
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · 都市
42 Chs

I will definditely protect to you

Tham Nhu woke up very early. She sat stupidly in the back garden, drinking tea while watching the sunrise.

It seems that the sunrise here is more beautiful than in the city.

The air here is very fresh, there is no smoke from the traffic.

After enjoying a large cup of tea, Tham Nhu stretched his shoulders, stretched, and worked his muscles a little. She feels the pure light of the early morning, she wants to blend in with nature, and bask in the early morning sun.

Dozed for a moment, she felt a very refreshed body, full of energy. She calculates the time and prepares to tidy up to go back to the bedroom.

"Tham Nhu!"

She raised her head, a little surprised to see the man walking toward her.

"Chu Duan Ham?" Tham Nhu suddenly called out.

Looking into his slightly dark eyes, her heart ached. She moved her lips, as if the words she was going to say were blocked in her throat, she couldn't utter a single sentence.

Chu Duan Ham stared at her. His gaze landed on her teacup, then on the objects beside him. Finally, he looked her straight in the eye, forcing her to look him in the eye.

Chu Duan Ham's somewhat angry voice resounded:

"Why do you want to leave?"

Tham Nhu was suddenly asked. Although she was mentally prepared, in the face of such a situation, she did not expect that Chu Duan Ham ran here to find her.

She did not guess Chu Duan Ham's intentions. She didn't know what the purpose of his coming here was?

Blame her? Scold her? Or is…


Suddenly, Tham Nhu's arm was subjected to a tremendous amount of force.

Chu Duan Ham grabbed her hand tightly, in case she ran.

"Say it! Why do you want to leave?" He looked her straight in the eye, not allowing her to evade. "Look me straight in the eye, honestly tell me the answer!"


Tham Nhu threw his hand away and replied sadly:

"I don't like being there!"

"Where do you want to be? Here?"


"Tham Nhu!" Chu Duan Ham's cold voice rang in his ears. "You're lying!"


Chu Duan Ham can certainly claim so. Because, from the moment he knew her, all her gestures, actions, and words were recorded in his brain. A very small gesture, a certain change in expression, Chu Duan Ham can also judge.

"Tham Nhu, don't lie to me!" Chu Duan Ham said firmly. "Other people deceive me, I may believe it. But you want to deceive me, this will not happen!"


"Tell me, why do you want to leave? Maybe, someone wants to hunt you down?"


Tham Nhu was startled by Chu Duan Ham's sharp guess. Unexpectedly, Chu Duan Ham could guess so accurately.

Tham Nhu's hand was pressed down by a force, Chu Duan Ham pursed his lips and silently led her hand, towards the gate.

Tham Nhu wanted to pull his hand away, but Chu Duan Ham held it even tighter.

"Don't run away!" Chu Duan Ham's deep voice rang in her ears.


That's what he told her.

He hoped she wouldn't run away again. In this life, she can run away for a while, but she can't run away for the rest of her life. Life is so long, how can you hide forever?

Mature people must learn to face difficulties, facing the enemy is inevitable.

Can not run anymore!

Stop here!

Let's turn your head!

No matter how strong the enemy, she should face them. He wanted to tell her that she wouldn't have to fight alone. She also has him.

"Tham Nhu, I'll protect you! All my life, I want to protect you for the rest of my life, okay?"


Tham Nhu looked down at Chu Duan Ham's large hand covering hers. She felt the warmth of humanity, something she had never experienced before.

Currently, in the place closest to her chest, her heart was frozen for a long time, it gradually cracked into a small streak. There is a warm stream flowing inward. It eased the trauma she had suffered many years in the past, it comforted and comforted her, making her feel like she wanted to be protected.

Turns out, so many years.

This is the first time in her heart such a wonderful feeling appeared!

Chu Duan Ham stood still, waiting for Tham Nhu's answer.

Time passed slowly.

The first light of the dawn shines brightly.

The wind blew gently, carrying the scent of medicinal herbs.

Tham Nhu raised her head.

Her eyes looked at him, Chu Duan Ham's eyes were now covered with tenderness and tenderness.

She smiled, a smile as bright as the bright sunrise.

"Fine! I agree!"

Chu Duan Ham pursed his lips, and his gaze at her became more and more gentle and affectionate.

The morning light is brilliant.

The shimmering sun shone down on the dew drops that remained on the herbs. The reflection from the dewdrops makes the scene at this moment become dreamy.

He happily looked at her.

She lowered her head, pushed back the stray hairs from her shoulders, and clasped his small hand tightly.

The image of the two became even more surprisingly harmonious.


Chu Duan Ham contacted the Chu family to come to the medicinal farm to pick them up.

Receiving the news, Chu Than An was not surprised, and calmly told the butler:

"Get ready, go get someone!"

The butler's lips twitched: "..."

Not long before that.

To be precise, last night, the young master kept saying that he didn't need to care about the second young master, leaving the second young master and Miss Tham to "self-birth and self-destruct" outside.

However, all night, a certain young master opened his eyes wide, all night sitting in front of the Ipad screen, looking intently

Now, having received the news of the second young master, a certain young master was cold and unconcerned, then got up and went straight to the second floor, closed the door, and went to sleep.

Butler: "...." I knew the young master wouldn't be so heartless!

Receiving the order of the great young master, the housekeeper immediately sent the most professional bodyguards of the Zhou family to pick up the second young master.

According to the master's advice, this time to pick up this person, it is necessary to prepare some 'hot toys'.

Tham Nhu's identity is not simple.

Otherwise, she will meet some dangerous opponent, Miss Tham will not leave. Therefore, the housekeeper arranged a lot of specialized tools, then let the most professional bodyguards come to the medicinal farm to pick up people.


While waiting for the Chu family to come to pick them up, Chu Duan Ham and Tham Nhu temporarily stayed at the medicinal farm.

Taking Chu Duan Ham to breakfast, Tham Nhu gave him a dumpling and a cup of healthy bean milk.

"That's all you can eat here. Let's eat for a while!"

Chu Duan Ham accepted the dumplings and bean milk and nodded happily.


Madame Vuong has seen it all. Madame Vuong felt that the dumplings she had with healthy bean milk today were very sour, eating until her teeth were sore.

Unable to hold it any longer, the hostess Vuong glared at Tham Nhu and said bitterly:

"Are you two going to stop now? Paying attention to other people's feelings too! Am I dead?"

Chu Duan Ham sincerely nodded, and thoughtfully replied: "Sorry Madam Vuong, next time I will pay more attention!"

"...." Is there another time? - Madame Vuong thought bitterly!


Outside, not far from the medicinal farm. The man stood with his back to the car door, smoking a cigarette. The cold gaze was always directed at the medicinal farm.

Buzz~ Buzz~

The message notification sound set to silent mode was vibrating in the pocket of the man in the black shirt.

He threw his cigarette on the ground, his thick nose stepping on the cigarette butt.


The man in the black shirt smiled. Fingers glide across the phone screen. Very quickly, a message was sent.


Sitting in the driver's seat, the man smirked and sped away. Leaving behind a thin haze of smoke.


It was already afternoon when the people of the Chu family reached the medicinal farm.

Ton That Tung received the order, immediately arranged for people to go inside the farm and invite the second young master to return.

Chu Duan Ham received a message from Ton That Tung - the most capable bodyguard in Chu family, he lowered his head to turn off the screen, took Tham Nhu's hand, and whispered:

"They've come to pick us up! We've got to go back!"

"Um." Tham Nhu nodded.

The two of them said goodbye to Mrs. Vuong and the farmers then followed Ton That Tung into the car.

Bodyguard Ton was already waiting at the gate. As soon as he saw Chu Duan Ham come out, he went around to open the car door.

"Second master, Miss Tham, please!"