
The girl and Richard


I woke up feeling cold,which was a little bit unusual, looking around,I noticed that I was on the road and the funniest part was that I was naked, noticing that I was naked,the first thing that came to my mind was how I would cover my nakedness,I started looking around and to my luck, there was no one on the street,the look of the street was a little bit dirty, looking around I noticed that where I was,was stinking but something crossed through my mind and that was, how did i move away from the thick forest, thinking of the thick forest,I felt as if I had lost something that was when I started noticing that I had started liking blue eyes,well let me even forget about that,where I am now is what I should be thinking of and how I would survive, thinking of that,I started walking down the lonely street,as I was walking down the street with my naked body,I spotted a stillhout ahead,hoping that it was a guy,I started moving towards it,maybe because I had not been eating very well,my eyes were a little bit blurry,I dragged my weak and naked body to the stillhout, when I was beside the stillhout,I touched it and to my surprise when it turned the head,it was a shocked face of a teenage girl that faced me, when I noticed it was a girl that I saw in the state I was,I blacked out.


I hail from a rich family,I lost my way while on my way from school and ended up in this desolate street, let me give a quick explanation on how I got here and ending up with this unconscious naked man.

After school I was supposed to be brought back home with my father's car but I and my friend had already plan on going to a friend's party that day which of course we were not allowed to go,we did not even wait till the school ended before we all sneaked out of school and went to a corner to dress, unbeknownst to us someone was waiting for meso that he could kidnap me so after dressing up for the party,we decided to take a short cut to the party but we were afraid of being caught,so Immediately we finished dressing,we decided to board a bus,as we were waiting to for a taxi,we suddenly sighted a group of men coming towards us, sensing danger,we decided to move away from the place but we noticed the more we moved the more they followed us, when we noticed they were trailing us,we decided to run away,as we were running,we all separated forgetting that we were even together that's why there is this saying I do here from someone, "if mother is involved in the fire accident,mother fights for herself first before her child"that is why this is a mystery that no one understands. As we all ran for our life,I didn't know when I reached this desolate place and how I knew the men were after me was because all the while that I was running non of them went to the way my friends went making it clear that they were after me,I think I had luck on my side because they were not able to get me even how I reached this desolate and disgusting street,I did not know,all I knew was that the men were not a letter to catch up with me,now in the present,I am sitting on this cold floor with an unconscious man beside me and to crown it all,he is not only unconscious he is also naked,if someone saw us together my reputation would be destroyed forever, seeing him naked gave me the chills that I had to remove the jacket I was putting on to cover part of him and thank God I still had my school uniform with me,I decided to spread it on the floor so that he won't lay on the cold floor like that after making him comfortable,I started looking at his features,he had a sharp jaw line,pointed nose and a Jade like skin,his body was well built but you could see that he was not well nourished because he looked a little pale, while I was looking at him from head to toe,I started wondering how he was naked and how he even ended up in this street that looked as if no one has been there for decades. I was a little bit tired so I decided to sleep.


I woke up feeling a little bit warm,at first I thought I was in the thick forest with blue eyes but when I opened my eyes what I saw shocked me,I came face to face with a teenage girl,she was laying on top of me,I wanted to scream at first and that was when the memory of what happened started flooding in,I was a little embarrassed because I remembered she saw me naked, looking at her sleepy face she kind of looked at an adorable little bunny,her skin looked soft,that with a little bit of force it could fall apart,she heard a short,dark hair and pink lips that said only one thing kissable,I had to evade my eyes so that I won't fall into temptation,she was putting on a res dress which looked more attractive on her,I had to move her away from me so that I could stand up, Immediately I moved her away,the warmth I was feeling was gone that I wished she could continue sleeping the way she was sleeping before I moved her away but I could not let her continue like that because if she wakes up she would think I was trying to take advantage of her, while I was adjusting her body,I noticed that she covered me with some of her clothes and even made me lay down on some,I felt warm in side and took the cloth I was laying on and made sure she lay on them so that she wouldn't be cold after that I decided to wrap her Jacket around my waist at least it was able to cover the lower part of my body. I sat down on the cold floor and started watching over her while waiting for miracle to happen meaning waiting for someone to find us.

Hi everyone thanks for reading my novel, comment and review on it,stay safe everyone may God protect us all from Corona in Jesus name.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts