
When Time Works For Love

A girl who works as a playwright has a special ability to see how long a person will live the rest of their life. One day, Dalmi's world was destroyed instantly, after she saw her own end drawing near. Dalmi who is cheerful, friendly, active, and has a lot of determination to achieve all her dreams must admit that her life is not long. Dalmi was diagnosed with a condition requiring a spinal cord. The doctor said there was only one spinal cord that matched Dalmi's, namely the spinal cord of Seoyul — a top actor and singer who is charming but cold and hard to approach. Dalmi desperately tries to find Seoyul to get a donor. The meeting between Dalmi and Seoyul, reminds Dalmi of the sign that her life stopped when she was with Seoyul. Dalmi then realizes that Seoyul is the only one who has the power to stop her life time. Seoyul is the only one who can prolong Dalmi's life. Dami believes her meeting with Seoyul can change her destiny. "I will help you, Dalmi. But you have to fulfill one condition. Marry me!" Seoyul's words suddenly startled Dalmi. But Dalmi is willing to do anything, including marrying Seoyul, to get the bone marrow donation she needs. Although Dalmi can't change history, Dalmi decides to improve her life by getting a bone marrow donor. Will this fake marriage make Dalmi and Seoyul fall in love, especially when there are some stumbling blocks. Some of them are Dalmi realizing that as long as they get married, Seoyul's remaining lifespan decreases while Dalmi's remaining lifespan increases, then followed by a dark secret that caused Dalmi and Seoyul's marriage to be on the verge of divorce? Can Dalmi's special ability protect herself and her loved ones from the troubles of ordinary life?

Ms_Heeyoung · Fantasy
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31 Chs

CHAPTER 4 — When Predictions End Up Come True

— five months ago —

At that time Dalmi was preparing to go on vacation. She made sure to pack a photo of her younger self with an older man. This was clearly her precious possession. Apparently, the photo is a photo of Dalmi and her grandfather when her grandfather was still alive. After finishing, Dalmi immediately went to the airport.

On the plane, Dalmi fell asleep while waiting for the flight that was preparing to take off. And at the same time Dalmi's sunglasses fell. Seeing this, a little girl sitting next to Dalmi, took Dalmi's sunglasses and put them on. After a while, Dalmi woke up from her sleep. She was surprised when she saw the little girl next to her wearing her glasses.

When Dalmi asked for the sunglasses back, Dalmi immediately fell from the passenger seat when she saw a dark shadow appear next to the little girl. Apparently the dark shadow not only appeared next to the little girl, but also around the plane. Dalmi saw many black shadows resembling zombies on the plane.

Realizing there were a lot of scary dark shadows in the plane, immediately, Dalmi ran to the plane door then she screamed that the plane they were flying could not take off because everyone would die if the plane took off.

"Stop!! Please stop!! Quickly stop this plane!!! Please don't take off!!" While shouting, Dalmi made a noise. Time and time again, this girl banged on the plane door hard, hoping the cabin crew would hear it and then the pilot stopped the flight.

"Hey, what's wrong?! Calm down!!" said the pilot. He tried to stop Dalmi's crazy attitude at that time.

Instead of answering questions from the pilot standing in front of him, Dalmi shouted even louder. "No! Please don't come near me!! Please stay away from me!!!!" Dalmi repeatedly warded off the dark shadows that tried to approach her at that time roughly. She hoped that the dark shadow would soon leave her after she pushed it away with all her might.

Meanwhile, the other passengers considered Dalmi's strange behavior as mere entertainment. They all took pictures and videos of the noise made by Dalmi with their cell phone cameras.

"Don't go!! Please don't leave now! This plane can't leave!" Dalmi shook her head quickly while holding the hand of a flight attendant nearby. "Quickly open the door!!" Dalmi pleaded loudly. But the flight attendant and pilot just stared confusedly at Dalmi. Therefore, Dalmi tried to open the plane door with her hands.

"But why?!" said a passenger sitting in the middle row.

Instead of answering the female passenger, Dalmi cried in fear for a while so that everyone on the plane thought Dalmi had a mental disorder. "You have to get out of here! This plane can't leave!" Dalmi shouted to warn the other passengers on the plane. "Everyone will die! Trust me!" Dalmi said. Then she tried to open the plane door again but she failed.

Seeing Dalmi's increasingly irrational attitude at that time, finally a flight attendant forcibly pulled Dalmi away from the plane door and the pilot stopped the flight even though the plane was already on the runway. Next, two flight attendants escorted Dalmi who was still screaming out of the plane before the plane took off according to its original schedule.

After that, Dalmi was detained at the police station for one night. Not because Dalmi had caused a commotion on the plane by spreading fake news, but also because Dalmi was suspected of being a terrorist who caused the plane to Japan to end up exploding in mid-air 30 minutes after departing from Gimpo International Airport.

When accused of being a terrorist, Dalmi insisted that she was not a terrorist. Dalmi claims that she is a psychic who can see the shadow of someone's death. Unfortunately, the police still did not believe Dalmi's words at that time.

"I didn't do anything! I'm not lying!!" Dalmi said to a man who is a police officer.

"If you're not a terrorist, then why did you get off the plane before the plane left?" asked the man in the light gray sweater.

"I didn't do it because I wanted to. I was forced!!!" Dalmi answered firmly.

"Ck!!" This man was annoyed. "How do you know that everyone on that plane is going to die?" He asked again. "Please just admit that you are a terrorist!" this man orders. "If you're not a terrorist, then how did you find out about the plane crash? It's definitely all your doing!" This man looked at Dalmi with his sharp gaze, while Dalmi looked at the man opposite her at that time with her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey Miss!!" This man snapped at Dalmi. "You know, this is a very serious matter! So please speak the truth to me so I can help you!" this man said. "How did you know all the passengers on that plane were going to die?" This man suppressed his every word while asking Dalmi.

"I have told you many times, I am a psychic and I can see a dark shadow resembling a zombie behind someone. The dark shadow is the shadow of death," said Dalmi. This girl spoke haltingly. Dalmi's words of course made the man suddenly surprised. In fact, he did not believe what Dalmi said.

However, eventually the police believe that Dalmi is not a terrorist but she is a psychic. This can be proven through news that has confirmed that the plane crash occurred because the plane experienced a technical failure, and not because of the actions of terrorists. After learning the truth, Dalmi was acquitted of the charges and sent back to her apartment.


That sinister flashback made Dalmi shake her head quickly. This certainly caught the attention of Gyungsoo who was sitting next to Dalmi. "I can understand now that you're thinking about the man on the bridge just now. But Dalmi, you're not a cursed monster. What you have is a gift," Gyungsoo said as he glanced at Dalmi. "Once again Dalmi, what has happened to you so far is not a curse. Precisely because you can predict someone's death, it means that you are very powerful. You can save many people."

"Do you think so?" Dalmi asked Gyungsoo, then Gyungsoo signaled through his head that was moving rapidly up and down repeatedly for a few moments.

"Of course!" Gyungsoo said. "Let's save many people with the unique abilities that you have so far. You have to prove it yourself that the power you have is a gift not a curse. Don't keep hiding and running like a fool, Dalmi." Gyungsoo said with a serious expression on his face and eyes.

"That's enough! Go!" Dalmi took off her seat belt and got ready to get out of Gyungsoo's car after the car stopped right in front of her apartment.

"Wait!!" Gyungsoo grabbed Dalmi's hand when Dalmi was about to open the door of Gyungsoo's luxury car.

"Haewon and the man on the bridge, don't you keep thinking about them and feel guilty for leaving them there?" Gyungsoo asked, but Dalmi instead looked at Gyungsoo with her eyebrows knit together. "Let's save people so that no one has to die suddenly," said this man. He begged and persuaded Dalmi to be brave enough to save people with her unique abilities. "If doing it alone feels difficult, then I'm willing to help you," he continued.

Dalmi snorted weakly. "Hey! Can you take your hand off mine? I want to go to my room right now. Because I'm so sleepy and I want to sleep!" Dalmi replied curtly.

"I'll let you go after you give me an answer, will you try harder to save people?" Gyungsoo asked again.

Dalmi then shrugged her shoulders up simultaneously. "I don't know! I can't think of anything when I'm sleepy," the girl replied. The suit, Dalmi pulled her hand from Gyungsoo's grip quickly and then she got out of the car.

Gyungsoo sighed and thought silently after Dalmi got out of the car and left himself alone in his car. This man was busy watching Dalmi's back which was getting further and further from his sight and disappeared behind the elevator door that had just closed.

After Gyungsoo made sure his friend got into the elevator that would take her safely to her apartment on the 12th floor, this man then immediately left the Dalmi apartment area in his luxury car.

When Gyungsoo was on his way back to his apartment, he crossed the bridge again — the bridge he crossed on his way to Dalmi's apartment a few minutes ago — and he saw the man who was previously standing on the edge of the bridge, had actually fallen off the bridge.

The incident made Gyungso surprised. He then stopped his car not far from the crime scene and got out of his car. Gyungsoo looked stunned for a moment as he watched the paramedics retrieve the man's body from the water.

It didn't stop there, Gyungsoo also saw the man's parents wailing sadly as their son's body was put in a body bag and then taken away by paramedics in an ambulance. After that, Gyungsoo got back into his car.

In the car, Gyungsoo realized more and more that Dalmi was right about her vision. And when Gyungsoo thought back to all the predictions that Dalmi said earlier came true, he believed even more that Dalmi could really see someone's death.

That night, Gyungsoo who was still in the vicinity of the crime scene and was shocked by the bloodless tragedy on the bridge, immediately, sent Dalmi a short message. He told Dalmi that a man they saw standing on the edge of the bridge had died after previously jumping off the bridge.

However, after one minute the short message was sent, Gyungsoo did not get any reply message from Dalmi. It's not that Dalmi doesn't want to reply, but Dalmi, who has just returned home, looks surprised when she sees dark shadows appear behind her loved ones. "Please not now ..," Dalmi said.


Hi everyone, enjoy and happy reading, ok? Anyways, looking forward to Dalmi's journey in WTWFL. Don't forget to always support Dalmi by spamming your best review in each chapter, and throwing your power stone at Dalmi. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. So, give me more motivation! Thanks to all of you.

Find the author on Instagram @dv.jagganim

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