
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

B. W Large Scale Movements

"What are you doing standing there kill him!!" A large middle-aged man with an eye patch who was carrying a large spear in his hand said as he walked out of the captain's room and appeared behind his men.

"Captain!! / Captain!!"

"The Captain is joining us!" Pirates yelled happily as their morals rose when their backbone appeared at last.


"..." The Captain of the Spearheads Pirate, Troy Winesking didn't react to their greeting but looked around to see how many men they lost.

Since the beginning, he didn't show up because he was saving his strength to fight the agents on the B. W ship but if he didn't interfere soon he wouldn't have a crew to lead.

"What your order captain" The Vice-Captain walked toward his captain with a grim look on his face.

"Rigg... you will distract the agents with the cannon while I take care of him," Troy said with a cold look on his face.

"Aye Aye Captain!" Rigg yelled.

"Aye Aye Captain!!! / Aye Aye Captain!!!" which was quickly followed by all the pirates whose morale reach its peak.

"So you finally showed yourself, 'Captain' ?" Zoro said with his signature smirk on his face as he said captain sarcastically.

"Roronao Zoro..." Troy looked at the green-haired man and immediately knew who he is, he then continued saying.

"So it's true you have become the dog of Baroque Works... And here I thought that you were better than the other bounty hunter... "

He then continued.

"Do you know that I use to resp-" but before he finished what he was saying he got interrupted by Zoro who said.

"I don't care, Soru!!" Zoro wasn't interested in what he was going to say, the greenhead kicked the ground 10 really fast which broke the deck with his strength, and then it worked he disappeared from where he was standing.

"What!" Troy's eyes widen when he saw the greenhead disappearing he quickly looked around only to hear the sound of the grim reaper from behind him sentencing him to die today.

"Behind you! Oni!-" Zoro said as the captain of the Spearhead turned around to see the B. W swordsmen's knee on the floor and his arms crossed with his swords pointing to the sky.

"-Giri!!!(Demon Slash)" Zoro yelled as he slashed at the Captain with all of his strength as he spread his arms.

"Wha- Ahh!! Nooo!!!" Captain Troy's quickly raised his spear to block the incoming attack only for it to cut right through it.

"Impposi.." Troy Winesking said his last word as he looked at Zoro with disbelief color his face, until his last breath he couldn't believe that the greenhead could cut through his spear.


Afterward, his entire upper body slid from his bottom half and fell to the ground slowly covering it in blood.

The bottom half started to spray blood like a fountain covering everyone near it.

"..." The Spearhead pirates couldn't believe what they saw they just stood there getting covered in their captain's blood until Zoro kicked it away while yelling loudly.

"Your Captain is dead!! Surrender or meet his fate" As the greenhead points at the dead body of their captain.

Zoro's kick snapped them back to the reality of the situation.

"YOU! Bastard!!"


Some of the pirates wanted to avenge their fallen captain.


While the vast majority tried to run since their captain got killed that easily what would happen to them?

Even if they fought him to their last breath they still won't be able to kill him as the agents on the other ship will definitely step in to protect the Bounty Hunter.


Hence numerous pirates ran away by jumping off the ship and into the sea, hoping that it might help them escape this predicament.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Regrettably, they were shot one after the other before any of them even touched the water.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The B. W agents kept on shooting because some of the pirates still jumped even after the previous examples, the pirates hoped that the agents might miss, which didn't happen as the agents had gained a lot of experience this past week.

Bang! Bang!

The B. W agents continued shooting until their message was heard loud and clear by the pirates, who finally stopped jumping overboard to run away.


The pirates looked back at Zoro, only to find that all the pirates who had tried to avenge their Captain were already dead.

Only then did they finally learn their lesson and stood without moving an inch while staring at Zoro and the agents with fear and reluctance in their eyes.

"Capture Them!!" Masterson said coldly after seeing that they had expected their fate.

"Yes Sir" The Agents exclaimed simultaneously just as their ship neared the pirate ship.

Subsequently, the agents leaped toward the pirate ship and swiftly started to tie up the remaining pirates while some of them went to check on the ship.

"Good job, Zoro," Masterson said with a faint smile on his face as he walked toward the greenhead who was laying on the floor and breathing heavily, after seeing the pirates were taken care of.

"Huff... Huff..."

Zoro raised his head and glared at the men responsible for working him to death without even giving him time to rest.

If he hadn't seen any improvement, he might have already tried to kill him.

Masterson's smile grew larger when he saw Zoro's stare, he then said.

"Let go, the scouts have found your next target, they are 5 hours from here"

"You!!!" Zoro irritably yelled, he changed his mind, he wants to kill him right now.

"Whohoho, calm down! Hohoh, calm down I was joking" Which made Masterson break into laughter, afterward he calmed down and started explaining to the greenhead that they will go and meet a friend who said he has some information on the pirates movements.

"Mr. Sniper we have finished checking the ship and tieing up the pirates," A billion agents said after Masterson finished explaining their future plans.

"I see a good job, continue with the protocol," Masterson said as he quickly went into his commanding mode.

The protocol was pretty simple and that is for the 10 to 20 agents under the command of 1 or 2 billion agents to ride the pirate ship with the pirates on it to the nearest base.

Where after careful consideration and checking they decided the fate of the pirates and their ships.

Whether to sell them or put them out of their misery...

"Yes, Sir!" The billion agents said he then went to recruit the agents who would join him in this venture.


This week Zoro wasn't the only one who was tirelessly capturing pirates, but all the baroque works agents in the East Blue.

They were assigned a pirate crew to capture near their location by their base commander or rarely by Mr. Mountain.

Who usually gives out the dangerous pirate crews or the once connected to the rescue of another agent group who needed their help.

And after successfully capturing the pirates they are immediately given another pirate crew to apprehend without a moment of rest.

Mr. Mountain even gave some information to the marines who were hungry to show the world that they were also capable.

The agents hunted the pirates left and right without giving them a moment of rest.

Some pirates were successful in either running away or defeating the agents but unfortunately for them.

B. W sent a second squad with stronger agents to quickly tail after them when they learn of their failure.

Who swiftly subsides the pirates effortlessly, slowly they were pushing the pirates to their utmost limits, with some of them realizing that they might not be able to escape.

And so either to go down fight by attacking the normal island to vent out their rages or they quickly come up with a new strategy to hold entire islands hostage.

making many tragedies all around the east blue.

It was like a sign or warning telling them to not push the pirates to their limits or else...

Something dangerous would awaken.


Meanwhile, the reactions of the world's powerhouses, the four Yonko, Shichibukai (seven warlords), the marines, and many more, were vastly different then.

The citizens of the World and East Blue, who cheered for Baroque Works when they read about their victories in the World Economy News Paper.

The two of the four Yonkos didn't really care about it that much while the other two Emperors realized what a genius move whoever the leader of Baroque Works is doing.

The reaction of the warlords varied with some of them like Doflamingo and Gecko Moria regretting not thinking about it sooner, while the others were mildly interested or flat out not interested.

And finally, the Marines, who were divided into two groups, with one of them consisting of the normal marines who slowly started to look at Baroque Works as a rival and ally to their cause

And the other one consists of the higher up, who still didn't care that much about Baroque Works.

In just one week, Baroque Works a relatively young organization suddenly shot into the sky to the point the entire world knew about this mysterious group.

Making many information-gathering organizations scrabble to know more, who is the mysterious leader Mr. 0? When did they begin, how do they operate? is Mr. 0's Goal even real or was it just lies to win the public? And much more...

Baroque Works became the world's focus without Zoro's knowledge and even he did know, it wouldn't change anything for this training maniac who was currently swinging the two metal slabs.