

A few days later, Steph received a call from her sister. Her father was sick and admitted to the hospital. Though she may not be talking to her dad, it shocked her, and she was scared of losing him. After all, he was the only parent she had after the demise of her mother. She called George and rushed to the hospital. She found her sister Mercy and the rest of the family in the waiting room. Her sister ran to her and started crying, but her step mum started criticizing her when she stepped in.

" I thought you left the family, and we have nothing to do with you? Why are you here?" said her step mum

" I have all right to see my dad when he is not feeling and when he is feeling well. Besides, what has it got to do with you? If you feel like not seeing me here, then go out and wait there. Otherwise, shut up and show some respect at the hospital," Steph replied while sitting down. She could see doctors inside the room and didn't need to ask the people in the room too many questions.

When the doctor came out, she rushed and asked," how is he doing and what happened."

"The patient had a mild heart attack, but he is doing better at the moment. We will have to wait a few more days before he is released to go home. He will be alright, you don't have to worry. Make sure you take care of him when he is discharged from the hospital."

"Thank you, doc."

When the doctor left, the room became quiet again, and only the nurses from the room and the beeping machine could be heard. When the nurses came out, they asked to see him, but they were refused to wait until he woke up. They waited for a while until the doc allowed a few of them to go in. When Mr. Jackson woke up, the first name he called was Steph. Steph stepped into the room, and she could not stop herself from crying.

Her dad stopped her from crying, but it only became hard for her to stop anymore. She cried her heart out and released all the bitterness she experienced all the months she had been away from him.

"Hey, don't cry, baby girl" it was like he was adding more fuel. She cried even more.

"I am not going anywhere. I have more years to live with you guys."

"It's not like that, dad. It has been long since you called me baby girl."

"I thought you didn't love me anymore."

"Oooh, girl, look at you. Stop running wild thoughts in your mind

. I love, and it has never stopped."

"Dad, I missed you, and you really scared me. I won't leave the side anymore. I will take care of you."

"It's okay. You should move back into the house. I missed you."

Steph and her dad stayed in the room for an hour. They talked about the months they missed from each other and what they are were going to do in the next few days. Steph learned of why her dad had not contacted her and what he was up to. There were so many things t talk about between them and to do. Nobody knew what they talked about for a long time.

When she came out of the room, she called her stepmom and said her dad had called for her. Steph did not stay long in the hospital and went out to her apartment to pack.

She went inside, packed everything, and handed over the apartment key to her friend Amanda who came with her. Downstairs at the parking lot, George was waiting for her. He canceled everything he had for the day to take care of everything with Steph. He felt it was his duty to be with her at her difficult moment.

Steph appreciated his presence and loved him more.

He was the perfect man for her. George drove her home and went to her room. This is the first time he has come to her house but has not met her father yet. He knows he is in the hospital and wishes to see him.

Steph was unpacking while George lay in her bed. It was a normal couple of times to them and a normal occurrence to them. They have grown close to each other, and each can increase concentration on whatever they are doing without disturbing each other. To them, their relationship is more of companionship than anything else yet. When she was done, they went downstairs to go back to the hospital. They met Sheila and John coming in.

"Hey, Steph, what are you up to. Waiting for the parents to be out and bring in your boyfriend?" Asked Sheila as she sizes up George

"My name is Sheila, her sister. Nice to meet you. Have you had lunch let's have lunch first?" Sheila was so first to introduce herself to George and extend her hand over. This was the first time Steph noticed how George could be so terrifying. The aura he produced changed to a deep sinister one that could swallow you. The look he gave Sheila could kill someone over and over again. All the feelings brought Steph back to when they met. Since she has known George, she noticed that no woman ever touched him. She has never known why but she always has a feeling that she only knows George at the surface. Every time she asked more about him, it was like getting answers from a mountain. The first time they went over to his home to meet the parents, it was like he was the head of the Family. He was cold and unusual to Steph. He talks a word and only answers what he has been asked. She noticed that he only talks comfortably when they are together.

Sheila was a bit scared and stepped back unconsciously. The feeling was so intimidating. "I don't talk to strangers, and I don't like to touch with a dirty hand. Stay away from Steph and me if you know what's good for you."

"Let's go" George held Steph's hand and left without looking back. Steph was stunned and did not come out of her daze until they were at the parking. George opened the door for her and closed the door. He went around and entered through the driver's door. He looked over at Steph and kept quiet for a while.

"Are you okay? He asked

"Yes." Steph looked at him for a while and answered while smiling at him.

They drove to the hospital and went to see Mr. Jackson. Steph had called a man to come over at night to see her father. She wanted to be there with her father when they talked with the man. This is one of the things that Steph and her dad talked about in the room. Nicole looked at her and the stranger she came with and was surprised." Why are you coming with a stranger to the hospital?"

" He is not a stranger. He is your step-son-inlaw. Besides, I can bring whoever l like to see my dad." Steph said as she stepped in to see her dad. She went inside alone and sat beside the bed, holding her dad's hand. Mr. Jackson opened her eyes to find Steph was back.

" Did you do what I asked?"

" Yes, Father"

" That's great."

" He will be here later tonight."

" Dad, I have someone I want to introduce to you."

" Who"

" You will see."

She walked outside the room and called George inside

"Dad, meet George. George, meet my dad. Dad, he is my boyfriend. The guy I told you about. I wanted to introduce him to you officially.