
Why be a hero when I can be a mercenary

This is the story of how an entire class of normal student was transported in to another fantasy word were they will be trained to save said word from the great evil... with maeby the expecion for one

DeimosArt15 · ファンタジー
18 Chs




When we finished our meal at the wander we went around the explore the city, something that we never did.

Some wandering later, we stumble upon a public bathe. We didn't take one from the day we left Runecairn. We were stinking and sweating a lot so we went inside and paid to use the bathtub kind of pool that was separated by gender.

After I took off my clothing and let my hair down, I washed myself with a bucket and some water as I was taking a shower. "Ahhhh" When I dipped myself inside the pool I started to relax a lot. In the Bathtub there were a lot of different races, I could see some white Elf and black Elf, then there were some dwarfs and finally there 1 or 2 half-beast folks, they were more similar to the humans but had some animalistic traits like animal ears and tail.


"Ahhhh, now this is better" It was a good thing that we found a public bath like this, they have a good price too. After some days we can finally relax a bit, a lot of things happened in the last days, First we left Runecairn, then we went to a forest to get experience and some materials to sell at the merchant, We then met Alber and Ness after that we became mercenary under the name of Necron and Red Ronin. In the end, we had our first mission, it was supposed to be an easy mission but turned out more difficult. We were able to complete it only by luck.

I wonder what the future has got for us...



When I got out of the building I met with Kira who was waiting for me, we noticed that was already night so we returned to the tavern to get some sleep. When we arrived we went directly to our room, we laid on the beds and went to sleep.

When we woke up we went to get breakfast. We met with Albert and Ness, when they saw us they got near and asked about our day. We talked for some time, then we went out of the tavern. We then went to the mercenary guild to find some quests


When we arrived, we went to the Quest Board to find one that could give us some exp points. Then Kira showed me one perfect quest "Hyakki look here. A Quest for a D-grade Dungeon"

Dungeons, in short word they are places where awakened people enter to fight monsters and find items, they get a grade that goes from E to S. You need to be careful with new dungeons because they need to be completed within 7 days if not a dungeon break would happen. Monster will get out of it panic will occur. But if you finish it before the time limit there will be no more problems, then the Dungeons can be used many times without a problem as a way for hunting and material gathering. I saw the details of the Quest and I think it's a good one.

I agree with Kira in doing this Quest and we go to the front desk where the elf girl Elain was, she looked at us a bit nervous and asked. "Are you guys sure you had a difficult one yesterday?" she must be really concerned for us. "It's ok Elain like we said yesterday we are not easy to kill" she sighed "To get the Quest you need to enter the dungeon in, not something you can get as a system notification like yesterday." We thanked Eleain and went out of the guild, we then reached the south exit of the city. I then summoned the ghost wolf, we mounted on it and went into the direction of the dungeon.


When we arrived we dismounted the ghost wolf, I should really find a name for it. We Looked around and there were a few different groups, they didn't have great equipment if none at all. Some of them were resting while others were preparing to enter into the dungeon. Speaking of it the entrance was near the wall of a mountain, this portal resembled more a sphere of big size than a portal. When we got near the entrance a group of guys in armour stopped in front of us.

"Stop. Sorry if we seem rude but we are the security team of this dungeon. before any party enter we need to make sure that they are fully ready for it." Oh I didn't know about this but I can understand why they put people like them this place can get really dangerous. One of them came to us with some paper and a pen, "Sorry for the trouble, but could you please answer some of our questions?" "Yes, sure." "Good, We need your names and how many people are composed your party?" I answered quickly "2, I'm Necron and she is Red Ronin" When I said we were only in two he seemed to get worried "Only you two are you sure?" this time Kira answered for us "Yes, it's only us but we can do it." he sighed but proceed with the question. "O-OK then What's your class, grade and level?" I nodded to her to go first "I'm Ronin 4⭐ rare class level 8." he then looked at me and I said "I'm a necromancer 5⭐ unique class level 9." he was shocked to hear about a unique class but it's still he seemed nervous. Maybe it's for our low-level, "Guys I will ask you this again, do you really want to enter the dungeon only by yourself?" We nodded to him, he sighed then he said "L-look guys I don't want to impose if you are not sure we can always send some of our guys to assist you inside the dungeon, don't worry about the payment it's free." Well I can understand their point of view they just want to make things safe for everyone.

Kira who understood his intention responded for us "Thank you for the concern but we will be fine." He sighed but nodded and let us go while he went to explain the situation to his colleagues, now we finally entered the dungeon.