
Whisper's Of Love and Hate

Argh." Adrian grunted as his throat was grabbed and he was shoved against the wall, as the person who was grabbing his throat applied pressure to his neck. "You fucking bastard! You dared to show your face in front of me again, huh?" Adrian' s eyes widened as he struggled, "Harlan, please listen to me. I am sorry, I am really sorry. "Sorry? You are fucking sorry? You filthy thief!" Harlan said as he let go of his neck and punched him across the face, "Sorry, I am sorry. I am really sorry, Harlan." Harlan smirked as he looked at him maniacally and said, "Sorry? Oh, you will be sorry; you will be very, very sorry."

Dawn_Raymond · LGBT+
30 Chs

Chapter 9.

The news that Aiden was accused of stealing and that it was 'proven' that he was a thief spread in the class, and almost everyone that knew him gave him side disgusted glance.

Some cursed him, some gossiped about him, but Aiden didn't let that bother him, just a few more months, a few more days, and he will be free, he won't have to face these people anymore.

These were the words that he would say to himself to feel better, but they didn't always work.

Few days passed and his image didn't improve at all, instead he just became a laughing a stock, someone that people would gossip about and not just that, Candace also stopped coming the library.

Actually, she did come to the library, she just never sat beside him anymore, he started to sit away from him and it seemed that she had made new friends and Aiden was happy to see that.

She was a nice girl and she deserved good friends, who were not a jinx like him.

"Here you are, I have been looking for you." someone said as they took a seat beside Aiden, when Aiden saw who it was, he felt disgusted and was about to leave but his hand was grabbed by Dean as he pulled Aiden closer, "come on you don't want to get hit in front of so many people right? You were just accused of stealing you wouldn't want to get accused of causing trouble again, right?"

"What do you want?" he asked.

Dean smirked as he said, "well, you see I feel really bad for you." he then raised his hand to touch Aiden's face as he said, "you have pretty face beautiful skin, perfect features, tall body and perfect lean figure, it's a pity that the only thing that my group use your body is for a replacement for punching bag.

That's not fair, when there are lot of things that could be done with you, beating, choking just in some other manner which can be pleasurable for you and me."

Aiden was not dumb to not understand what Dean was trying to say, and to say that he was disgusted would be an understatement he wanted to throw up, he wanted to get away from Dean.

The skin on his hand that was held by Dean burned and he wanted to just get out of his hold.

Aiden tried to yank his hand back but Dean applied more pressure and refused to let go, "come one think about it, it's going to be good for both you and me and if you are ready to try something new with me, I assure you that I might try to reduce the bullying and keep the others in check except Harlan, since that fucker has another obsession with you." Dean's eyes suddenly sparkled as he said, "did the two of you had a past?

I am really curious about that."

"It's none of your business." Aiden said, while Dean laughed as he came closer to Aiden, which the latter didn't like as Dean was invading his personal space, "come on tell me." Dean said.

However, before Dean could get even more closer to Aiden, his neck was grabbed from behind and he was harshly pulled back, "what the-" he let go of Aiden and was ready to fight whoever dared to touch him but he stopped when he saw Harlan there who stared at him with cold eyes and said, "it's none of your business Dean, get lot."

Dean got up and said, "I was just having a chat with him, nothing else no need to get mad, I didn't harm him this time, if anything I just gave his hand a massage right Aiden?"

Aiden looked away and Harlan just gave Dean the coldest glare ever and said, "I said get lost. Right now." Dean felt annoyed when Harlan talked to him in the tone but instead of arguing he just went away from there.

Once he was gone Harlan stared at Aiden who was looking at his books, "seducing people is your new tactic or what? Do you really thing that someone like Dean can save you from me?"

Aiden clenched his fists as he said, "I don't think anything like that, he came to me not the other way round, and you are really bad at making friends. You have the worst people in your group."

Harlan smirked as he said, "I know, after all you were my friend at one point too, right? All my friends two faced, selfish bastards, nothing but pawns, you taught me a good lesson, a lesson of never trusting anyone. Thanks for that."

Aiden clenched his fists as Harlan said, "And stop with these disgusting tactics of trying to seduce others, if you are that desperate for money then why don't you crawl on your knees and beg me? It would be better than stealing right?"

"That's enough Harlan." Aiden said, "please just stop it please, for fuck's sake."

Harlan just gave him a pat on his shoulder, "just a few more months dear, after all our final exams are coming very near, and after that graduation. Just hold on, but Aiden by the time you leave this college, you will be broken."


As the days passed, the bulling didn't really stop, but it didn't escalate either.

Life was not worse but it was not good either, his sole focus was his studies as he had to graduate as soon as he can and get out of this hell.

It has already been a year since this nightmare started, the year since Harlan came back. Aiden had never thought that he would see him again after school, after what he did but fate worked differently and he did see Harlan again, but this time he was changed and his sole purpose was to make Aiden regret even being born and so far, he was successful.

Another thing that has changed is the fact that Aiden had started to look for a part-time job and he was also successful in finding one.

The job helped him to focus and distract his mind and he had somewhere to go other than college and home


It was pretty late at night when the shuffling of the door was heard and Yuki walked inside the house stumbling, she wasn't able to balance herself as she came to the living room and once, she came to the living room she collapsed on the sofa.

Aiden saw her from the kitchen and sighed, he had just finished washing the dishes, he brought some water for Yuki and placed it before her on the table before he decided to go back to his room. However, before he could go away Yuki gently called out his name.

"Aiden." Her voice was so gentle and soothing that Aiden paused in his place, it has been a long time since he had heard this sister's gentle voice. It was almost motherly.

He slowly and carefully walked near her and she smiled at him as she raised her hand and Aiden grabbed it.

"Come sit with me." She said as she moved to the side and Aiden sat on the sofa with her, "how is college?"

"Great." He lied.


"They are going well."

"It's nice to hear that." She spoke.

Aiden looked at Yuki and his heart clenched when he saw how pale and thin, she had become, her hand was so thin it was like a stick, her cheeks were sunken as well and she was all skin and bones, she looked starved and malnourished, which she was, thanks for her eating disorder, but Aiden just couldn't see her like that.



"I have submitted your fees for this semester, now there is nothing to worry about, I also have a lot of savings with me as well." She said with a smile.

"I know, thank for paying for me."

Yuki then said, "Aiden, I have always wanted to ask you."


"That day from where did you get the money to save me?"