
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs


"Whohoho! you caught me, Hohohoh!" Masterson laughed as his smile grew even larger when he saw Zoro glaring at him, in this week he started to enjoy angering Zoro.

"You!" Masterson's smile angered Zoro, who leaped at Mr. Sniper while swinging the metal slab at him, only for Masterson to use Soru to dodge it while laughing even louder than before.


"Stop making him angry! and you stop being such a buzzkill and just relax for once!" Nami glared at them while raising her fist as a threat.

It works as the two stopped fighting and obediently looked at the orange hair while rubbing their heads as it still hurt them.

"Yeah, Big bro you need to relax a little or you will hurt yourself and besides I heard that they have the best Sake(Japanese beer) in the east blue, isn't that right Yosaku?" Johnny said, he then quickly asked for Yosaku's help when he saw that he got Zoro's interest hooked.

"Best Sake?" Zoro got a little bit interested but still, he needed to train more since he had a feeling that he was close to mastering Soru and Tempest Kick.

"Yeah, the Best Sake and beside the information might be true because there are many pirates who come here to enjoy a delicious meal" Yosaku quickly came to the rescue, he then continued saying.

"Since this restaurant welcomes people with any background as long as they follow the rules of the ship, So the restaurant owner might know something"

"..." Zoro became quiet after hearing that, and then he glared at Masterson, who was laughing even louder than before.

"Heheheh!" Carol joined her father in laughing without knowing why Masterson was laughing.

"You!" Zoro was about to jump and attack him only for Johnny and Yosaku to grab him and stop him.


And like that, the B. W ship slowly sailed closer to Baratie.

"Lower The Anchor!" Nami yelled at the agents, who followed her order and lowered the anchor, so they could be docked next to the other ships, which were docked near Baratie.

Masterson, Zoro, Carol, Johnny, and Yosaku left Nami to anchor the ship while they stepped on Baratie and walked toward the restaurant's main door.

That opens as a short elderly-looking man, who had a peg leg and seems to have no trouble walking with it, he walks toward the gang and says.

"Here I thought you kicked the bucket, Daniel... What took you so long? "

(A.N: For those who forget it's Masterson's name since I wouldn't just let people call him Daddy lol)

The elder man has blonde-colored hair, which he keeps underneath his extra-long chef's hat, he has a considerably long braided mustache and a goatee.

He wears a chef's uniform, with a blue ascot, and a white apron.

"Whohoho! Is this how you greet your old friends Zeff?"

Masterson's smile grew when he saw the short old man's grumpy face.

"Since when were we friends! You Baroque Works Do-"

"Uncle Zeff! I missed you a lot!"

Zeff's grumpy face became grumpier after hearing what Masterson said, so he started to curse at this thick-skin B. W agent, but before he finished his cursing.

He got interrupted by a little blonde girl, who ran toward him and embraced him tightly.

"Me too, little one..." Zeff's expression softened a little when he got hugged by the little girl.

'Uncle?' Zoro was taken aback, after hearing what Carol called this old man. 'does she see me that old too?'

(A. N: For those who don't remember Carol calls the greenhead, 'Uncle Zoro', so he was surprised when he saw her calling another man uncle, who is so old)

"Yo old men how have you and Sanji been"

Johnny greeted the old man as Nami walked toward them after she finished her work, she left the rest to the million agents.

"How have you been 'Uncle Zeff' "

She then greeted Baratie's owner while witnessing Zoro's expression, and so she called Zeff 'Uncle' while sending a teasing look at Zoro.

"Same, like always with that damned brat " Zeff replied as he looked in the direction that Nami was looking at.

He found a green-haired man with three swords on his waist, glaring at the giggling orange-haired girl.

"And he is?" Zeff asked Masterson as he looked at the greenhead, who stopped glaring at Nami and looked at him.

"Oh! Right I forgot! this is my partner Mr. Hunt-"

Which reminded Masterson to introduce Zoro to the head chef, but he got interrupted by a yellow flash that flew quickly toward Nami with his eyes in the shape of hearts.


"Hi, Sanji, it's been a while? Hehehe" Nami giggled when she saw the blonde man, who is called Sanji.

The man is a slim, muscular, long-legged man with blond hair which he keeps brushing over one side of his face.

He was wearing a black, double-breasted suit with golden buttons and a tie together with a long-sleeved buttoned shirt of varying colors.

"Yup! it been 1 month, 13 days, 16 hours, 30 mi-"

Sanji remembered the exact day, that he last saw his beloved, before he could finish speaking, he got hugged by Carol, who jumped out of Zeff's arms and quickly ran straight at the man with swirling eyebrows.

"Big Brother Sanji!!"

'Why... Why am I the only one who she calls uncle besides the old man?' Zoro's eyes twitch as he looks at Carol, who is laughing loudly in her 'Big bro' Sanji's arms.

Making Nami laugh while patting Zoro on his back when she saw Zoro's expression.

The swirly-brow chef felt someone was looking at him intensely but he ignored it in favor of talking with Carol until he heard Nami-swan laugh.

He quickly snaps his head to look there, where he finds Nami laughing until tears started to fall out while patting a green-haired guy his age.

To him, it looked like the green-haired man was flirting with Nami-swan, who didn't turn down his advances, instantly making him burn in jealousy and so he took it out by cursing. (A.N: Zoro and Nami aren't flirting this is all in Sanji's head)

"What are you looking at Mosshead?"

"What did you call me? Swirly Brow!" Zoro swiftly snaps back an insult at Sanji.

The swordsmen was already a little pissed off by Masterson's lie and after finding out that Carol sees him as an old man.

And here comes a punk who is looking for trouble, giving him a chance to release his anger.

Sanji put Carol on the ground and then walked toward the B. W Swordsmen while lighting a cigarette.


He said as he reached Zoro while glaring at the greenhead and continuing to say.

"...I called you MossHead, what are you going to do about it?"

"That's it! Swirly Brow you're dead!" Zoro returned his glare as he put his hand on his sword's handle.

"You stole the words out of my mouth, you wannabe Swordsman" Sanji glared at Zoro as he took his battle stance.

Sparks started to fly through the air as they glared at each other, the tension slowly grew between them.

Zoro slowly pulled out his swords and Sanji slowly shuffled his legs back and forth to warm up when...

"Calm down you two! Your scaring Carol" Suddenly Nami quickly stepped in front of the two idiots and punched them really hard on their heads with her usual angry look.

"Nami's right, you two," Yosaku said as he quickly pulled Sanji away to protect him from Nami's wrath.

While Johnny was doing the same to Zoro as he nodded his head.

Zoro and Sanji looked at Carol, who was looking at them with wide eyes in Zeff's arms, they calmed down after seeing that.

Masterson took the opportunity to step in and change the subject by saying, "Carol dear, I remember you saying that you miss the ice cream that Brother Sanji makes"

"Yup it's the best!" Carol's expression brightened up as she remembered her favorite ice cream and forgot about this incident as she quickly looked back at Sanji and said.

"Sanji! Sanji! please make me some!"

"Hahaha! Sure Dear" Sanji's expression softened as he smiled at her, afterward, he, Carol, Nami, Johnny, and Yosaku went to eat and catch ups with each other.

On the other hand, Zeff, Masterson, and Zoro went to Zeff's office to reminisce about the old blonde man and Masterson's journey in the Grandline.

"Bahahaha! Do you remember the time when I kick your and that Smoker kid butt Bahaha!" Zeff laughed loudly as he banged his arm on the table with his cheek reddening, which shows how drunk he truly is.

"Sigh... Why do you always repeat the same story when we gather and beside you know that me and smoker were just Ensign meanwhile you were already a well know pirate in paradise" Masterson tried to defend himself.

(A.N: I randomly chose Ensign's position for Masterson's rank in the marines but when I researched more about it in the one piece wiki, it turned out that it was his real position in the story :0... lol)

Zoro was listening to their interesting adventures in the Grandline as he drank some good Sake until he heard an unfamiliar term that piqued his interest.



Author Note.

For those wondering about everyone's ages:

Masterson's age in the original story is around 40-50 years old so I chose 43.

Carol: 6

Zeff's age: 65 (debut) so it is 63 since we are 2 years before Luffy sets out.

Smoker age: 34 (debut) and in this story 32.

And for those who are wondering about the main cast:

Zoro: 17

Nami: 16

Bryan: 32

Johnny: 21

Yosaku: 22

LittleFinger: 25

Mr.1: 29 (debut) - 2 years : 27

Miss DoubleFinger: 24

Miss AllSunday: 26

Coby: 14.

And finally the main character.

Luffy: 15

If you want to know anyone else's age tell me .

Okay, that's all hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Peace out :)