
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · Teen
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24 Chs


It is supposed to be fun, but it feels like torture! Everything about it is fine but, they make us run! One thing I cannot do (other than a few other things if course) is run! I hate running. I know, I used to be an athlete, but that was before I hit puberty! I used to be the fastest runner in my grade. Everything went well, then I hit puberty. I became really slow and I stopped running. Now on health class, we have to run. We have to run 5k. So these couple days, my dad has been helping me to run and complete the goal. He takes me to a trail nearby and my sister comes along and we run. Now, I am a freshman and I've got only 3 more years until the SAT and ACT and other exams. My parents want the best score from me so guess what? I have started to study for the SAT! ALREADY! I find it fun anyway so it doesn't matter, but it is still a bit too early. I also have so much homework to finish over the break. My math grade is a B and my biology grade is a B-. It seems like my life is going downhill already. I hate talking so pessimistic though. In the morning, I always strive for optimism, but it is just so hard with so much crap going on in my life. The big shifting, the algebra 2 honors, the biology, the 5k; it just feels like the creator doesn't want me to live long. I am probably going bald right now because of so much stress. I just don't know if I am on the right track or not.

Hey guys! Finals are coming up, not only for me but for Tasha too. Therefore updates are going to be wacky.

All the best for your finals peeps!

Have a great new year.



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