
When Time Works For Love

A girl who works as a playwright has a special ability to see how long a person will live the rest of their life. One day, Dalmi's world was destroyed instantly, after she saw her own end drawing near. Dalmi who is cheerful, friendly, active, and has a lot of determination to achieve all her dreams must admit that her life is not long. Dalmi was diagnosed with a condition requiring a spinal cord. The doctor said there was only one spinal cord that matched Dalmi's, namely the spinal cord of Seoyul — a top actor and singer who is charming but cold and hard to approach. Dalmi desperately tries to find Seoyul to get a donor. The meeting between Dalmi and Seoyul, reminds Dalmi of the sign that her life stopped when she was with Seoyul. Dalmi then realizes that Seoyul is the only one who has the power to stop her life time. Seoyul is the only one who can prolong Dalmi's life. Dami believes her meeting with Seoyul can change her destiny. "I will help you, Dalmi. But you have to fulfill one condition. Marry me!" Seoyul's words suddenly startled Dalmi. But Dalmi is willing to do anything, including marrying Seoyul, to get the bone marrow donation she needs. Although Dalmi can't change history, Dalmi decides to improve her life by getting a bone marrow donor. Will this fake marriage make Dalmi and Seoyul fall in love, especially when there are some stumbling blocks. Some of them are Dalmi realizing that as long as they get married, Seoyul's remaining lifespan decreases while Dalmi's remaining lifespan increases, then followed by a dark secret that caused Dalmi and Seoyul's marriage to be on the verge of divorce? Can Dalmi's special ability protect herself and her loved ones from the troubles of ordinary life?

Ms_Heeyoung · ファンタジー
31 Chs

CHAPTER 3 — Beautiful Eyes See How People Can Die

The fact that Dalmi has gone through so many hardships and suffered during her life were not easy years as they were filled with stress, anxiety, fear, heartbreak, and hurt. But it all also makes Dalmi's life journey full of valuable experiences, friendships, realizations, and growth.

Although there is no "secret recipe" to make Dalmi's life journey easy and perfect, Dalmi will not cancel any moment. Dalmi will not trade moments when she feels confused or scared, anxious, lost, and hurt for the "easy way out".

Dalmi who has grown up, now understands that the obstacles she faces will bring her closer to God. And without that uneasy moment, Dalmi would not know where her faith would stand. Although Dalmi still has a difficult day, Dalmi chooses to appreciate and embrace every obstacle that exists.

For Dalmi, every obstacle will help her grow and make herself stronger. Although sometimes Dalmi is unable to see and carries the obstacles on her shoulders, Dalmi believes that every obstacle is God's way of calling her to always return to God.

Gyungsoo seems to have thought the same thing as Dalmi's best friend all this time. Therefore, this man always told Dalmi not to think that she was the one who brought misfortune to people. In addition, Gyungsoo also asked Dalmi to be bold without her sunglasses again.

However, that night was different. The moment 29 years ago, when Gyungsoo found out why Dalmi had to wear sunglasses, finally made him regret for suing Dalmi for what she could barely do. Gyungsoo's remorse can be proven when he asks Dalmi to keep wearing her sunglasses.

"Dalmi, I'm sorry for always asking you to take off those sunglasses," said Gyungsoo. "How stupid I've been all this time because I can't understand your situation well. I think when I became your friend since childhood, I could understand your situation well. But I was wrong." Gyungsoo looked at Dalmi guiltily. "Dalmi, you don't need to take off your glasses when you feel scared," said this man. "But Dalmi, please don't ever think that you bring misfortune to people. Because that's not true!" Gyungsoo said firmly.

After Gyungsoo finished speaking, Dalmi turned her gaze to the sunglasses in her hands. "Grandpa, sometimes, I just can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore." Dalmi spoke from her heart. "Gyungsoo, don't feel guilty like that. I understand what you mean well. You're trying to make me realize that I'm not hiding behind these glasses forever," said Dalmi.

"However, I won't force you to take off those sunglasses again, Dalmi. You can put those sunglasses on and then take them off when you're really ready to do it. I mean, you shouldn't use your life and do things just to meet other people's standards. "Gyungsoo answered.

Gyungsoo's words that night instantly made the corners of Dalmi's lips lift up and curve perfectly so that a sweet smile appeared on her lips. "Okay! I'll listen to you," replied Dalmi. And then the woman beside Gyungsoo put on her sunglasses again.

However, when Dalmi put her sunglasses back on while Gyungsoo was driving, their car passed a man wearing a dark brown coat who was standing on the edge of the bridge alone but surrounded by several policemen and onlooker.

"You all know, I am the only son and the third heir of a rich family in this country," said the man with a sad expression clearly visible on his face. "I am the favorite child of my parents. As a child, my mother prepared everything for me and my father took me on vacations to beautiful places." The man said loudly in the midst of the snow.

"Ck!!" Gyungsoo chuckled when he saw the man standing on the edge of the bridge that night. "A human like him can only make noise and also bothering people!" Gyungsoo said while slowing down the car. According to Gyungsoo, threatening others by jumping is the act of a coward. Why not, because they never actually did.

Dalmi laughed when she heard Gyungsoo grumbling. After that, this girl set her sights on the man standing on the edge of the bridge. And... How surprised Dalmi was when she saw the man. Not because of his action of threatening others by standing on the edge of the bridge, but because of the dark shadow that appeared behind the man.

"Gosh!!" Dalmi said from the bottom of her heart when she saw a dark shadow behind the man. After that she put her glasses back on, and looked at the road in front of her.

Meanwhile, Gyungsoo actually stopped his car for a moment in front of the police car that was there. He was busy watching the man's ridiculous actions. "That man... As I recall, he also did the same thing two days ago in here," Gyungsoo said. "This time, he definitely won't really do it either. If he had really jumped off this bridge two days ago, he would probably be dead by now." Gyungsoo looked at the man in surprise.

"He's going to die. This time he's really dead," said Dalmi. "There's that dark shadow. I see that dark shadow behind him." Dalmi took off her glasses and looked at the man from the rearview mirror of Kyungsoo's car.

"What?" Gyungsoo replied. "Calm down Dalmi. He won't do that. He's quite famous in this area. I've also seen his crazy actions on this bridge several times. Two days ago, he also did the same thing. He lost his footing and almost fell. And then he held on on the handle and kept crying for help." Gyungsoo laughed at the man. "Gosh, he won't kill himself. Don't worry. Even though you can see the dark shadow behind him, maybe he won't die here. I mean, maybe not now but later," said Dalmi's best friend casually. While Dalmi looked at him sarcastically.

"You told me that you've always believed in my unique abilities. But from the way you talked just now, it looks like you're lying to me!" Dalmi spoke to Gyungsoo with an angry expression. After that, Dalmi put her glasses back on.

"What did you say?!" Gyungsoo asked with a confused expression when he saw Dalmi. But Dalmi didn't answer Gyungsoo's question. Because of that, Kyungsoo awkwardly expressed his thoughts about Dalmi's unique ability to her.

"Whatever! I don't care!" Dalmi answered quickly, without looking at Gyungsoo who was sitting beside her. Dalmi's words indicated that, after all, the man's death was not her responsibility. "Keep driving until you drive me home. I'm so sleepy right now!" Dalmi orders to her bestfriend.

"Phewh..." Gyungsoo looks breathed that feels long before the his car left the commotion that occurred on the edge of the bridge. "Dalmi, actually, on the one hand, I believe that in this world there is someone who is endowed with unique abilities like you. But on the other hand, I don't really understand why your eyes are always closed. Your eyes are very beautiful, Dalmi. Even in my opinion, a unique ability what you have so far is a good thing if we can see it from the other side." Gyungsoo said after a few minutes his car was back on the road. "I know you wear your glasses so you don't see that shadow again." Gyungsoo looked at Dalmi's face from the side.

After hearing Gyungsoo's words, Dalmi turned to the side — looking Gyungsoo right in the eye. "Do you really believe it?" Dalmi asked.

Gyungsoo thought for a moment. "Honestly, I don't really believe it," he said. Then Dalmi turned her face away from Gyungsoo's gaze. But then he hastily resumed his speech so that there would be no misunderstanding between himself and Dalmi. "But since you and Grandpa said it, then I believe it," Gyungsoo added again. "Are those dark shadows invisible if you wear glasses?" he asked carefully.

Without seeing Gyungsoo's face, Dalmi nodded her head quickly. "Because the shadows are black, so they can't be seen with sunglasses," Dalmi said in detail.

"So those sunglasses can block them from your sight?" This man asked back. Then Dalmi nodded her head again.

"If my eyes see that dark shadow, then I will see how someone died. That's how I knew Haewon would slip in the kitchen of her restaurant today, and then get seriously injured until she died." Dalmi spoke in her trembling voice. This proved that she was so desperate to try and also accompany Haewon in the kitchen for a few minutes until her work was done.

"And now, I can't stop thinking about the man standing on the edge of the bridge. I should have stopped him but..." Dalmi then paused for a moment. "Looks like I've really been cursed. I'm just a scary monster," said Dalmi. Not long after, Dalmi's tears ran down her face again.

Dalmi recalled the figure of the man she had seen before — the man standing on the edge of the bridge and about to jump off the bridge. Not! Dalmi not only remembered the figure of the man, but Dalmi also remembered the black shadow behind him. The black shadow reminded Dalmi of the events she had experienced five months ago.


"Stop!! Please stop!!!" While shouting, Dalmi made a noise. This girl repeatedly hit the plane door hard hoping the cabin crew would hear her voice and the pilot stopped the flight.

"Hey, what's wrong?! Calm down!!" said the pilot. He tried to stop Dalmi's crazy attitude at that time.

"Please don't leave now! This plane can't leave!" Dalmi shook her head quickly while holding the hand of a flight attendant nearby. "Come on quickly open the door right now!!!" Dalmi pleaded loudly. But the flight attendant and pilot just stared confusedly at Dalmi. Therefore, Dalmi tried to open the plane door with her hands. Unfortunately, Dalmi can't do that. This woman was even forced away from the plane door by the flight attendant.

"But why?!" said a passenger sitting in the middle row.

Instead of answering the female passenger, Dalmi cried in fear so that everyone on the plane thought Dalmi had a mental disorder.


Hi everyone, enjoy and happy reading, ok? Anyways, looking forward to Dalmi's journey in WTWFL. Don't forget to always support Dalmi by spamming your best review in each chapter, and throwing your power stone at Dalmi. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. So, give me more motivation! Thanks to all of you.

Find the author on Instagram @dv.jagganim

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