
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · Urban
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Unexpected accident

Their car started rolling. The distance from the Chu family to the medicinal farm was very long, it took almost half a day to arrive.

As their car reached the mountainside, the traffic here became narrower.

A man in a black shirt stands at the top, holding a half-burnt cigarette.

"Are you ready? Let's get started!"

"Yeah!" A male voice came from the walkie-talkie.

In a hidden corner, several tall men dressed in identical black. They stood next to a white car that was already prepared.

"Prey is moving into position."

The white car started moving. The driver of this white car is a drunkard, sleeping in the car. They had a perfect murder plan in place.

Chu Duan Ham's car went straight ahead.

Suddenly, a white car appeared rushing towards Chu Duan Ham's car.

Ton That Tung clenched his jaw and turned the steering wheel. But the speed of the other white car was too fast, it rushed like an arrow. Ton That Tung only had time to turn the steering wheel to the right, dodging the other white car.

Fast like lightning.

The white car collided with Chu Duan Ham's car rushed towards the wooden stake and went straight into the sea.


Chu Duan Ham's car was hit hard, and according to the physical force, both the person and the car were sent flying into the sea.

The car fell from the side of the mountain, colliding with a large rock. Chu Duan Ham hugged Tham Nhu, covering her head.


Chu Duan Ham's car fell into the water.

But because of the previous response, Tham Nhu, Chu Duan Ham, Ton That Tung, and other bodyguards all got out of the car safely.

They tried to swim into a large ledge.

Chu Duan Ham brought Tham Nhu up to the shore. While the car was falling, Tham Nhu's arm was pierced by the glass. Chu Duan Ham to protect her, his forehead was also hit.

"Tham Nhu, are you all right?" Chu Duan Ham lifted her ashore and dragged her into a cave.

Ton That Tung was looking for flintstones, some other bodyguards were looking for dry grass or anything that could burn.

Waiting for the Ton That Tung and the others to leave. Chu Duan Ham hurriedly checked the wound on Tham Nhu's body. Knowing that she was not seriously injured, Chu Duan Ham sighed in relief.

Wait for Ton That Tung's people to bring back dry grass and branches to burn. Ton That Tung hit the stone, letting the two stones collide.

The fire flared up.

The prepared pile of dry grass and twigs was on fire.

Chu Duan Ham hurriedly checked the wound on Tham Nhu's hand, turned to Ton That Tung, and asked:

"Bodyguard Ton, are there any medical supplies or disinfectants that I can use?"

Ton That Tung shook his head, and boldly replied:

"All of our gear has sunk into the sea. Aside from guns and daggers, there isn't anything usable right now."

Tham Nhu pushed Chu Duan Ham's hand away, using his uninjured hand to point at the necklace that was hanging around her neck.

"You'll help you take off this necklace. Inside there is a tweezer and a little medicinal herb used to stop bleeding and anti-inflammatory."


Chu Duan Ham lifted her hair and took off the necklace around her neck. Sure enough, inside there were small tweezers and little medicinal herbs.

He sent Ton That Tung to scoop up some seawater, then poured seawater into the wound, relying on the light of the fire to pick up the glass shards.

Tham Nhu trembled, biting his mouth, patiently enduring the pain. Chu Duan Ham saw it, he didn't say anything, just silently picked up the broken pieces of glass, his head was slightly bent, and his mouth was close to the wound on her hand. His hot and humid breath brushed against Tham Nhu's hand, she was startled, surprised at Chu Duan Ham's actions.

She turned her head away, dodging.

But very quickly, Chu Duan Ham was grabbed and adjusted to the original position.

He glared at the bodyguards.

"Look at what? Turn your head to the door for me!"

"Ahem!" Ton That Tung shyly turned her face away, looked at her nose, and pointed straight at the door, not daring to affect the mood of the second young master.


After finishing Tham Nhu's wound, Chu Duan Ham applied medicine to the wound, then quickly took off his shirt.

Tham Nhu's mouth opened Looking at the solid body, Chu Duan Ham's charming body was revealed.

Her ears turned red, her cheeks burning.

She sadly turned her head to the other side, her voice soft: "What are you doing?"

Chu Duan Ham glanced at her: "Can't you see? You're taking off your shirt!"

"...." Tham Nhu choked.

Of course, she knew he was taking off his shirt. But now there are a lot of people here, why do you take your shirt off?

Isn't it cold?

It seems that Chu Duan Ham deliberately does not understand Tham Nhu's question.


He blatantly removed his shirt, turned to her, and asked in a dark voice:

"Do you want to take off your shirt too? Let me help you!"



A loud slap sounded.

The bodyguards dimly guessed that this action was coming from someone. They feel pain on behalf of the second young master!

Ha ha ha!

But, a certain young master was used to being beaten, and not only did not stop his movements but also relied on his strength, relying on Tham Nhu's injury, very quickly took off her shirt instead.

"No one is allowed to turn around!" Chu Duan Ham gave the order.

Of course, Ton That Tung and the others understood the second young master's lustful behavior. They colluded with each other, one told the other, less than three seconds, all ran out of the cave.

Tham Nhu gritted his teeth and glared at Chu Duan Ham with a black face.

"What are you doing? Want to get spanked?"

"No~" Chu Duan Ham smirked.

He covered her body for her, dried his shirt, and helped her put it on.

Chu Duan Ham says:

"Don't think dirty! You're a decent man, not a lustful man!"

"...." Tham Nhu 'hum!' a voice, glared at him.

Having received a warning slap from Tham Nhu, Chu Duan Ham is very decent, absolutely no illegal actions.

It's just that, after that, Chu Duan Ham looked at her with hot eyes, and a mischievous smile appeared on his lips.

He sat next to her, resting his head on the crook of her neck, gently brushing his lips against her earlobe.

"Chu, Duan, Ham!"


Tham Nhu angrily pushed his face away, showing hatred: "What are you doing?"

Chu Duan Ham's eyes sparkled with a smile. His lips curled up, and his smile grew even more sinister.

His big hand caught her small hand, preventing her from pushing him away.

The atmosphere in the cave was hot and steamy. Perhaps because that makes even Tham Nhu hot. Her face was red, her cheeks were hand out, and she felt like she was about to be cooked.

Suddenly, the back of her hand felt hot and wet.

She raised her head, Chu Duan Ham was bowing, and his thin lips gently touched the back of her hand.

This kiss is sweet flattery.

"Be good! Don't move!"


Chu Duan Ham's movements are very gentle. He lifted her face, one hand supporting her injured arm, to avoid his actions touching the wound.

His lips touched hers gently. The feeling of heat, moisture, and moisture passed over Tham Nhu's lips.

Chu Duan Ham suppressed this feeling for a long time, he wanted to push her down on the stone floor, madly kiss her, and suck on her lips. He wanted to use his masculine breath to cover hers.


Because of the situation in front of him, Chu Duan Ham did not dare to take risks. He only dared to kiss her lips, sucking lightly, teasing her sweet lips a little, then let go of her.

Tham Nhu's face turned red, blinking at him.

Chu Duan Ham's face also turned red.

He swallowed softly and looked at her lovingly. It seems that all emotions want to explode. The beast in his chest screamed madly, urging him to forcefully possess her.

But, Chu Duan Ham restrained very well.

He bit his lip, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at her. After his emotions were regulated, his cold hand covered her eyes, blocking her vision.

His voice lowered:

"Don't look at me! I'm afraid I won't control myself. My self-control is very poor."


His hot breath tickled her neck. She could feel his body heating up.

Tham Nhu frowned.

"Chu Duan Ham? Do you have a fever?"

"Is not." The masculine voice was suppressed, his lips were still at her earlobe, and his shallow breathing made Tham Nhu unable to sit still.

"Be good! Don't say anything! Just stay like that!"


Half an hour later, the awkward, odd atmosphere had disappeared.

Tham Nhu checked his clothes. Her shirt was dry, and she looked over at Chu Duan Ham.

"My shirt is dry! Come over and bring my shirt, I want to wear it!" Tham Nhu pointed to his shirt hanging near the fire.

Chu Duan Ham smiled, his hand tightened on her waist:

"I feel like my shirt suits you better. Stop taking that shirt! Put on mine too!"

Tham Nhu touched his strong chest with his finger, reminding:

"How long are you planning to stay topless like this? Don't want to wear a shirt?"

Chu Duan Ham lowered his head to look at a naked body above him, his lips curved up:

"My body is this beautiful, I think I should let you look at it. It's rare to get an opportunity like this!"

"...." Tham Nhu pouted and was about to stand up when Chu Duan Ham stopped him.

He asked:

What am I going to do?"

"Take my shirt."


Chu Duan Ham took a look at the shirt that was drying near the fire and calmly stood up. He walked over to the fire, picked up her shirt, and checked to see if it was dry.

Tham Nhu's shirt is already dry. Chu Duan Ham brought her a shirt. He sat down, ready to help her change clothes.

Tham Nhu quickly grabbed her collar and asked cautiously:

"What do you want to do?"

Chu Duan Ham pursed his lips, and shrugged his shoulders, showing a dignified attitude: "I saw that you injured your hand, it's not convenient to take off your shirt. Let me help you."

"No need!" Tham Nhu rolled his eyes in warning. "I can do it!"

Chu Duan Ham grabbed the hand that was holding her collar tightly, gently removing each finger.

"Take it off once and take it off. Take it off twice and take it off. Anyway, before that, I helped you take off your shirt, dry it, and put it on. Let me help you one more time, is there any problem?"

"Have!" Tham Nhu grabbed her collar again, and a cold voice resounded. "Get out of the way, let me wear it myself!"

"Oh~" Chu Duan Ham laughed, sitting with his back against the rock, his eyes directly following her actions.

"Chu, Duan, Ham! Turn your head!" Tham Nhu suddenly stopped unbuttoning his shirt, turned to Chu Duan Ham, and yelled.

Chu Duan Ham's face is extremely thick right now. He didn't mind watching her change her clothes one more time. It doesn't matter if he is known as a spoiled man, for Chu Duan Ham, there is no disadvantage.

He looked at her, his hot gaze fixed on Tham Nhu's chest.

"It's not that I haven't seen it before? Didn't I help you take off your shirt earlier? Are you shy?"

"Chu -Duan- Ham!"




Scratch! Scratch!

Tham Nhu happily put his shirt back on, and whispered in a low voice:

"It's all right now!"


Chu Duan Ham faces down against the stone wall. On the right cheek, a small red hand-shaped mark appeared. A small lump appeared on his forehead.

He pouted his lips warmly, denouncing:

"Argh~ You're so cruel!"

"Zip up!" Tham Nhu stared for Chu Duan Ham, his voice cold.
