
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

A day in Bryan's life (2)

"Huff... Huff... that guy is a mystery. Did you find anything interesting in his file, Damien? His age? Name or where he was born at?" Nathan asked Damien while looking at the door of the training hall, which made him miss Damien's expression slightly slipping, but he promptly covered it up and said.

"Huff... No...I found nothing... nothing at all..."

Demian stood up after saying that and walked toward the exit, but then he stopped as if he remembered something and turned his head and said, "Huh, right! Bryan, don't you forget that you have a morning meeting with Miss. LittleFinger and the Hundreds and Thousands."

"I know, I know, don't you worry," Bryan said as he stood up and walked out of the room while thinking. 'Sigh... meeting, paperwork, meeting, paperwork, it never ends... sigh I can't wait to change positions with Zoro'

Since He started leading Baroque Works, he learned that Baroque Works primarily functions by some Billion agents, who clearly have more power and influence than the average Billion agents. For example, the Billion agents who lead and are in charge of all the bases and fleet of ships in the East Blue.

They clearly had more power, so to distinguish them, Mr.1 made a special request to the Headquarters in the Grandline to make them a special rank that is below the Number agents but above the Billion agents. Which just have been granted and made them the Hundred and Thousand agents.

The Hundred agents are the ones who lead the bases around the East and other Blue seas. Meanwhile, the Thousand agents are the fleet leader and are usually in charge of directing the Billion and Million agents in coordinated hunts or raids.

And so, with this crusade against the pirates, He and Zoro started. It made him have many meetings with the Hundred and Thousand agents, like what he will do soon.


In Eastormel Fort, In a meeting room.

We can see Mr.Mountain, LittleFinger, and Demian, or as he is known as SquareGlasses, sitting on a long table filled with many men and women with a Den Den Mushi next to them.

Most of those men and women were representatives of their leaders, who had the most significant influence and power among the Hundreds and Thousands. Their influence spreads across multiple islands and fleets, with many Hundred and Thousand agents serving under them.

Those men are the ones with the highest chance of becoming Number agents, to the point that many started to call them Semi-Number.

Those Semi-Number are known by how close their numbers are to Hundred or thousand, like Mr. 107 or Mr. 1020.

Many of those Semi-Number agents were very busy leading their bases and fleets and couldn't come here, so instead, they sent those men and women here as their spokesperson to listen to Mr.Mountain and Miss. LittleFinger's opinions and orders while voicing their support or objection.

Only some Hundreds or Thousands personally came to attend this meeting.

"Currently, we have captured or killed more than 16% of the pirates this past one week and four days, with the remaining either being hunted as we speak or are hiding in Armada island.

But it isn't without losses on our end. 4% of our agents died, while 10% were injured, and 3% were critically wounded. Making more than 17% of our agents inactive, we join hands with Marine to help elevate some weight off our active agents like you have ordered, Mr. Mountain." A female agent with blonde hair and circle glasses said.

"I see. Good job TinyGlasses. Did any intel come from Armada island?" Mr. Mountain asked with a solemn expression he usually wears when working.

"Yes, Sir, Captain Kurl has said that the meeting would begin today evening."

"When the information does arrive, bring it to me."

"Yes, Sir!" TinyGlasses bowed nervously. She ran out of the meeting room when Mr.Mountain gave her the option.

"Does anybody have anything else to report?" Mr. Mountain asked.

"Hmm... I have," A man said as he raised his hand.

"What is it? Mr....-" Mr. Mountain asked as he looked at the man's name tag. "-Dagger?"

"I'm sent from TradeHam port city by Mr. Sword, or as he now goes by Mr. 103, who was ordered by Mr.1 to open a base there." (A.N: TradeHam port is the city where we begin this story)

"I know, so what do you have to report?" Mr. Mountain's expression darkened when he heard the name of that port city. It made him remember his loss and how weak he was.

Mr.Dagger noticed his dark complexion, so he quickly reported what he was ordered.

"Mr.103 (Mr. Sword) is asking for an increase in budget and the date of arrival for the medicine that Captain Augustins ordered. Sir!" Mr.Dagger expressed swiftly, with sweat slowly covering his back.

"Why does he need an increase in the budget?" Mr. Mountain said while looking at SquareGlasses(Demain), who quickly looked through the files and said."The medicine would be arriving soon, one week or sooner."

"Really, That's good! And as for why we need an increase in budget, it is because we didn't account for the cost..."


And like that, Mr.Mountain spent his entire Afternoon in meetings.

"Does anyone have anything else to report?" Mr. Mountain asked, with him still wearing that solemn expression.

"No, Sir," the agents said.

"I see. Then continue with our previous plans, and now go back to your work," Bryan said, which the billion agent heeded and left the meeting room one by one until only Bryan and Damien were left.

"Phew... I thought it would never end..." Bryan said as he stretched his arms and his solemn look gradually disappeared after making sure everyone had left.

After relaxing for a little bit, Bryan looked at Demian, who was occupied by reading all the reports a billion agents had turned in.

"Hey, Demian, What do I have next on my schedule?" Bryan asked, his heart beating loudly, wishing he could have the rest of the day off, which Demain shattered when he said.

"Currently, you have a short lunch break. Afterward, you must head back to the office to sign some papers. After that, at 5 O'clock evening, you will be meeting Mayor Josef in the Pirate King's Execution Site to celebrate the No Pirates festival. The new celebration that Mayor Josef and Mr. 1 plan after not a single pirate was witnessed in Loguetown this past few months-"

"Sigh... Why did I accept this position? Demian, can I quit?" Bryan sighed loudly as he interrupted Demain, who was informing him of everything he would do today.

"Sigh... you know we can't quit. Anyway, let's go and have some lunch. I heard that today our chefs were able to get their hands on some of the rare Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna." Demain said as he closed the report, he was read and walked out of the meeting room and towards Bryan's office.

"Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna...." After Bryan processed what Demain said, he promptly stood up and swiftly ran to his office to order the dish.

"Sigh..." Demain sighed with a gentle smile as he followed his captain. Even if Bryan kept on complaining about everything single this past week, he knew that his captain appreciated his new position of power.

Because now they could bring real changes to the East Blue that they used to dream about.

'I swear that as long as I'm alive! Nobody else will ever experience the agony we experienced!' A young and immature Bryan cried loudly to the sky.

Demain's smile grew when he remembered Bryan's old promise. 'Slowly, no one in East Blue will ever go through the difficult time we went through, and that is because of you, Captain.'

"Demian! Come, the food is delicious! Jajajaja! This is the best thing I ever ate! Demian, come here and try this," Bryan yelled loudly when he saw Demain near his office door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Demain said as he closed the door and went to join Bryan.

'I wish these peaceful times will continue forever... No, I'll make sure those days continue forever.'


After Bryan finished eating his lunch, he stopped fooling around with Demain and started to sign the paperwork seriously.

He knew that in private, he could complain as much as he liked, but when he sat on this chair, he would need to do his work seriously, and so he signed every paper that Demain gave him without any complaints since he knew what a great position of power he was in.

"Demain, this here needs to be changed," Bryan said while pointing at a piece of paper.

"On it" Demain nodded and went to do what Bryan ordered.

"Demain, call TinyGlasses since some part of this data is missing."

"Yes, sir"

And like that, those two spent the rest of their time working until it was time he needed to go and meet Moyer Josef.


Author Note:

Hello everyone. Author here :)

How was the chapter? I hope you enjoyed it :) What do you think about the Hundred and Thousand agents? and what do you all think about those past few chapters? Interesting, boring, or do you miss seeing Zoro and the gang? Write down whatever you think about it. Who knows, it might help the story :)

As for why I wrote this Author note here, Its because I wanted to inform you that the closer the agents code is to the Hundred(100) and Thousand(1000), the stronger he is, for example, Mr.Sword or as he is known now Mr.103 is the third strongest Hundred agent in the East Blue.

Okay, that's all for today. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please comment below, and I will try my best to fix them, and If you like the story, please leave a review so the story can be rated and grow more popular :)

Peace out :)