
When My Modern Country Got Isekaid

Melvin Clyde, the 27th president of the republic of Vesna was now elected. 3 months into his term an unknown object from space resembling a truck hit their country. He was an otaku who was prepared for a journey to isekai but unknownst to him his country got transported with him as well. Vesna found itself between the political wars and conflicts of this world where demons, elves, beast-men, werewolves, orcs, and vampires exist. With the knowledge and technology of modern society, Melvin's goal is to learn and to establish his country in this world. A story about cultural exchanges, and tactical wars between the modern army against medieval fantasy. -------- Volume 0: Melvin Clyde got transported to another world. He found himself in a conflict with the nobility and the church. His goal was to look for his country and on his way showing his knowledge and wisdom to the people.

BlueCold · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Into the town

"What the hell happened?" Sting Vazin of the 1st division of the sniper team stood up. He held his head from the migraine he felt.

He was wearing a dark jacket and trousers. On his face was a mask with a skull covering his mouth he bought from a convenience store. It was his fashion whenever he wasn't in his uniform.

But the ache was now fading. It was odd since he was on the shores of Vesna, trying out his suppressed Barrett M95 before. Right now, he was in the middle of nowhere.

He was a skilled sniper who the UN have take on liking. In fact, this summer he was summoned by the UN to fight against rebels hiding on the remote areas in Syria.

His greatest feat was crawling for a 3 days just to take out the enemy commander of the Al Quada. Ever since then he recieved various UN trophes and medals from his country.

To be honest, the rewards were the only thing that he cared for. There was also a boost in his salary based on his achievements.

Sting was a veteran soldier who most in the sniper division looked up to. Although he was quiet most of the time and were fond of working alone. He would only work with a team if the orders demand it.

Now Sting was confused. Why was he here?

At least, he was comfortable feeling the Barrett hanging on his back. It was still there. His thoughts for now was to move forward.

Whenever he was bored, he would take the chocolate of hersheys on his pocket and take a bite. His plan for now was the find the nearest settlement and return to his country.


Rederick finally hit the red bird. It fell and landed on the ground. It tried to limp away and fly but it failed and fell again. It was moving away.

Melvin sighed. "That was an annoying bird."

"Mr. President, don't do things like that again. We might not know what things are there out there."

"Yeah, yeah." Melvin got surprised afterward after seeing the bird got eaten. A strange lion with a wings of a bat appeared from nowhere.

It ate the bird with one gulp. It's eyes were fierce and sharp. It was slowly approaching them with its sharp fangs.

This was now a serious threat that it caused them to move back slowly. Unlike the bird, this one could cost their lives.

"Rederick." Melvin spoke stiffly. "You have the permission to fire."

Rederick took his uzi and loaded it. He then calmly aimed it at the mysterious beast. "I don't know what that lion is, but it's dangerous."

When the lion charged at them, Rederick rained it with bullets. The bullets penetrated through its skin, causing it to fall. Its body was filled with holes and trickles of blood dripped down.

They sighed.

After everything had settled down, Melvin checked to inspect it. He touch the carcass of the beast and it was undoubtedly real. He then smiled and haughtily stared at his secretary. "So what can you say Celine? You can't find this type of creature back on earth. We are definitely in another world."

Celine was still doubtful. "Really? Because they have this chernobyl accident in russia. Those can turn any creatures into anything grotesque looking. I have saw a giant fly once in the news."

"Mutations don't work that way and..." Melvin sighed. "Forget it, let's just cook this baby up." He patted the carcass.

Since they were hungry they gathered the sticks they could find. They then tried to start up a fire, it took them half an hour to do so.

Thankfully there was a river up close, so that they could clean the meat.

They then decided to cook it. Afterward, Melvin took a bite and it tasted like a chiken but slightly greasy. It was a tolerable taste though.

Melvin grabbed his diary and wrote down the things he encountered for today, an apple that turned into a bird and a lion with wings. What things could be waiting for him out there? Many things were waiting for him.

They then heard the bushes rustled, Rederick grabbed upon the handle of his gun. Everyone was on high alert.

Then someone went forward. It took their attention and it was a little girl though she was a bit mature. She was around 17, she had long green hair and had an attractive face. She was holding a mystic-looking staff with a red gemstone on its end.

Based on her actions, she looked well educated and confident.

Melvin and Rederick were surprised. They knew no person back on earth to have a green hair. Most of the earthlings were brunnettes after all.

She went close to them and spoke a language they could not understand. "Xxxxxxx." She muttered.

Melvin stood up firmly. He faced her. "Umm, hi, I guess."

She cleared her throat. "I see, you spoke the ancient Mendovian languge."

"Mendovian?" Melvin was confused since it was known as english. But since it made things easier, he just accepted it.

"It's the common language being spoken by the people from the outer rings."

Melvin had no idea about anything, but regardless, he smiled and made a proper introduction. "Hello another worlder citizen, my name is Melvin Clyde, the 27th president of Vesna."

The girl gave a nod. "My name is Shira of Hainu, I'm an alt-mage scholar on the town of Rephus and... It's somewhere close." When she was about to speak she shifted the topic. Which they found odd.

She stared at them with a curious look. "By the way, who are you people and where did you come from?"

Melvin assessed her looks. No doubt she was a mage with the staff and the outfit. Since he was in isekai, he would expect some magic. "I'm not sure if I can tell you where we came since even us, we have no idea."

"Anyway, you have to follow me. It's dangerous to stay here since a newborn Vogius is lurking around." Shira walked away expecting to get followed.

The three of them were left to their own.

Rederick was worried. "What's your plan Mr. president?"

"Let's follow her for now."

Celine was even more concerned. "Sir, are you sure about this? If it's true that we are in different world, many things might happen to us."

Melvin smirked. "So you believe me now that we got in a different world?"

Celine was dismayed. She sighed. "I don't want this to happen. I wanna return to earth."

Melvin confidently walked away. "We just have to deal with it. Come on."

They were approaching a small town. It was found atop a flat hill. Around them were a thick forest. And somewhere close was a flat ground with some crops. Though, some plants were frail and have already wilted. It looks like their soil was not fertile enough.

The town was composed of wooden buildings about three floors most.

Wooden carriages were leaving the town roads. The civilians showed up and most were wearing cheap and brown leather clothes. They were doing their work.

Melvin chuckled. "If the Jules Lumber Company ever saw the trees present here, they would shit themselves."

It was a private company from their country who manufactured various furnitures from wooden lumbers imported from overseas. If they ever saw this, it would be their wet dream.

There should also be unlimited untapped resources somewhere around these areas.

As they moved across the town, the people's eyes started to gather around them. They were wearing black suits after all.

Then one old man approached them. "Xxxxxx." He said.

Shira translated it to them. "He said if you good sirs are interested in buying a slave."

The three were given an expression of disgust. Celine stepped forward, she was mad. She grabbed Shira's collar. "They sell slaves here!"

Shira nodded. "Of course, it's normal isn't it?"

Celine clenched her fists. "I can't believe it, just how despicable are you people?" Looking over, she noticed a wealthy-looking old man leaving a pub while dragging a young woman with a chain and collar on her neck.

"Why are you upset?" Shira said.

"Why can't I? It's not right to sell a person."

"You seem to understand nothing stranger. You're a weird one." Shira spoke back.

Celine was about to snap but Melvin calmed her down. "Wait, Celine."

"Sir! We shouldn't just stand here. You were just talking about freedom and democracy while ago. We need to do something."

"And? What can you do?"

"I..." Celine lowered her head.

"Just calm down for now. The best thing to do is to gather information."

"So what can we do?"

Melvin stroked his chin. "First we need to understand how the system of slavery works. Is it a slavery from racism? Subjugation? Or are they products of war? We can't break it by being reckless."

Celine forced herself to calm down. "Okay, you got me Sir. I'm all yours." Even though Melvin was goofy at times, he was reliable when it counts.

Melvin for now thought about delving in into this system of slavery. Next, he would learn about the magic in this world and how it worked. There were many things that he had to learn after all.

They entered a building, inside were several seats inside the room. It was filled with chubby men with decent outfits. They were the landlords, nobles and aristocrats in this ring as explained by Shira.

Most were accompanied by guards with swords on their waists.

According to Shira, slaves had various occupation. Slave guard, slave scholar, slave house-keeper, sex slave and slave warrior.

They were enslaved because they were captured by the slavers, the Red Shackles Company. Most slaves were a product of someone's debt, they committed a crime or they were imported from a different country.

"Move! Bastards!" A guard yelled at them. "Lord Harges is coming!"

Duke Harges was said to be the cousin of the King of the ring. He often came down to this town to purchase the best slaves that he could have. He was a tall man with threatening aura, creased face and had gapped teeth as he grinned.

Shira explained that the Duke was the owner of the slavers company.

Even right now, he was accompanied by two good-looking females with armors. One had a sword on her waist while the other used daggers.

Celine couldn't bear the thought of slavery. But because of her shock she didn't hear the guard yelling at her to move away.

Harges was now behind her. Celine turned around and both looked in the eye.

"Tsk, move out of my way or I'll break your leg and make sure you won't stand again." Harges spoke.

Since he was speaking in an unknown language Celine couldn't understand him. In fact, she didn't want to move since she wanted to confront him.

Melvin was bothered since she may have forgotten that they were in another world. The noble was already pissed. For all they know they could be sent into the gallows.

"Heh, what a nuisance. Hey, break her leg." Harges spoke to his slave. When the slave guards grabbed their weapons. Melvin held Celine's shoulder and grabbed her out of his way. He then bowed slightly. "Forgive me good sir, that my subordinates are not acting well."

The noble and Melvin were staring at each other. Tension was rising between them.