
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · 若者
24 Chs


She is one of my best friends that I made after coming here. She is a cool person, she used to be very shy at first but soon, I realized her coolness. She also got a boyfriend. I don't know how I felt about it though. Her boyfriend is a really nice person. We are in the same French class together. I help him a lot in the language. We are best friends. I felt like he loves Sarah too much, but she doesn't make an effort in their relationship. I understand that because this is her first relationship she doesn't know how to act or whatever, but she must make an effort. She is very secretive. Her mom told my mom about her problems. Her mother was depressed for a long time, and Sarah was affected mentally by her mother's depression. She hasn't told me about that yet though. She has been trying to get popular these days. She even wears a lot of make up, telling us that she doesn't put foundation even (I can clearly see the layer of foundation peeing through her face). I am not judging her. I am concerned. She is dating a popular boy, who is amazing and not a dickhead like other popular boys, she has a lot of friends, but she is trying to be someone she isn't. That is what concerns me.

I am a little slow witted. Her boyfriend once told me that his dad doesn't live with them. I didn't realize his parents were divorced. The other day he told that his dad lived elsewhere, I told him it didn't make sense. He gave up and told me his parents were divorced. Blood rushed to my face, I didn't know how to react. I apologized to him.

Despite knowing so much about him, Sarah doesn't acknowledge him. I try to talk to her, but she is more stubborn than me. I give up sometimes, trying to help her.

She depresses me.

Sorry Sarah, you're my best friend, but all I. trying us to help you be you. I might be wrong, but thank you for being one of my closest friends.

These are my feelings. But am I allowed to feel this way? I am not romantically in love with her boyfriend or Sarah (I am straight- I guess), but I want to help her out.

hey guys! I understand that this chapter is confusing but this is the main character's thoughts upon her new best friend. Sarah is desperate and tries hard, at the same time, she is a very nice person. Tasha, the main character, wants to help Sarah become herself and not care about other's thoughts on her.

comment if you have any further confusions.



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