritual Beasts were extremely rare heterogeneous species.

They greatly differed from monsters.

Spiritual Beasts were naturally perspicuous to human nature and possessed extraordinary spirituality.

As soon as they were born, Spiritual Beasts generally exhibited high levels of intelligence.

Monsters, however, were different.

Even monsters that were naturally born possessed spiritual intelligence that improved step by step with their cultivation.

Li Jing initially thought that Stinky Tofu was a pet that had undergone demonic transformation. Because Chen Yuran was not afraid of encountering master-eater, she dared to keep it.

However, he didn't expect it to be a spiritual beast!

This was somewhat astonishing!

Spiritual Beasts were incredibly rare.

A pet-style Spiritual Beast like the Husky was incredibly scarce.

Its price would have to be upwards of tens of millions at the very least!

Tens of millions for a dog!

How wealthy must Chen Yuran be to afford to keep this kind of thing?

Li Jing was deeply shocked.

As if knowing his thoughts, Chen Yuran gently said.

"Don't think too much, I didn't buy Stinky Tofu myself. It was a gift from my father when I was seven. With my personal wealth, even if I sell myself, I still may not afford it."

" ..."

Li Jing remained silent.

He was thinking to himself – if Chen Yuran's dad was rich, didn't that also mean she was rich?

"I have to commend you for recognizing that Stinky Tofu is somewhat special."

Chen Yuran sighed lightly with a touch of sadness.

"I have raised this silly dog for seventeen years and I would say its cultivation level is barely at the Third Realm. But look at how silly it is, does it look like a spiritual beast that has succeeded in cultivation? People with no discernment only see it as an ordinary Husky."


Li Jing slowly typed a question mark, unable to believe what he was seeing as he looked at Stinky Tofu.

This dog, in the Third Realm!?

One level higher than him!?

Li Jing was somewhat stunned.

He was very familiar with the phrase 'dogs are better than people'.

He had only heard of it before, but now he had truly encountered it.

Apart from Chen Yuran herself, this dog seemed no less powerful.

The patrol system had a total of nine levels, the ranking was simple and brutal.

Each level corresponded to a realm above the Second Realm.

Chen Yuran was a Second Level Patrol, entirely in the Third Realm.

A dog, with a realm equivalent to the Second Level Patrol.

Could you believe it?

But upon further thought, Li Jing came to understand.

This dog, after all, Chen Yuran had raised it for seventeen years.

For Spiritual Beasts, there are no limits to talent.

In a sense, being born as a Spiritual Beast is a manifestation of high talent.

With talent as a premise, cultivating for seventeen years to reach the Third Realm is not too surprising.

Looking at the health bar on the top of Stinky Tofu's head, Li Jing was slightly reassured.

Using Stinky Tofu as a reference, a health gauge of 3000+ suggested entering the Third Realm?

This information was quite valuable.

He was keen on slaying monsters and reaping experience, but he wasn't so desperate as to rush into monsters without thinking it through.

Li Jing knew when to hold back when it was necessary.

The Spirit Chicken in the agricultural market yesterday was just in its initial stages of demonic transformation.

It didn't even have Demonic Qi, which is why he was able to kill it easily.

If he were to encounter a fully fledged monster, it wouldn't be so easy.

They walked through the courtyard to the front of the villa.

Chen Yuran casually patted Stinky Tofu's head.

"Go play outside on your own, I need to entertain guests."

Hearing this, Stinky Tofu nodded its big head and gave a "woof" before happily running off.

Li Jing raised an eyebrow at this.

True to their name, Spiritual Beasts were spiritual creatures.

They were inherently spiritual.

They understood human nature, they knew human speech.

They entered the villa.

Chen Yuran turned around.

"You can sit and wait, I'm going upstairs to change my clothes. There are drinks in the fridge, feel free to help yourself."


Li Jing responded and sat down on the couch.

Having manners was an absolute must as a man.

Chen Yuran was in her pajamas, and it wasn't proper for her to talk to him like that.

Waiting a while for her to change wasn't a big deal.
