
Aching Stomach


I woke up with an aching body,I force my aching body up, looking at my surrounding,I noticed I was still in the desolate street,I was still looking at my surrounding when I heard a male voice saying "you are awake", hearing the voice,I Immediately turned around and came face to face with a man which was half naked, noticing the state he was I had to evade my eyes,I could hear the man chuckling lightly, when I heard him chuckle,I was a little bit embarrassed and at the same time angry, that I wanted to turn around to give him a slap but I had to control myself, while I was trying to contain my anger,I didn't know when he came in front of me,I suddenly felt a warm hand cupping my cheeks,I flinched a little before calming down and glaring at him,seeing my reaction,he removed his hands and started laughing which made me more angry,I stood up and stood in front of him warning him to stop laughing but instead of stopping,he continued laughing as if he just met a clown 🤡,I was so angry that all I wanted was to remove his head from his neck ,at least I won't be able to hear him laugh. As I was still thinking of that,the next word he said almost made me claw his mouth off,I was so embarrassed that I started running after him while shouting like the person going on a war, while I was running after him,he suddenly clutched his stomach and started rolling on the floor, seeing the scene unfolding before me,I was so scared that I had to move closer to him to ask him what was going on, when I moved closer I noticed he was sweating and at the same time trying to muffle some scream he was in serious pain,I had to tell him to lie on his stomach so as to ease the pain because there was no pain killer around.


It was getting all funny until I started feeling pain,the pain was unbearable,at first I thought it was my powers but that was when I remembered that I had not been eating properly, mostly because I could not eat raw meat when I was still in the thick forest and the fruit I was eating was not doing anything,it could not make up for the food I needed to survive,now am seeing the out come of not eating very well,I did not even hear all what the girl was saying,I only noticed that she was trying to force me to lay on my stomach which I did,at first the pain could not make me lay down very well and also the disgusting floor was preventing me from breathing very well, making the stomach pain worsen as minutes passed by, seeing that there was no improvement,the girl sat down beside me and placed my head on her laps,at least inhaling her scent was much more better than the floor, the pain started dissipating then I fell asleep.


I was afraid seeing him in pains, noticing that he could not breath very well because of the disgusting smell,I had to put his head on my lap, while he was facing his stomach down.

Few minutes later,I noticed that he had already started sleeping,not wanting to wake him up I decided to stay still. Night came and there was a lot of cold so I had to cover the two of us with my school uniform,it was a really cold night and the desolate street made it worse,I was staring to get hungry but there was nothing to eat so I had to sleep like that.

The sun shone bright in the sky, smiling at every living creature,I woke up to the sound of a moving feet,at first I was afraid that it was those that were after me that was making the sound, looking around I noticed that it was the half naked man that was walking about in search of something,I stood up and moved closer to him while tapping him, immediately I touched him,he turned around as if ready to for a fight, immediately he noticed that I was the one,he calmed down,I used the opportunity to ask him of what he was looking for,he then told me that he was looking for something that we could at least eat something, hearing what he said I felt touch,then I replied by telling him that there was no way we could get food in this place,hearing what I said,he use his leg to hit the air in frustration and sat down on the ground looking defeated,I stood beside him and started comforting him,after comforting him,I decided to ask him of his name and how he got here,hearing my question,I could feel that he was hesitant to tell me anything,as I was about to tell him not to tell me anything if he did not want to tell me,I heard him say his name,then he continued by saying that he did not know how he got to the place that I shouldn't ask him any more questions,he then asked me how I got to the desolate street,so I explained to him how I and my friend were supposed to go for a party and later got chased by those that wanted to kidnap me and we all separated which led me to the desolate street, after talking for some while,we suddenly started hearing foot steps,I was so scared that I suggested we leave that place and hide in a place and watch the people that were coming,we Immediately got to our feet and started moving towards a hidden place,we stood there and waited for the people to show up.

hi everyone,hope you guys are enjoying the novel,stay safe and stay home.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts