
What is this, a Magical Girl Story?

To answer the title question. No, probably not. It’s supposed to be a light-hearted play on the classical genre, with a slight twist. This story is about a Sophie, a young adult who gets dragged into a war between magic users from earth and the Demons trying to invade it. With her having no control over the events she gets involved in, struggles Sophie to regain at least some sense of normality in her life. All the while battling her own insecurities. She will lose everything that comforted her, but meet new friends along the way. Where will this lead her? I don't know, let's find out together.

Verhygo · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Remains from the Past (2/2)

Anticipation filled the bedroom, while Karen still tried to calm herself.

Her gaze rested fully on Sebastian as she cowered together at the edge of the mattress.

How could she deal with what she saw?

What should she tell Sebastian?

Many questions whizzed through her head, yet she could not hold a single one in place.

Sebastian turned upside, battered by the strikes he received and disoriented after being stripped of his sleep.

Her heartbeat raised again at the sight of his movements, the same cold sweat dripping from her temples.

In reflex, Karen's precipitated breathing stopped, held when he opened his mouth to speak.

"What… happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

His barely opened eyes looked at her, the forehead in wrinkles, his voice drowsy but concerned.

"You're sweating… are you sick? Come here, take the duvet. I'll get a thermometer."

Sebastian barely reached out with his arm before she shied away and stood up.

Surprised by the reaction, he hesitated, stuck in motion.

Unable to focus on anything but the next step away from him, Karen struggled to find words that could explain her behavior, buy her the time necessary to escape.

Just a moment, some time to think.

Away from him, alone.

The pressure on her lips lifted as she forced herself to take a deep breath, both shaking when she talked.

"N.. Nothing, I just… need.. toilet, yes! I'm in the bathroom!"

Not awaiting an answer for her incoherent stammering, she raced out, locking herself in the bathroom.

She rang for air behind the relative safety of the glass door.

With the loud beat in her ears and dry mouth, Karen could still not think.

Desperate to regain some kind of clarity, she turned on the sink, gulping down some of the bland water and spraying the rest into her face.

That was better now.


She couldn't stay.

He would come to look for her.

Almost to confirm her greatest fear, the bedroom door opened and Sebastian's silhouette appeared behind the glass.

A feeling of nausea overcame her when he knocked, forcing her to support herself with both arms on the sink.

Sebastian stopped as Karen fought with the content of her stomach, probably distracted by the retching sounds.

"Oh dear, are you vomiting? Wait… I'll get the meds."

The shadow behind the door disappeared with the sound of hurried steps, and she almost laughed in despair.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

What should she do when he returned?

She gulped down more of the water to replace the sour taste in her mouth.


That was her chance.

Karen opened the door, looking out for the possible premature return when Sebastian couldn't find the medication, and slipped back into the bedroom.

There were his keys on the bedside cabinet, her clothes in the wardrobe.

With not much thought, Karen grabbed everything she could and opened the window.

Only to remember that she had nowhere to go to.

But she had to leave… just to which place?


Impossible, they had the building locked up for anyone that didn't work night shift or had emergency access.

But she could take Sebastian's access card.

No, that wasn't here. It must be in his jacket.

Then a hotel?

Her wallet was also in the jacket!


Her old place, she had the keys right in…

Karen's eyes fell on the door.

There was only one way out, whatever goal she would pursue, and it might lead right through Sebastian.

All important belongings in her arms, she left for the hallway.


Even though the lights shone, it remained dim in most corners and Karen tiptoed to the carpet that stretched across the ground, cautious that she could make too much sound while she moved towards the coat hooks.

Her eyes searched for any resemblance of movement at the door frame that led to the living room, as she held with solid grip close to her belongings.

She had to hurry, but moving too fast was bound to catch attention.

When Karen reached the corner, about to take a glance around it, Sebastian stepped right through the door, his feet not making any sound, and the tray with medication in his hand was stable.

Within that moment of surprise, she froze in place, her eyes wide open to watch his curious look.

"Huh? Already ready for the hospital? I mean… sure, you're the one to tell how bad it is, but take at least something against the nausea."

Convinced of his assessment, Sebastian reached her one of the different medicines he had gathered, which drove her a step backwards.

The beat of her heartbeat racing once more, her arms moved reflexively as she tried to shield herself from the man in front of her.

Clothes dropped, and the back of her hand flung one side of the tray upwards, throwing the medication all over the ground.

Sebastian stepped aside, trying to recollect his balance by leaning on the wall.

Seeing her chance in that distraction, Karen slipped past him towards the coat hooks.

There it was, the jacket in her hand.

Time to get away!

The door was right in front of her.

All she had to do was open it.


Locked for the night, like every day…

Karen struggled to get the key from her pile of clothes, but it came too late.

A look behind her showed Sebastian got back up on his feet.

In his face mirrored a collection of emotions as he stitched together what was going on and she could do nothing else but search the key and hurry, hoping he would be just that tad bit too slow to confront her.

Her hope was for naught, but she couldn't turn around to look at him while he approached either, still haunted by the visions of his former self.

Despite that, it was not the nightmare that spoke, but the man she fell in love with and his worried words were the one to hurt her.

"Karen… what… what is going on?"

Never had she had a harder time to tell if it was a rhetorical question or not.

"I… it's nothing. I just… need to go somewhere."

The way he tilted his head confirmed the latter option.

"What do you mean?"

With that question standing unanswered in the room, Sebastian came closer towards her, his arm stretched out, the hand open and empty.

To this facts spite, he could as well have held a knife. For Karen, it would not have felt any less threatening.

She twisted with her whole body away from him, desperate to avoid his touch.

Her eyes as much as the rest of her, yet she could still feel the despair in his voice.

"Why...? What is it? Please… talk to me…"

There were no words that would come to her, no answer to his plea.

Karen's breathing faltered, interrupted by an occasional sob.

Then he stretched his hand out again. Only a faint movement in the corner of her eye and before she could stop herself, escaped a scream from her lips.

"NO! Stay away from me!"

The high-pitched outcry echoed in the hallway, her breathing raspy and her throat dry.

Heat rushed into her face after she realized her outburst, leaving her only to calm herself.

She wanted to speak to him, explain why she couldn't stay, but everything in her screamed for her to leave.

When Sebastian spoke once more, accelerated her pulse again, yet his words brought the relief she needed.

"I believe you'll need this…"

In his hand lied the keys for the door in front of her. They must have dropped during her escape.

Without looking at him a last time, grabbed Karen the tool for her flight and disappeared into the night.

Her feet carried her over the grass, wet from morning dew, into the garage and away from this nightmare.

25. March


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